Hi guys! Today I will show you the results of our Survey for Gamers.
First of all, I want to thank all of you that took part in this survey, because you made this possible.
Second, I want to say that the total number of people that took part in this survey so far is 105. I would have liked to have a bigger sample size but this is enough for our needs.
With 100 people sample size, the margin of error is 10%. For example, if 60% of the participants reported a fear of heights, there would be a 95% probability that between 50 and 70% of the total population have a fear of heights.
Of course, the survey will remain open and those of you that haven’t done it till now can still take part in this research that we are doing. Here is the Survey for Gamers.
When we gather 500 people in total, we will update this post with the new statistics, and we will combine the results of multiple answers. The reason we didn’t do that now is because we don’t have at least 100 people from each of the main gaming platforms and saying that 19 PS4 gamers represent the PS4 community isnt something we are willing to do.
We also made a new survey for Anime Fans. Here is the link. We would really appreciate it if you took the time to complete it.
Now without further ado, let’s see the results.
Table of Contents
Gamers’ Gender

Nothing surprising here. Males were 89 and females were 16. We all knew that the vast majority of gamers were males, but it’s good to have proof.
Age Groups

As you can see 46.7% of gamers are between 18 and 24 years old.
It’s also nice to note that there are almost as many gamers that are not yet adults (17 years old and lower) as there are middle-aged (35 or more), which shows that gaming is not age-restricted as many people think.
Hours per Week

80% of gamers play video games between 1 and 30 hours per week which averages about 4 hours per day.
Gaming Consoles

55.2% of gamers play on PC. I can’t say that this is surprising considering that PC has a lot more uses than gaming consoles and since someone can have it all in one, the best choice for gaming is clearly PC.
You can also see the decline that XBOX has over the past years.
The following is one of the most interesting questions in this survey.
Favorite Game Genre

We have a clear win for Role Playing Games with 41.7%. No wonder there are so many today.
First Person Shooter games come second with 23.3%. None of the rest genres surpass 5% so there’s no need to mention anything further.
Next, we asked gamers how would they describe themselves, hardcore or casual.
Casual or Hardcore?

The 8.6% difference between gamers who consider themselves casuals and those who consider themselves hardcore was certainly
Maybe there are a lot more hardcore gamers than people think or maybe people like to think themselves as hardcore gamers when in reality they aren’t.
The results in this next question also surprised us. I think many of you will be surprised as well.
Video Games as a Job

I think you may have heard many times from friends or have seen comments of people saying I would love to play games as a job. Getting paid to do the things you have fun doing is a dream come true right? It seems that this isn’t the case.
Only 54.3% of gamers would like to play games as a job. It turns out not so many gamers would want to turn their hobby into a job.
It’s interesting to note that the number of people who considered themselves as casual gamers and the ones who would like to have video games as a job is exactly the same (this doesn’t mean that the casuals all answered that they would like to have video games as a job).
This is odd, considering that
The next two questions have been a subject of discussion in the media for a long time now.
Video Game Addiction

72.4% of gamers don’t believe that they are addicted to video games. Usually, about 2% of all gamers are actually addicted, so 27.6% of you who think you are addicted might be a bit too harsh on yourselves.

57.1% of the gamers that took part in the survey answered that others don’t believe they are addicted to video games. That means that 15.3% of gamers have a different opinion from others concerning whether or not they are addicted to video games. Of course, not many people understand exactly how severe video game addiction is.
Another interesting subject of discussion in the gaming world is piracy. So we asked gamers if they would ever download a pirated copy of a video game.
We purposely didn’t ask if they ever pirated a video game because many people don’t like to admit doing something illegal even if it’s for a survey so rephrased the question in a way that we can get our answers without them having to admit they pirated a video game, and in that way, we also learned how many gamers would be willing to pirate a video game at some point if they felt the need to.
Downloading Pirated Games

62.9% of gamers would pirate a video game. If we are being honest the vast majority of these people have already pirated a video game.

90.5% of gamers believe that a company’s bad policy with microtransactions can ruin a game.
77.1% of gamers consider the microtransactions a game has before they buy it.
Most companies, even though they know how gamers feel about microtransactions, keep putting more and more microtransactions in games that aren’t purely cosmetic and severy impact the experience of the players.
Purchasing Cosmetic Items

Another interesting stat is that 69.5% of gamers don’t even like buying even those purely cosmetic items.
There are a lot of games these days that are pay-to-win, especially the MMORPG genre, it is full of them. Here is what gamers think about Pay-to-Win.

92.4% of gamers say that don’t play pay-to-win games, yet there are so many of them. It seems that companies consider the revenue they make from that 7.6% more than the need of the rest when monetizing their games.
Opinions on DRMs

72.4% of gamers don’t think that DRMs like Denuvo who severely impact the performance of games should exist. Companies still use those DRMs even though they only hurt their customers.
Those who would pirate their game can wait for a few weeks and won’t buy it just because they don’t want to wait.
Cloud Gaming is a new thing in the gaming world, and many call it the future of gaming. Let’s see what the gamers have to say.
Opinions on Cloud Gaming

65.7% of gamers don’t like the idea of Cloud Gaming even though there are services like Google Stadia which will be available soon, which is purely made for Cloud Gaming. There are a lot of problems with Cloud Gaming.
Monthly Fees for Specific Publishers

The last question in our survey was about services like Uplay+ and
68.6% of gamers would never pay for a monthly fee for services like Uplay+. No matter how much they try to push their new agenda, seems like gamers won’t stand for it.
They may want for Cloud Gaming and subscriptions to be the future of gaming but the majority of gamers don’t want them.
That’s it for our article guys. I hope you liked it. What do you think about the results? Did you find them interesting? Tell us your opinion on the comments below. See ya in the next article.
For those of you that want to see all the answers from each person. Here is the file.
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