About Us

Hello and welcome to our website. We hope this place to be a sort of haven for gamers, anime fans, and anyone interested in geek culture in general. We will have plenty of posts about these subjects, and any other related subject.


The website was created with the time and money of two people, George, and Alex. We are both enrolled for a Computer Engineering Degree at the same university, and despite not knowing each other before, we became close friends almost instantly. We are very much alike, as we are both very introverted, and passionate about games. We also share the same target: for this site to be as successful as it can be.


We will be posting various posts about any issue that comes to our mind, and of course, we are eager to have a discussion on these subjects with you. Any opinion, criticism, or even ideas are welcome here (if they are not annoying attempts to spam).

This site may have advertising links.

You may see paid advertisements throughout this site. Some of the sites that are shown in the ads are chosen automatically by a computer algorithm.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, suggestions, or even complaints you can send us an e-mail, on administration@gamerwelfare.com.

All the best, The GamerWelfare team