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Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method

Hi guys! Today I will teach you how to use a mouse and keyboard to play games on Cemu. It probably won’t work on all games, but one game that it will surely work on is BotW. This process is tested and if you follow every step to the letter, I guarantee you that it will work out. This is the 200th article on this site so I decided to make this article since the article with the old method is the most popular article on the website.

If for some reason you can’t make it work with this method no matter what you try, then you can always check the old method:

Before I start, I would like to thank memethyl (the person who made Mouse2Joystick and the original setup guide on github) for the tips and fixes he provided.

What you will need:

Besides Cemu, you will need to download two files. The websites are safe and the files don’t contain any viruses.

Here are the links:

The first link is a short description of the things I am about to show you. I followed that guide to setup my Cemu but since it didn’t mention key bindings it took some time to make everything work so I made this guide to make the setup as detailed and easy as possible. I recommend you read that guide one time because it contains some important warnings that I don’t think are necessary to repeat here.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
The first link has a guide to setup Cemu.

The first thing you need to install is ViGEmBus.

The second link has information on ViGemBus and ways to fix various problems so I recommend reading it if any problem arises.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
The second link has information on ViGemBus.

The third link has the ViGEmBus installer.

Download ViGEmBus_1.18.367_x64_x86.exe I show in the image below and install ViGEmBus, you don’t need to change anything in the installation options, just click Next and Install. In the future, there may be newer versions of the program, only install the version that says Latest on the top, NOT PRE-RELEASE.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
The third link has the ViGEmBus installer.

To check if everything is installed correctly search Device Manager on the Windows search bar and then open it. On the top click on View->Devices by Connection.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
This is the image you will see after you click View->Devices by Connection.

Look for entries with names like Virtual Gamepad Emulation Bus or Nefarius Virtual Gamepad Emulation Bus.

If more than one entry appears you might have multiple versions of ViGEmBus installed which may cause conflicts. Follow the full clean section, it’s part of the second link I showed you.

If there is only one entry then you can continue.

Right-Click on Nefarius Virtual Gamepad Emulation Bus then click on Properties. Click on the Driver tab and you should see something like the image below.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
Image of Nefarious Virtual Gamepad Emulation Bus Properties

If you see something like this then ViGEmBus is installed correctly.

Next, you have to go to the fourth link.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method

The fourth link has the

You have to download this zip and extract it. You don’t have to download the version that is shown in the image, as time passes new versions will come out so download the latest version.

After you downloaded and extracted the zip go to the extracted folder and open Mouse2Joystick.exe AS ADMIN, always open it as administrator (it might work correctly even if you run it without administrator privileges but depending on the version of windows 10 or 11 there might be some bugs and running it as admin may fix them).

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
Image of Mouse2Joystick.exe

Copy my settings as you them in the image.

Next open Cemu.

Click on Options->Input settings

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
Image of Input settings window.

Click on the – Icon till there are no controllers.

In the Emulated controller option choose Wii U Gamepad.

Before continuing make sure you have opened Mouse2Joystick.exe AS ADMIN.

Now click on the + Icon which is next to the – Icon.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
Image of the window that appears after you click + Icon and the settings you have to select THE FIRST TIME.

Copy my settings as you see them. If you don’t see a Controller 1 option it means that you haven’t opened Mouse2Joystick, so make sure you open it AS ADMIN.

After you copy my settings click Add, then click the + Icon again.

Now copy the settings of the image below.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
Image of the window that appears after you click + Icon and the settings you have to select THE SECOND TIME.

After you copy the settings click Add.

Below is the window you will see after you click Add.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
Notice that the Controller that is selected is Keyboard[Keyboard]

As you can see all the key bindings are greyed out. To change the key bindings click on each greyed box and press the key you want to assign it to. Before you click anything check the image below and copy my Key Bindings since they work perfectly and it took me some time to set it up.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
Make sure your Keyboard[Keyboard] key bindings look the same as mine in this image.

If you change the controller to Controller 1[XInput] by clicking Keyboard[Keyboard] and then choosing Controller 1[XInput] you will see the image below.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
Make sure your settings look the same in Controller 1[XInput], you won’t have to change anything here since you copied the keyboard settings before from me.

Don’t mess with the settings in Controller 1[XInput], if you do, you have to press – Icon again till all the controllers are clear and then create them again with the + Icon. Y and ZR as you can see aren’t greyed in Controller 1[XInput] that’s because we have already set them in Mouse2Joystick.exe

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
Y is binded to the Left Mouse Button and RZ to the Right Mouse Button.
If you want to change the keybindings only change the Keyboard[Keyboard] keybindings don’t mess with Controller[XInput].

You MUST UNCHECK DISABLE MOUSE CLICKS because without it being enabled, Left-Click won’t work correctly. Also, I recommend unchecking Hide Cursor and Lock Cursor when you play games. When you uncheck something it enables it.

Now we are basically done. Two more recommendations, to change the sensitivity edit X Resistance and Y Resistance values on the Mouse2Joystick window. Also if you play BotW change the Camera sensitivity in-game to Very Fast.

  • Disable Mouse Clicks: Blocks all mouse clicks in Cemu’s window. Use this to keep the mouse from “touching” the virtual GamePad.
  • Hide Mouse: Hides the cursor while Cemu is the foreground window.
  • Lock Mouse: Forces the cursor to stay in the middle of the screen while Cemu is the foreground window.
Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – New Method
Notice Disable Mouse Clicks, Hide Cursor and Lock Cursor are unchecked, which means they are active.  Copy my settings as you see them.

Finally, you MUST open Mouse2Joystick.exe AS Admin AFTER you have already opened the game because with Disable Mouse Clicks being active you won’t be able to interact with Cemu at all.

Some games might require gyroscope/motion controls. For those games watch this video:

I also recommend you to watch Cemu Complete Setup Guide:

This was the guide. Thanks for reading it, and I hope that all went well without problems. If you have faced any problems or have any questions feel free to comment below and ask.

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Hello, thanks for your guide, it was very helpful and it works fine, except for the camera, it stops moving after the cursor hits the edge of my screen, every setting is exactly the same as in the guide.


I can’t seem to figure out what the keybind is to click the right axis. Currently it’s listed as “r-stick” but I don’t know what that maps to on my mouse/keyboard, nor am I sure exactly how to change it. Q for the Left Axis click works great, and everything else works great, I just can’t figure this one out.


Some screenshots are not available in the article, so i cannot properly set controls for Contoller 1 (Xinput). Cannot make LMB to work

Last edited 1 year ago by Mirgrowth

Hi there, the camera automatically moves in spiral even when I don’t move my mouse. Do you know any fix to this?

Mister BOmbastic

Thank you. Works surprisingly well. I only changed Shift with Control since at least for me the lock on on this game is kind of terrible and my pinkie isn’t what it used to be. I also find the up and down of the camera to be a bit slow compared to left and right.


I cant play the game with mouse locked. How much I changed it in settings of the XInputs the Rotation or the Axis, nothing helps. The Camera move on it on every time i begin to just move the mouse. The Camera move to right conner ALL THE TIME. What to do? I cant move the camera with my mouse on my own


Just tested on CEMU 1.27 and 2.06, same problem both times. Joystick/mouse is sticking to the bottom right hand corner of the screen unless you no longer lock cursor, in which case you run out of room to move the camera around. Followed this guide to a T with no issues, and it shows even on the input menu. Trying to force a fix on my end, please tag me if either of you (or someone else) finds out what is going on with it. It is not a problem with the mouse itself. Same problem encountered with two mice… Read more »


Thanks for this review. I set everything up, though getting ‘x’ to work properly was quite difficult and did require some resetting.

But, it’s still a bit janky isn’t it compared to an actual controller, so I think I’ll be sticking with that. This was a very insightful experience!


I’m having some issues with Mouse2Joystick, the program window, after extracting and running as ADMIN keeps flashing green like this: What could be the problem?


Hey there! I’m fully set up and everything works great except the camera, which moves down and to the right no matter what direction I move my mouse in. It’s caused by enabling the “lock cursor” option in M2J. Is there a way to fix this?

Alternatively is there a way to make my camera movement fast enough so that I can move it around without having the cursor stuck to the middle of the screen?




What exactly does the left mouse button do? Because when I click on it, nothing happens. The right mouse button works though for aimihg bows.


Hello, i have a problem where the cursor wont lock in the middle, so after i did the setup, to make it work, i have to empty the box for lock cursor, hide cursor and disable mouse click right? So i closed the mous2joy and cemu. Open cemu, load botw and then you open mouse2joy right? otherwise it doesn’t seem to be working. Something worth mentioning is the mouse2joy always close itself the first time but opens the second time.


i did this and it works just fine…but for breath of the wild specifically, the cursor stays on the screen and there’s limited range of motion. the camera stops moving when my cursor hits the end of my screen.


All the keys work fine but the camera moves by itself and I can’t control it with my mouse.

Last edited 2 years ago by Archa