(This list is updated up to Sonic Forces: Speed Battle version 4.3.1)
Before I start, I would like to thank every single person who comments, either to express their opinions and have a pleasant dialogue or to notify me of changes I don’t notice. Thanks a lot, guys!
This tier list will have the same rules as my previous one.
In other words:
My opinion is not de facto correct, nor what I say is set in stone. As a matter of fact, everything here is my opinion, and a low placement should not discourage you from using anyone.
The tier list will be split into 5 tiers: S, A, B, C, and D. S is the best tier and D is the worst.
I should mention that the S-Tier is for game-breaking characters and that anyone down to B-Tier is just as viable if you are good.
You will, however, need extra skill to pull off a C-Tier or even a D-Tier.
Oh and one more thing. The order within the tiers doesn’t represent anything. It’s simply in the order the characters are presented in-game.
Of course, I will also be providing you with a brief explanation of each character, as well as why I placed them there.
I should note to those who don’t know: that every character has stats and weapons. Each one has 3 weapons, a single lane/single-target weapon, a boost that turns into a barrier if you are ahead, and a trap weapon.
The weapons also have a type. I color-coded them so should be easier to understand, but some characters have unique weapons, so I colored them with the color of their characters.
Every character also has a rarity. This does not mean much but I have to note something about Holiday characters.
They are characters that are available for a limited time. They also happen to be much stronger than their original character. That is because SEGA needs to get money somehow and having stronger characters that are also limited is a good way to do it.
Finally, a little about the stats. Speed is the maximum speed you can reach, Acceleration is how fast you can reach that speed and Strength is how much speed you lose when ht (along with the factor of weapon strength).
High-Speed characters tend to do better collecting rings early and avoiding a lot.
High Acceleration characters definitely play with their other stat, strength, or speed.
High Strength characters like playing it slow and hitting their enemies, and don’t mind getting hit as long as they don’t get left behind.
If you want to see more on the game’s gameplay, refer here.
Without further ado:
-Big the Cat
Speed: 7/10
Acceleration: 7/10
Strength: 10/10
Chopper Chomp
Umbrella Boost
Big isn’t game-breakingly broken. But he sure is good at what he does.
Generally, he’s an unstoppable force. He starts rolling, and no matter how hard you hit, he ain’t stopping.
Once he does start rolling, he hits you with his heavy Water Type attacks. Water Type attacks hit you and then give you a huge slow that quickly wears off.
His Lilytrap is also highly unpredictable and even the best players can mess it up.
The gist is that 2 out of 4 lanes with Lilytraps eject water, and afterward, the other 2 do. You gotta time it perfectly.
Did I mention he has the longest boost in the game? (That also hurts opponents.)
That’s what S-Tier looks like.
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 5/10
Strength: 9/10
Ice Wave
Ice Boost
Ice Mine
Another amazingly strong character, Chaos the demi-god runs fast, and he’s difficult to stop.
What bumps him up to S-Tier however, is his full Ice Type arsenal, and his Ice Wave more specifically.
Ice is very powerful in general, as it disallows moving and weapon throwing, plus, a frozen opponent is more likely to get hurt again by any hazard on the stage.
As you upgrade Chaos, his Ice Wave hits progressively more lanes, making him unbelievably strong.
Speed: 7/10
Acceleration: 9/10
Strength: 10/10
Fire Boost
Explosive Mine
Updated to have even more stats, Zavok finally reached his accomplice Zazz in S-Tier.
Fire-type moves are among the strongest and he has Explosive Mines to boot. Getting hit by Zavok is no small deal.
And hitting him does nothing much do to his max Strength stat. Now, with even better acceleration, it’s really hard to stop him.
Zavok is not as flashy as the other S-Tiers nor has something really unique but he sure proves that brute force can also be the way.
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 10/10
Strength: 5/10
Electro Boost
Star Trail
Zazz is extremely unique.
As an opponent, he is the most annoying character you will face.
If you control him, however, you must do your best to keep ahead.
2 Electric Type attacks one of which attracts rings, coupled with his high speed and acceleration, and you have enough to get the lead.
From there, Star Trail.
Star Trail leaves stars behind you for a short amount of time. This can get extremely annoying to your opponents, as they have to be careful of your trail, along with everything else.
Zazz is the best character to keep a lead and should be your go-to if you like being annoying.
-Santa Big
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 9/10
Strength: 7/10
Frozen Chopper Chomp
Festive Umbrella Boost
Flue Shot
OP stats, a long boost, I wonder what he lacks.
The only negative I can find is that his Frozen Chopper Chomp is easy to dodge if you’re paying attention…
Honestly, Flue Shot isn’t the hardest thing in the world to dodge, but with an Ice-Type attack, Flue Shot being a little weaker than the strongest weapon in the game, and 25/30 total to his stats, you have to wonder what SEGA was thinking.
-Reaper Metal Sonic
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 5/10
Strength: 9/10
Harvest Time
Ice Boost
Dead End
And you thought Shadow was edgy.
Probably the most popular character around (at least when it comes to Holiday characters) Reaper Metal Sonic is a pain in the ass.
Harvest Time is like Explosive Mine, coming from behind, and covering multiple lanes.
He has 9/10 Strength and 2 Ice-Type attacks. Things cannot get more annoying.
Yet they do. Dead End doesn’t spawn 3 stuff in 3 lanes like usual. Instead, it spawns a tombstone in front of the leading racer (or the second if you’re first) a bunch of times.
His stats don’t deserve S-Tier, but his weapons really do the trick.
Santa Big is probably much better, but you know what they say; you can’t beat the edgelords.
-Witch Rouge
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 7/10
Strength: 7/10
Wind Boost
Booby Trap
Drac-O’-Lantern is not a Fire-Type attack, I just couldn’t find a better color to use since she shares this weapon with Vampire Shadow.
Ok, first of all, what are these stats? I know at least 3 hedgehogs that should be complaining.
Witch Rouge is excellent to use in general, you just don’t see her as often because… well, she’s not edgy or “cool”.
Drac-O’-Lantern, in particular, is dreadful, as, if it hits you, you will be slow as molasses for a while.
No doubt, Witch Rouge deserves a spot in the S-Tier.
-Spring Cream
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 10/10
Strength: 4/10
Chao Attack
Bunny Boost
Hedge Maze
Spring Cream brings everything good Cream does, with a slight alteration in her 3rd attack.
Her Chao Attack is a boomerang, which means it can hit twice, on the way out and on the way back.
Bunny Boost gives you more speed when you switch lanes, but to compensate, the boost isn’t that strong.
Hedge Maze works like Lilytraps or Flue Shot. It covers 2 lanes with unpassable Hedges, and the other 2 lanes have Hedges on the bottom.
Should you get hit, you gain a debuff that reduces your speed every time you switch lanes for a while.
Her only negative is her low Strength.
-DJ Vector
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 7/10
Strength: 8/10
Audio Assault
Beat Boost
Storm Cloud
DJ Vector. 1 less stat total from the actual Vector with much better weapons.
Audio Assault and Beat Boost introduce a new mechanic. I’ll call it Silence because it locks the opponent from using Items for a while.
Special shout out to Beat Boost that, besides Silencing an opponent, gives you an extra speed boost when switching lanes.
So, due to the two new Silences, a strong Boost, and an excellent stat total, DJ Vector certainly deserves S-Tier.
(Pro Tip: You can dodge Storm Cloud by sliding. You’re welcome.)
-Punk Zazz
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Strength: 10/10
Audio Assault
Beat Boost
As with Dj Vector, Punk Zazz introduces a new mechanic in the game. I’ll call it Silence because it locks the opponent from using Items for a while.
Besides 2 new mechanics and an arguably awesome Boost, Punk Zazz has the legendary 25/30 stat total, and honestly, puts some S-tier characters to shame.
Tornado is the only… dissonance as it really doesn’t fit. Yes, it helps with his Speed but it’s Zazz, shouldn’t he have had an Electric Type move.
But, to be fair, Punk Zazz is certainly one of the best characters out there.
-Sir Percival
Speed: 8/10
Acceleration: 10/10
Strength: 8/10
Laevatein Lunge
Blazing Aura
Lava Bomb
We’ve got the newest highest stat total with a whopping 26/30.
But she isn’t all about stats. Percival has awfully strong weapons (2 of them being hard-hitting Fire Weapons).
Laevatein Lunge is a dash that gives you more speed if you manage to hit an opponent.
Blazing Aura hits adjacent lanes, in addition to everyone you pass through.
Lava Bomb is the only mediocre thing about her but it’s still really strong.
I really have no more words for Sir Percival, her stats speak for herself.
-Unicorn Cream
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 10/10
Strength: 4/10
Rainbow Blast
Magical Boost
Regular Cream falls slightly short off of S-Tier. So if a slight improvement comes she is bumped to S, like Spring Cream. Enter Unicorn Cream.
Just like Spring Cream (and with the same stats), Unicorn Cream is an S-Tier that won’t ruin your game (looking at you Zazz).
Unlike Spring Cream though she retains the Chao-Nado and loses the Chao Attack. Her boost is also different.
Now Rainbow Blast is kinda like a weaker Ice Wave. It deals damage (to multiple lanes when upgraded) but doesn’t leave an effect.
I mentioned Zazz… Well, Magical Boost leaves behind you permanent rainbows that damage anyone that touches them. Just like Zazz’s stars… but quite less annoying I guess.
Chao-Nado is good ol’ Chao-Nado. Spawns in front of your leading enemy (or behind you if you are leading) and steals speed.
Unicorn Cream is definitely not the craziest thing we’ve seen in S-Tier but she does deserve it as she has an edge against other A-Tier characters.
-Infinite the Jackal
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 10/10
Strength: 6/10
Reality Warp
Phantom Dash
Deadly Replica
Ok. Wow. Just wow.
So they put In Infinite, the main baddie along with Eggman in Sonic Forces. And boy is he broken. I must certainly say he could be his own tier but I don’t want to break the formatting.
26 base stats and broken weapons. Leaving the weapons aside, did they really have to give him of all characters those absurd stats? I mean, there’s Super Sonic on the roster.
Anyway, I’m not gonna explain exactly what the weapons do as it’s something you’ve probably already seen by now (Wave attacks and Mine-esque attacks). But I will tell you about the broken status they inflict upon you.
I will talk about the dash first actually as it’s kind of unique. The effect is similar to most dashes, with the difference that it drains rings to keep going, similar to Super Sonic.
Anyway, Infinite’s unique status effect is… let’s call it Different Reality. So Different Reality actually lets you run in a world where dash pads and item boxes are replaced with spikes. No bonus for you. Also, the enemy Badnicks are invulnerable. Going to them actually damages you!
I don’t have to tell you how broken this is. I mean, you hurt your opponents. You make them lose Rings and slow down. And you’re giving them almost 0 chance to come back.
They did nerf him which now puts him more in line with S-Tier (and the game…) which goes to show how absurd he is was.
-Nutcracker Silver
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 5/10
Strength: 8/10
Psychic Surprise
Jingle Boost
Ice Mine
You know you’re in trouble when Silver reaches S-Tier. I mean, every iteration comes out better and better.
Psychic Surprise is a heavy-hitting mine. But you carry it in front of you for a while (maybe sniping a few unfortunate ones) and if you don’t find a target, it doesn’t matter; you launch it. It also explodes when triggered.
Jingle Boost is an Ice boost (freezes on contact) that doubles as a shield.
Ice Mine is the usual. Our favorite little freeze mines.
You know, Nutcracker Silver ain’t that op. Honestly, he could maybe be A-Tier. But if you can use Psychic Surprise to its strengths, you will also be surprised with what you can do.
-Cream the Rabbit
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 9/10
Strength: 4/10
Chao Attack
Bunny Boost
A first glance in Cream reveals she has weapons of her own Type. Call it Bunny Type, call it Chao Type, Cream has among the best weapons in the game.
Her weapons are why she’s on S-Tier even though she has the same stat total as Blaze (and many other non-S-Tiers).
Chao Attack initially works like most other single-lane weapons, but shortly after returns back. Opponents have to be careful about both instances of this attack.
Bunny Boost works while you switch lanes, which is just what you need to do in this game in order to avoid the opponents’ attacks. The boost is sub-par to compensate of course.
And Chao-Nado closes the set. It’s placed in front of the opponent ahead of you (or behind you if you’re first), and should it hit, it steals speed from an opponent.
Cream rarely needs to worry about anything. She has the stats and weapons to both catch-up and keep the lead and definitely belongs in the A-Tier
-Rouge the Bat
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 8/10
Strength: 6/10
Illusion Boost
Booby Trap
Rouge has the same stats as Espio and the Illusion Boost, like Espio. So why is she A-Tier and not B-Tier like Espio (or vice versa)?
She does have the Booby Trap though which is class superior to Illusion Mine. It locks the opponent’s Items away and they must pay 10 Rings to unlock them
Anyone affected by one is in serious trouble as they either have to pay 10 rings and lose speed or stay with a locked Item for the rest of the match.
All in all, it’s extremely annoying to play against her, and she surely deserves a better tier than Espio.
-Storm the Albatross
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Strength: 10/10
Wind Boost
Zap Trap
Storm’s stat total is the biggest in the game, along with other characters of course. The only reason he’s not B-Tier like his boss.
His Wind attacks go very well with his high speed, but the thing keeping him away from the sweet, sweet S-Tier is Zap Trap.
While Electic is a good Type, Zap Trap is extremely predictable and easy to dodge, and only appears in front of 1 (or 2 or everyone after enough upgrades) of the opponents.
Anyone with half a brain can switch lanes or slide to dodge.
(Pro Tip: You can dodge Zap Trap by sliding. You’re welcome.)
-Vector the Crocodile
Speed: 8/10
Acceleration: 9/10
Strength: 8/10
Bubble Bomb
Bad, bad, bad… At least that’s what I used to say
His (really) high stat total was really held back by his weapons, but he’s been slightly buffed to the point of deserving A-Tier.
Fireball is good, in fact, I can’t think of something better there.
Invincibility is really good, but Vector has really high Strength, so maybe he’d benefit from something more… speedy.
Bubble Blast was the bane of his existence as it dealt no damage, but now that it does deal damage, it is better.
All in all, Vector is the character for you if you want stats and simple weapons. In other words, he is a vanilla character. If you like simple but effective characters, then Vector is for you.
-Wave the Swallow
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Strength: 7/10
Wrench Rush
Explosive Mine
Wave is pretty good, despite not having a specific Type for her weapons (making her excel at something).
She has a Wind Attack to help her steal rings and goes well with her high speed.
She has the Explosive Mines, the strongest attack in the game.
And her boost hurts opponents in both her lane and the lanes next to her.
Wave is generally pretty good and takes the niche of “fast and sturdy hard-hitter” quite well.
-Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 7/10
Strength: 6/10
Rocket Boost
Honor Guard
Welcome, Dr. Eggman. The long-awaited villain returns!
Eggman has pretty good stats, nothing too special, but not bad overall. With these stats though, you’d think he could beat Sonic in a fair battle but whatevs.
Anyway, what sets him apart is his weapons, or rather, his toys.
Eggman’s weapons are unique and require the opponent to consciously think about dodging them which is huge for a game that is all about fast reactions and reflexes.
His Balkiry targets one opponent (and on later levels two and three) and throws five missiles. When they lock on (seen when a red target appears in their position), the target(s) have to dodge by switching lanes. If they dodge too fast, the Balkiries may target both their old and their new lane.
Rocket Boost is nothing special, just another average boost.
Honor Guard is quite interesting. When used, Eggman throws ahead of him three Motor Bugs in the lanes that he currently isn’t. The Bugs move slower than the players and after a while, they explode. If an opponent is hit they are stunned and lose an item.
Eggman is pretty fun and has pretty decent stats to boost, so he is definitely recommended to players who like using their weapons with more forethought.
-Metal Sonic
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Strength: 7/10
Electro Boost
Explosive Mine
Metal Sonic has averagely good stats.
Honestly, there’s only 1 thing worth mentioning about him.
He can Steal an item from an opponent (not boosts) and allows him to use it.
Upgrading it just makes the items he steals stronger.
A-Tier materials right here, despite being one of the most popular characters, even among the top players.
-Shadow the Hedgehog
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 9/10
Strength: 3/10
Power Sneakers
Storm Cloud
Shadow (likewise to the main series) is just a better Sonic.
He runs the fastest, but when hit, he needs to get all that speed back. And he has the Power Sneakers to help him.
Fortunately (and unlike Sonic), he has the acceleration to back it up.
His weapons require skill to use, as they are not easy to use, but Shadow is one of those characters that just get much better when you level him up.
(Pro Tip: You can dodge Storm Cloud by sliding. You’re welcome.)
Speed: 8/10
Acceleration: 9/10
Strength: 7/10
Blizzard Bomb
Electro Boost
Explosive Mine
Zeena is just a worse Zazz.
To be honest, the newest character really wasn’t as special as you’d expect, but fits her niche of “all-around great disruptor”.
Zeena is very good at grabbing late victories, however, due to her arsenal.
If she freezes you, you’re bound to get an Explosive Mine in your face.
But, as most A-Tiers, she doesn’t have anything to bump her up to S-Tier.
-Tikal the Echidna
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Strength: 5/10
Chao Guardians
Chao Chase
Captive Light
Just like Cream, Tikal has absolutely beasts for weapons. Her stats are not A-Tier worthy but her weapons sure are!
Chao Guardians works like Cream’s Chao Attack. It’s practically a boomerang. The difference is that there is a chance of 2 firing instead of 1.
Her dash hurts opponents and gives you more speed for doing so.
And her Captive Light slows opponents while also blinding them! To be honest with you, I don’t even see the point in Vector’s Bubble Bomb.
Tikal is a super solid pick for any of your needs. Just be careful not to stay too behind the others.
-All-Star Amy
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 4/10
Strength: 8/10
Strike Out
Home Run
All-Star Amy is certainly an improvement upon regular Amy (what a surprise…)
She doesn’t have much better stats than regular Amy, but what she does have is the best boost in the game. I’m not even kidding, if you can master it, you will seldom stay behind for too long.
Home Run needs you to choose the right lane in order to gain a boost, essentially, it gives you free dash pads.
Her other weapons are meh and are not worth much discussion.
-Lunar Blaze
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 7/10
Strength: 7/10
Dragon Dance
Fire Boost
Lunar Blaze is an improvement upon regular Blaze in every way.
Her stats are higher. And her weapons are literally upgrades to her old ones.
Dragon Dance is identical to Fire Whirl, only it returns at some point, so it always remains a threat.
Pyro-Mine works exactly the same as Lava Bomb, with the difference of a splash explosion that can hit multiple enemies. Just be careful as the explosion can also hit you.
If you have Lunar Blaze at the same level as regular Blaze, don’t even think about playing regular Blaze instead.
-Lantern Silver
Speed: 7/10
Acceleration: 10/10
Strength: 6/10
Firework Flurry
Illusion Boost
So Lantern Silver might not be (even near) the best Holiday character. But he does give his base character the biggest improvement.
Just check Lantern Silver’s stats versus Silver’s.
You’re probably wondering about Firework Flurry.
You see, this weapon gives you 3 shots of a random color (red, yellow or blue) each with a different effect.
Red slows the opponent after hitting him.
Yellow stuns them briefly.
Blue freezes them.
I don’t want to say much more about this character as it’s pointless, the only reason you’d choose original Silver over Lantern is that you’re a hardcore Silver fan and this skin is not canon (been there; done that).
-Vampire Shadow
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 8/10
Strength: 4/10
Electro Boost
Storm Cloud
*Sigh* As a long-time fan of Shadow the Hedgehog, I cannot begin to explain how much something like this bothers me.
Vampire Shadow holds a special place among the other Holiday characters, by not improving on the original at all. After all, how can you improve upon the Ultimate Life Form?
His stat total is literally the same with a +1/-1 distribution in acceleration and strength.
Vampire Shadow is just Shadow with a different, more bulky playstyle.
Drac-O’-Lantern helps him catch up and EM Boost helps him collect those much-needed rings faster.
Vampire Shadow is a much less skilled version of Shadow. That said, due to being easier, he certainly deserves A-Tier more than Shadow himself, so in a sense, he is an improvement?
(Pro Tip: You can dodge Storm Cloud by sliding. You’re welcome.)
-Tidal Wave
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 9/10
Strength: 5/10
Wrench Rush
Ice Mine
At first sight, she might not seem like S-Tier material.
Her stats certainly pass the mark.
Her Wipeout is like Chaos’ Ice Wave, only instead of freezing, it slows opponents.
And Ice Mine is exactly what Chaos has.
Tidal Wave is a good great replacement to Chaos if you prefer Acceleration over Strength.
However, her stats literally need a little more oomph, +1 to anything, and she’d be S-Tier in no time.
-Tropical Storm
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 7/10
Strength: 8/10
Wind Boost
Storm Cloud
Storm’s stats definitely contend for S-Tier right?
What’s wrong then?
Regular Storm is A-Tier, and this Holiday version doesn’t improve upon him, rather, it just shifts the playstyle a little.
With that out of the way, Tropical Storm is your go-to character if you like being all-around. He has lots of types of attacks, pretty evened-out stats, and some gimmicks like a multi-lane attack.
Like his partner, he lacks a bit of oomph to get him to S-Tier.
(Pro Tip: You can dodge Storm Cloud by sliding. You’re welcome.)
Speed: 8/10
Acceleration: 10/10
Strength: 6/10
Wind Boost
Cyclone Charge
Once more, awesome stats, very meh Weapons.
In all honesty, if Cyclone Charge worked like most mine attacks, Longclaw would be S-Tier easily.
But the way it works is that it sets it no front of 1 opponent, or behind you if you lead.
What it does is hurt others and boost you if you pass through it. Too bad for the wasted potential.
Lightning and Wind Boost are pretty basic as well, and it’s no surprise Longclaw lurks in the A-Tier.
-Excalibur Sonic
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 5/10
Strength: 7/10
Soul Surge
Meteor Charge
King’s Judgement
Excalibur Sonic has a pretty decent stat total. His powers are also nothing too awesome to push him up or down.
Soul Surge has a unique mechanic for a projectile item. It spins around you damaging anyone it touches. It can only be dodged by jumping or leaving to the farthest lane.
Meteor Charge has nothing special to it.
King’s Judgement is a lot like Lightning without the Stun. It appears on the player on the front (or behind you if you’re first) and drops after 2 seconds dealing damage.
Excalibur Sonic is A-Tier rightfully, but his appearance definitely deserves an S.
-Treasure Hunter Knuckles
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 4/10
Strength: 9/10
Gold Rush
Rocky Road
I don’t know what he did to get the long end of the stick, but Knuckles definitely did get the better deal.
Stats-wise, Treasure Hunter Knuckles (THK for short) is like Knuckles but faster (by 3 points!).
Item-wise, holy shit, it’s Super Knuckles. Allow me to explain.
Gold Rush lets you boost in exchange for rings. Not only does this remind us of our favorite Super Hedgehogs (which we’re still expecting as characters please), but it is also very strong as an item, as the boost is one of the fastest ones.
Rocky Road is pretty basic, except sometimes you can get 2, and sometimes, some of the traps spawned are actually too tall to jump over.
Unless you really prefer EAR aesthetically, choose THK for this event, as he is far superior.
-Jingle Belle Amy Rose
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 5/10
Strength: 8/10
Ice Wave
Ice Boost
Gift Trapped
Jingle Belle Amy is a variation of All-Star Amy with their stats differing literally by a +1/-1 distribution on their Speed/Strength.
I think that’s an improvement as she already has high acceleration.
Her weapons are good (besides the dash). Ice Wave is a classic and the fact that it hits many lanes is pivotal.
Gift Trapped is new and it’s practically the mines from Flue Shot. Gameplay-wise, Amy spreads these mines in the lanes but it’s not the usual drop 1 mine in each of the lanes you’re not. Instead, Amy puts random mines in random lanes, and powering up the weapon actually gives you more mines!
-Sir Lancelot
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Strength: 6/10
Chaos Slash
Chaos Charge
Storm Cloud
There seems to be some kind of beef with Shadow as the developers don’t want for some reason to give him “too many” stats.
Don’t get me wrong, he does decent stats, but it wouldn’t hurt to give him something extra. Besides, Shadow is the second most popular character in the franchise.
Anyway, the only new thing here is his overloaded Chaos Slash. It hits adjacent lanes, behind you and in front of you (in other words, a 360), and can be dodged by jumping.
It also throws a Chaos Spear in the lane Lancelot’s currently in that hurts any opponent hit.
Everything else is easy to find out.
(Pro Tip: You can dodge Storm Cloud by sliding. You’re welcome.)
-Super Sonic
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 5/10
Strength: 3/10
Super Sonic Form
Ice Mine
Oh, look… It’s just Sonic with a different Boost… Just kidding, Super Sonic’s pretty awesome.
That said, he really is Sonic with a different Boost.
Super Sonic Form can be used when you have at least 50 Rings. When used, Sonic stops for a while and then becomes Super Sonic, speeding through everything while draining his Rings. Super Sonic is (obviously) invulnerable.
The best tactic here is to fill up your Rings and then wait till you’re close to the finish line and use it to gain an unstoppable lead.
-Quarterback Zavok
Speed: 8/10
Acceleration: 7/10
Strength: 10/10
Savage Throw
Brutal Blitz
Lava Bomb
You can literally go to the original Zavok and see what I wrote and be done with it but where’s the fun in that.
Quarterback Zavok, much like Zavok hits hard.
His Savage Throw is a classic Projectile attack with the difference that you can’t dodge by jumping. You’re gonna have to slide instead.
Brutal Blitz is also a classic Boost with a gimmick. Upgrading it will give you more of these, by trading some speed. More Boosts for a little less speed.
In the end, Quarterback Zavok is yet another Special character that doesn’t improve much upon the original. But they do have different playstyles which I guess is the whole point.
-Lucky Whisper
Speed: 8/10
Acceleration: 9/10
Strength: 6/10
Cyan Laser
Golden Boost
Pink Spikes
Holiday character? Improvement of the original.
2 more in base stats but not all that greatly distributed. Cyan Laser and Pink Spikes are also identical to the two.
Cyan Laser is a very fast Electric-Type attack that moves in a line. It also shoots behind you with a much slower projectile.
Pink Spike is a Heavy attack like Explosive Mines. Unlike most mine attacks, you just shoot it down 1 lane, hit anyone in its path, and then stops and actually becomes a (pink) mine.
Green Hover has a unique (but not amazing) effect of letting you choose if you want to hover above the ground, go sliding, or just run normally… Oh, we’re talking about Lucky Whisper here… Golden Boost does that and also magnetizes rings. Yay!
-Movie Tails
Speed: 6/10
Acceleration: 10/10
Strength: 6/10
Twin-Tail Boost
EMP Shield
So… let me get this straight… Movie Tails, who is shown to be much weaker than Movie Sonic, Has pretty much better overall stats? Hmmm…
He isn’t fast but his weapons do the trick… Heh, like it should I guess.
Whirlwind is a Wind-Type attack which means it steals rings. Okay, I guess…
Twin-Tail Boost lets you hover high, without a worry in the world.
EMP Shield is a tiny speed boost, and damage as well. If you do damage someone you Silence him; disable his items.
-Movie Knuckles
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 3/10
Strength: 9/10
Fearless Strike
Ring Portal
Spear Trap
Hey so let’s continue our thoughts from Movie Tails’ introduction.
So Movie Knuckles, who on almost every occasion was better than (Movie) Sonic, has the same stat total as Tails, who is not a fighter, nor has shown any special ability in the movie, besides his brains. Okay. Cool.
Fearless Strike is pretty sweet. A regular projectile that slows anyone who stays on its path.
Ring Portal is essentially “Invincibility”.
No really, it just makes you unaffected from anything your opponents throw at you… like Invincibility… I think it’s exactly what someone with 9 Strength requires.
Spear Trap puts 3 unavoidable Spears on lanes you aren’t on currently, and one that should be jumped on the lane you’re at. Pretty cool if you’re behind.
Movie Knuckles has very strong weapons and… well a boost. Apparently, Tails also has the same innate capabilities?
-Amy Rose
Speed: 8/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Strength: 7/10
Ice Boost
Ice Mine
Ok, so the first thing to note is that Amy has a very weird combination of 1 Electric attack and 2 Ice making her quite disruptive.
Amy is one of the first characters you will unlock, and thus, shouldn’t be too strong.
Her stats aren’t very bad, in fact, once she gets going, she is hard to stop, and since Lighting can be used even when you’re ahead, you have quite an advantage.
However, she’s nothing special, and as you climb higher, more people will expect what you do, and you won’t be as effective.
Amy is a solid pick for everyone, and there are far more bad picks, but there are more that are better than her.
-Knuckles the Echidna
Speed: 7/10
Acceleration: 4/10
Strength: 9/10
Explosive Mine
Everyone’s favorite echidna is among the best Common rarity characters, no questions asked.
Firstly, his stats are very suited to his playstyle. He’s not the fastest, he’s not going to get going fast, but once he does, he’s not stopping.
His weapons hit hard. Knuckles is a nightmare to face if you have low strength. Explosive mines are one of the most damaging weapons in the game.
And to top it all off, he has invincibility for his boost. Since he’s not fast anyway, he gets a free period of invincibility.
If you want a character that you can pick up early and keep without losing relevance, Knuckles is the best option.
-E-123 Omega
Speed: 8/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Strength: 7/10
Electro Boost
Explosive Mine
Omega is pretty interesting in the fact that he has slightly better overall stats than Knuckles, yet, is slightly worse.
There are 2 main reasons, which are mostly Knuckles’ strengths.
Omega’s yield in his stats isn’t as optimal. For example, he gets faster at a slightly higher speed than Knuckles but loses more when he gets damaged.
His weapons are also not optimal.
Electro Boost is a mediocre boost (an Electric Type) in terms of speed, that zaps opponents and attracts Rings, which isn’t as good as Omega isn’t very fast, and has high strength.
The same goes for Moto-Bug, and really, only Explosive Mines make sense here.
That does not mean that Omega is simply a worse Knuckles. If you want to emphasize on your game and not on hitting your opponents as much, then he is a far better pick, contrary to Knuckles who relies on hotting others.
All in all, Omega can be just as consistent as anyone.
-Blaze the Cat
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 4/10
Strength: 8/10
Fire Whirl
Fire Boost
Lava Bomb
Blaze is one of the best characters, due to her naturally high stats, as well as a great combination of weapons.
Firstly, one might notice that Blaze is using weapons of only 1 Type. That makes it easier for opponents to know what to expect.
However, Blaze is fast, strong, and hits hard.
Fire Type attacks generally are hard-hitting, but Blaze has 2 unique weapons as well, the Fire Whirl and the Lava Bomb.
The Fire Whirl is slow and hard to land, but carries on for very long, and kills many Badniks collecting a few rings on the way.
The Lava Bomb is like a single target explosive mine that deals less damage. What’s the good in it?
Well, it gets directly in the path of the opponent in front of you making it easy to land.
And when you’re first, it drops behind you allowing you to cut off important paths, or at least make them more hostile.
Blaze is very good but is missing that small oomph that could make her A-Tier.
But no one should get discouraged with playing her, especially if she is your favorite character.
-Espio the Chameleon
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 8/10
Strength: 6/10
Illusion Boost
Illusion Mine
Espio has the same stats as Rouge, as well as 2 Illusion Type weapons, like Rouge. So why is he B-Tier and not A-Tier like Rouge (or vice versa)?
Good stats wasted on bad weapons.
Espio has among the top total stats in the game, and the yield is pretty good.
But how can you play without almost any way to hurt your opponents?
Illusion boost and Illusion Mines don’t damage your opponents, they just reverse their controls.
A good player won’t be as hindered making Espio extremely mediocre.
-Jet the Hawk
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 5/10
Strength: 5/10
Wind Boost
Jet is the case of mediocre stats that gets extreme help from his weapons.
Jet has only Wind Type attacks that steal rings, and that work miraculously with his 10/10 speed.
Moreover, instead of Whirlwind, Jet has his (signature from Sonic Riders) Bashosen. They work like the actual Whirlwind, only they leave a trail behind them that slows anyone who is left on the trail.
Jet is very good to have, and if any of the above didn’t convince you, Jet also rides his signature board, making him gain bonus cool points.
-Tangle the Lemur
Speed: 7/10
Acceleration: 5/10
Strength: 10/10
Tail Strike
Tail Spring
Tail Strike
First, they add characters from the movie, and now the comics. Not that I’m complaining, the IDW comics are awesome, definitely check them out if you have the time.
Tangle is in a weird spot. Neither his stats nor his (2) weapons are impressive unless you are really good.
As you may have noticed, Tangle doesn’t have different first and third weapons. In fact, both of these are (mini) dashes. They also hurt your opponent obviously.
His actual dash doesn’t. It does give him invulnerability though. The only difference with Invincibility is that you automatically jump when activating it.
As I said, unless you are good enough to make use of 3 dashes and almost no damage, then you will have decent success.
-Whisper the Wolf
Speed: 8/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Strength: 7/10
Cyan Laser
Green Hover
Pink Spikes
Whisper is pretty decent, but that’s all she is. She has no noteworthy stats, nor any amazing weapons.
Despite the fact that Whisper is the only one who uses these weapons, they all are of an already existing type of attack with a unique twist of their own.
Cyan Laser is an Electric attack, but unlike Lightning, it just zips forward and backward from your lane. The forward one goes lightning fast while the backward goes very slow.
Green Hover has a unique (but not amazing) effect of letting you choose if you want to hover above the ground, go sliding, or just run normally.
Pink Spike is a Heavy attack like Explosive Mines. Unlike most mine attacks, you just shoot it down 1 lane, hit anyone in its path, and then stops and actually becomes a (pink) mine.
As said, nothing truly noteworthy.
-Elf Classic Sonic
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Strength: 5/10
Ice Boost
Flue Shot
It’s a general rule that Holiday characters can’t be too different from their regular counterparts. Thus, Elf Classic Sonic is found in this tier.
Average stats, decent weapons, there’s really not much to say about him. I guess his best improvement is having a great third weapon.
-Slugger Sonic
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 5/10
Strength: 6/10
Strike Out
Home Run
Ice Mine
Slugger Sonic, along with Jet, make me wish there was an A.5-Tier, as they just make it in there. But I can’t be unfair to the rest of the A-Tier so here we are.
His stats (Strength *cough cough*) are very improved. And, as with All-Star Amy, he has the best boost in the game.
Why is he B-Tier then?
Meh first weapon, and the Ice Mines. They aren’t bad per se but compared to Amy’s Tornado which steals rings, there is a considerable difference.
That’s why he barely loses that A-Tier.
-Ice Slicer Jet
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 7/10
Strength: 5/10
Trap Shot
Ice Boost
Ice Mine
Ok, so, as Jet barely loses A-Tier due to stats, Ice Slicer Jet barely loses it due to items.
It’s not even that his stats are awful, in fact, Shadow has the same total.
But the weapons do nothing to help him with his “max speed” niche. They only disrupt your opponent.
Jet has nothing to be jealous of from Ice Slicer Jet, whose only saving grace is his stats.
-Movie Sonic
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 6/10F
Strength: 5/10
Ring Portal
Zap Trap
Dubbed “Teen Sonic” for clarification, Teen Sonic is not as glamorous as the promotions showed him to be.
Nevertheless, Teen Sonic is pretty average and you should definitely give him a try if you liked him in the movie.
I will only talk about his Ring Portal, as hopefully, you already know about Whirlwind and Zap Trap from other characters.
Ring Portal is essentially “Invincibility”.
No really, it just makes you unaffected from anything your opponents throw at you… like Invincibility…
As I said, pretty average. If you haven’t noticed, his stats are exactly the same as Elf Classic Sonic.
(Pro Tip: You can dodge Zap Trap by sliding. You’re welcome.)
-Elite Agent Rouge
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Strength: 5/10
Gold Rush
Bat Bomb
Less stat total than actual Rouge? Why?
The pairing to THK, Elite Agent Rouge (should we call her EAR for short?) is the arguably worse version.
Still sporting the Super Sonic-esque boost that drains rings, EAR has nothing else to offer.
Bat Bomb is single lane and dodged by sliding, and Moto-Bug is a classic staple.
Unless you really prefer Rouge aesthetically, choose Knuckles for this event.
-Linebacker Omega
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 4/10
Strength: 8/10
Savage Throw
Brutal Barrier
Omega really gets the short end of the stick.
I mean with these stats, you’d think a holiday character would deserve better weapons. Only his unique one is worth…
Savage Throw is good… I guess. Only slides dodge it.
Invincibility is fun and all but he has 8 Strength for pete’s sake. Give him Electro Boost or a unique one like Quarterback Zavok.
Brutal Barrier is pretty fun though. It either protects you from something, or damages any enemy that comes close. Chaining these secure you won’t get hit. Then again, you do have 8 Strength but whatever…
-Sonic the Werehog
Speed: 6/10
Acceleration: 5/10
Strength: 9/10
Dark Blast
Feral Dash
Storm Cloud
I really wanted to put him in C-Tier as well, just so we can grow the collection of Sonics on there. In all seriousness, the Werehog could maybe be A-Tier instead. But his stats aren’t.
Dark Blast shoots a regular projectile. The twist? If you (the player) stay on its path, you run faster.
Feral Dash is a regular dash. The twist? It damages (both the ones you touch and those close to you in adjacent lanes).
Storm Cloud is the regular Storm Cloud. The twist? Probably the fact that the Werehog uses it?
(Pro Tip: You can dodge Storm Cloud by sliding. You’re welcome.)
-Classic Sonic
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 5/10
Strength: 5/10
Classic Sonic is another of the characters that get unlocked early in the game.
He has weapons of three Types, an Electric variant (Moto-Bug), a unique and Typeless Invincibility, and a Wind attack.
Due to his weapons, Classic Sonic has very mediocre stats, and yet, his weapons don’t do much difference.
Invincibility, in particular, is the weakest boost in the game, with the tradeoff that you are invincible.
He is quite often used however due to being easy, both to play, and level up.
If you are good, Classic Sonic can help you climb early on, due to his speed (in combination with Tornado) and Invincibility.
He’s a very good introductory character as well, like most Common rarity characters.
-Sonic the Hedgehog
Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 5/10
Strength: 3/10
Power Sneakers
Ice Mine
Like his Classic counterpart, Sonic has 3 different Typed weapons.
He’s (obviously) extremely fast. His Power Sneakers help him reach max speed better.
Why is he C-Tier then?
His acceleration is abysmal. The world’s fastest hedgehog.
I guess he had to be mediocre because he is the first character you play, and he is common, so it’d be unfair if he was very strong.
But seriously, it hurts to watch characters like Big and Vector having much higher acceleration than Sonic.
-Baby Sonic
Speed: 9/10
Acceleration: 8/10
Strength: 2/10
EMP Boost
Storm Cloud
Maybe I should rename the C-Tier to “SoniC-Tier”.
One look at his stats and you see that he’s Shadow the Hedgehog -1 in everything. Shadow’s total barely belongs in A-Tier, so it’s obvious that with -3, you’d be C-Tier.
In fact, with his most special weapon being his boost, and its special ability to briefly stun (and nothing more), plus a strength yield that leaves you begging not to be hit by a non-Illusion attack, you could argue that he should be lower; to D-Tier.
But, Baby Sonic is the first character to have an innate ability.
He’s so short, that he doesn’t have to slide where others must.
Having 1 less gameplay mechanic to worry about does have its benefits, so I guess that you could worry about not getting hit more.
SEGA did good by keeping his stats low, but I think they overdid it.
(Pro Tip: You can dodge Storm Cloud by sliding. You’re welcome.)
-Charmy Bee
Speed: 7/10
Acceleration: 8/10
Strength: 4/10
Wind Boost
Charmy has one of the worst stat combinations in the game.
He doesn’t run that fast, and if he gets hit, he starts all over again. And he doesn’t even have high enough acceleration to do that.
His saving grace; his weapons. Wind weapons deal decent damage but steal rings.
Charmy is very good if you can get an early advantage through your weapons, but if you get hit later in the stage, you can’t get back up as easily.
He is the best character to introduce you to Wind attacks, however.
Not much more to say, Charmy is predictable and slow, so even if you find him ahead, all you need to do is hit him once or twice and he’ll be done for.
-Silver the Hedgehog
Speed: 6/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Strength: 6/10
Illusion Boost
Silver has the worst combination of stats, and the worst total as well period.
He has 2 Wind attacks and an Illusion boost (Illusion is also a Type). And he can’t do much with them.
Firstly, Wind attacks are relatively weak but steal rings. However, Silver is slow. The slowest character in the game more specifically.
Illusion is not good in general. It just reverses left and right controls, but if you’re good, you won’t be as confused.
There’s nothing good in Silver, and whoever made him probably wanted him to be a jack-of-all-trades, but fell really short.
Unless he gets +1 in his stats, Silver is going to be the worse (or at least one of the worst) characters in the game.
-Miles “Tails” Prower
Speed: 8/10
Acceleration: 7/10
Strength: 3/10
Wind Boost
Sonic’s sidekick shouldn’t be higher than him, right?
Jokes aside, Tails is nothing special. His stats aren’t that good.
His weapons are very suitable to both to his character and his stats, however, due to his stats, he generally falls off.
He’s also quite similar to Charmy in many aspects, but all in all, Tails takes lots of skill to play effectively.
That’s it for my tier list. Do you agree with it? Do you think someone should be placed in another tier?
If so, leave a comment down below.
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