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For Honor PC Review

For Honor PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about For Honor. The game had a lot of issues at the beginning (like most Ubisoft games) but after years of patches and fixes it turned out to be a solid game.

As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

For Honor PC Review


Let’s start with the campaign.

The campaign is pretty much a tutorial for the player to learn the ropes of the game and to experience how some of the available heroes are played.

The story is uninteresting, and you will want the campaign to be over fast because it’s very boring and tedious.

Nobody bought this game for the story and the developers didn’t seem to care much about the story, to begin with, so who can blame the players for not liking the story.


Now let’s talk about the reason everyone buys this game, and that reason is the multiplayer experience.

For Honor has four multiplayer games modes: Duel, Brawl, Dominion and Elimination. I would say the most popular mode is Dominion, but I will explain each mode from the beginning.

Duel is a 1v1 multiplayer match. Players fight each other 1v1 and the victor gets more experience, game rewards (such as items) and increases his rank. I should mention that there are normal duels and ranked duels.

Players that prefer ranked will be disappointed because the rating system is broken and unfair. It’s a huge frustration for the community and most players advise to stay away from ranked.

Brawl is a 2vs2 multiplayer experience. Players fight as a group of 2 people against 2 others. This mode has ranked too.

The problem with playing with other players is that you kind of depend on them to win so if, for example, your teammate goes AFK or disconnects, you are helpless, and you will lose.

That is a huge problem in team-based games and based on my personal experience with the game, people do disconnect(sometimes because of server problems,

I had some friends that got disconnected from the game very often due to server issues) and it is frustrating.  If you don’t mind losing just because someone went AFK then you can try this mode.

There are also two 4vs4 modes. The most popular one is Dominion, and the other is Elimination.

In Dominion two teams of 4 players face each other. After a team has reached 1000 points, the opposing team “breaks” and the fight is to the death. The breaking team members will no longer be able to respawn.

Points will continue to accumulate until a team is defeated. The side that has gathered the most points wins. 

In Elimination there are 2 teams of 4 players that fight each other to the death and when all the players in one of the two teams are dead, that team loses.

When you fight in the multiplayer mode you gather points for the faction you chose. There are three factions; The Samurai, The Knights, and The Vikings.

Each faction controls areas on a map. Depending on the points that the players in each faction gather, a faction might get some other factions’ areas or might lose one of its areas.

That faction war takes place in a certain time period and when that period is over the faction that has more areas wins and its players get a lot of rewards. 

Now let’s talk about the combat system. The combat system in this game is something I haven’t seen before.

It is certainly something new and it is certainly fun at times. The reason that I say the combat system is fun “at times” is because the game isn’t very well balanced.

Some heroes have some abilities that are just broken, and players will spam those abilities against you and there is very little you can do.

Spamming some heroes’ unblockable attacks is very frustrating for the player receiving that spamming. This type of spam makes the game unfun and makes it more about picking heroes that have spammable abilities that are broken than actually having a skillful duel.

The game has a lot of heroes for you to choose from and more are released every year since the game still has a lot of support from the developers. You will certainly find a hero that you like.


For Honor’s graphics are top-notch and you will certainly won’t be disappointed in that department. The scenery makes you feel like you are fighting in the era that the game takes place at and the heroes that you play feel just as realistic.

There are also a lot of customization options for you to choose for the available heroes and more are unlocked by either paying real money or by playing the game.

I like the deep customization options that this game has. Good customization makes a game so much better because I believe everyone wants to look cool in a game.

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Final Thoughts

For Honor is a solid game with a unique combat system and good graphics, that is true, and I don’t think anyone can disagree with that.

That said, I personally gave up on the game after playing it every day for almost a week.

It got me hooked at first, but after the hype, I realized that this game wasn’t for me.

I hated, and I will say it again, I hated the spam. Almost every time I played against other people, I would face someone that just spammed a broken ability repeatedly and it is truly frustrating to face people like that.

Even if I beat them, I don’t feel almost any sense of satisfaction at all. I know I can just practice more to improve and beat them all the time, but the game just doesn’t give me the incentive to do it.

The idea of having to practice to beat spammers, it’s just boring as hell to me.

Even if I beat them, fighting against them is still boring since the only thing they do is spam. You might like that, and if you do, then, by all means, buy the game.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 7.4

Gameplay: 8.0

Visuals: 9.0

General Rating: 8.1

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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Here is the link for one of the images I used:

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Portal 1 & 2 Review

Portal 1 & 2 Review

The two Portal games are puzzle-platforming games released from Valve, which explains why there isn’t another sequel as Valve seems to be allergic to the number 3.

A legendary game, the legacy it left behind is huge. Why did such a seemingly simple game become so popular? The review will be split into storyline, gameplay, graphics & SFX and finally, personal thoughts. Without further ado:


The storyline is mostly experienced by the in-game dialogs (mostly from the game’s other characters, the main character is the classic “silent protagonist” archetype).

Most of the story (backstory rather) is also experienced in the second game as the first game is quite short on its duration.

The general idea is that you are being used as a test subject for a facility known as Aperture Science, testing their newest invention: the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, or the portal gun, a gun that lets you fire two different portals that you can teleport from the one portal’s location to the other’s.

Other than that, it is heavily implied that the game takes part in the same universe and timeline as the Half-Life series, and the game’s events run parallelly to Half-Life.


The portal gun is the game’s main gimmick. You are tasked with solving puzzles that require you to place the two portals creatively in order to clear objectives and move on.

Sometimes, key timing is required, and other usage of momentum and gravity are used.

Seldom, reflection mechanics are to be used, and/or any combination of the above.

The puzzles get more and more complicated as you move on, but there isn’t a puzzle that can’t be solved with enough thinking; the game is not known for being difficult after all.

Besides the puzzles you must solve, there are oftentimes some obstacles and hazards in the environment.

The obstacles are mainly turrets, either regular sentry turrets that shoot on sight or rocket turrets, which shoot a rocket after locking on.

The second game also has a co-op multiplayer mode that takes place right after the events of the single-player campaign.

The gameplay remains largely the same except the fact that you have to think more cooperatively on where each player should place his portals.

The SFX of the game is mostly ambient sound, as it should be, as you don’t need any distractions on a puzzle game.

There are however two ending songs, one for each game, and I must say, they are amazing!

The songs are sung by the game’s antagonist, GLaDOS, a character that you are bound to love.

The voice acting, the lines, even the character herself (she is technically an A.I.) are delivered flawlessly.

The killer robotic turrets also sympathize with you if you kill them. Generally, the voice acting in both games is perfect, and it specifically Elaine McLain’s performance helped GLaDOS won many best character awards. Her song, Still Alive, also won some awards itself.

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The graphics of the game are similar to Half-Life 2’s graphics, as due to their restrictions, the team working on the original game re-used the art style from Half-Life 2. That is no detriment of course, as the graphics are quite polished. Generally, the games don’t look their age.

Personal Thoughts

Portal might not seem much at first glance, but firstly, the game was very innovative. There never was another game to utilize the mechanics that Portal does.

Plus, there were many memes left in the gaming community after its release, and the game also left us GLaDOS and her witty lines and songs. Even though I keep mentioning GLaDOS, the other characters are likable too, even the game’s silent protagonist, from what you can gather about her at least.

Objectively, despite the game being a puzzle game, it will definitely make you have the feels at some point or another. The game is fluid and fun, and there is a certain amount of satisfaction after you solve each puzzle.

There is a reason after all, that the first game was voted best game of 2007. The game has numerous other awards and very scarce complaints. The game even has an award for the best sidekick character give to a literal object!

In all honesty, I really believe that the games only have two negatives: first, they never had another sequel, and second, once you play them, you will never be able to relive these experiences for the first time.

The game is more than worth its price.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 9.5

Gameplay: 9.0

Visuals: 8.5

General Rating: 9.0

Have you played Portal? Do you consider playing it? Do you have any questions? If so, just leave a comment and I will answer as soon as I can.

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Top 10 Strongest Dragon Ball Characters – Before DBZ

Top 10 Strongest Dragon Ball Characters - Before DBZ

Hi guys! Today I will talk about the 10 strongest Dragon Ball characters. This list was hard because in Dragon Ball there weren’t power levels so it’s hard to compare some characters to each other.

Some characters on this list may be stronger than others, but because of a lack of information I had to put them in the position, you will see on the list.

You might not agree with this list, but this is the best I can do, so I hope you like it. Let’s start.

10. Drum

Drum was created by King Piccolo after he was granted his wish to become young again.

Because of that, he is a lot stronger than Tambourine, who was created when King Piccolo was old and a lot weaker.

9. Master Roshi

I think Master Roshi would be able to kill Drum with his Kamehameha since he was able to destroy the moon with it. Although I believe they are pretty close in strength in Dragon Ball.

The thing that Master Roshi has going for him is his battle experience and I believe that would be enough for him to defeat Drum.

8. Krillin

Krillin is Goku’s best friend and rival in Dragon Ball. He was a bad person at first, but through their training together, Goku’s friendship changed him and they both became great friends.

I believe Krillin is stronger than Master Roshi at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament since Master Roshi stopped training after the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament while Krillin kept training because he wanted to win against Goku and even gave a respectable fight against Piccolo who is a lot stronger than him.

7. Cyborg Tao

Mercenary Tao, in my opinion, is stronger than Krillin.

Even before Tao became a Cyborg, he was an exceptionally strong fighter who even beat Goku.

After he became a Cyborg, he became even stronger, and we all know that Krillin isn’t as strong as Goku.

Even in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, I don’t see Krillin beating Cyborg Tao.

6. Tien Shinhan

Tien Shinhan is a very strong character in Dragon Ball. He defeated Goku in the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament and won the title of the World’s Strongest Martial Artist.

At first, he was a bad guy, but through his interaction with Goku, he acknowledged the error of his ways and became a good person.

Tien Shinhan is a lot stronger than Cyborg Tao. He destroyed him pretty easily when they fought.

There is no point in making arguments in this case. Tien Shinhan is the clear winner.

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5. King Piccolo

King Piccolo is exceptionally strong.

He is so strong that he can create beings like Tambourine and Drum that can defeat characters like Tien Shinhan who won the 22nd Martial Arts Tournament.

It took all the strength that Goku had to defeat him. He rightfully earned his place in the top 5 strongest Dragon Ball characters.

4. Popo

Many don’t even consider Popo as an important character, but he is abnormally strong. He defeated Goku, who had defeated King Piccolo like it was child’s play.

If he didn’t admit that Kami is stronger than him then I would have placed him above Kami is this list. 

Although he said that Kami is stronger than him, I don’t think that’s the case. Unfortunately, I can’t prove it and since he said Kami is stronger, I have to put him at number 4.

3. Kami

Kami is the guardian of Earth and he was the strongest being on Earth at some point.

Because of his age, he isn’t as strong at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament as he used to be, but that doesn’t change the fact that he is stronger than all other contestants except for Goku and Piccolo.

2. Piccolo

Piccolo is King Piccolo’s “son” and he is a lot stronger than he is. He even defeated Kami and came close to defeating Goku.

He is without a doubt the second strongest character that appeared in Dragon Ball.

1. Goku

I believe almost everyone agrees that Goku is the strongest Dragon Ball character.

He didn’t get that title with ease. He had to go through years of training under Master Roshi, Popo and Kami.

He fought hard in the first two World Martial Arts Tournaments that he competed, but still lost.

Yet he never gave up, and he managed to win at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament and save the world from Piccolo. 

That’s it for my list guys, I hope you liked it. If you disagree with any part of this list, please write a comment below. See ya in the next article.

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10 Mobile Games You Should Try

10 Mobile Games You Should Try

(This list is not a “most popular mobile games list”, rather it’s just my opinion on some not so known games you should try out.)

As a man with lots of free time, a big part of that goes to mobile games. With the way the mobile games are designed, when you made enough progress on most games, they “force” you not to play anymore, either by giving no rewards, or outright denying you by giving you some sort of energy system.

Of course, if you pay, or use the in-game currency, you can continue, but only ‘till you run out of lives/energy etc.… That’s why I am always looking out for games to download and try out, and today, I will present you my personal list of mobile games that are worth looking into.

The order itself doesn’t mean anything. Without further ado:

1. Archero

Archero is a relatively new game released in the first quarter of 2019. It is a shoot ‘em up/dungeon crawler mish-mash.

The gameplay revolves around you, the player character, traversing various dungeons and slaying monsters on the go.

The controls are very simple, the game utilizes a joystick type of movement, and when you don’t move, your character automatically attacks the nearest enemy.

As you defeat monsters and bosses, you will gain experience and level up, having 3 random upgrades to choose from each time.

The only negative is that it isn’t multiplayer, but the game sure has potential.

Generally, a very fun game definitely worth a shot.

2. Bloons Super Monkey 2

Have you ever played a browser game called Bloons Super Monkey? Well, this is its sequel.

Coming from our dear Ninja Kiwi, BSM 2 is everything you liked about the first, plus much more.

There are more enemy types, more upgrades, higher customizability, and there are three different base monkeys to choose from, each with their own base weapon.

Did I mention it’s free? Go download it now.

For the ones who have no idea what I’m talking about: Ninja Kiwi is a company that became known through their hit tower defense games Bloons Tower Defense and Plants vs Zombies.

This game is no tower defense game, but it uses the theme from their games, the titular character, the Super Monkey is a tower in their other games.

What you do is control the Super Monkey trying to pop as many Bloons (the enemy balloons) as you can while meeting the minimum requirement.

I highly suggest this game whether you are a fan of the Bloons series or not.

3. Calculator: The Game

This one is simplistic, and it’s for all the math geeks out there. It is a puzzle game, unlike ones you’ve seen before.

The game gives you some numbers, signs and other stuff (like a switch to positive/negative or reverse the number) and your goal is to reach the required number.

It might sound easy, but I assure you, this game is quite the brain teaser.

4. Super Spell Heroes

Clash Royale made the 1v1 competitive games very popular for mobiles. One of these games is Super Spell Heroes. It combines 1v1 wizard battles with puzzling.

You are given an empty (at start) board. As time passes, some blocks of one of two elements will start falling.

You can match them as soon as you see them and deal some damage, or conserve and wait for a bigger attack.

Beware though; your enemy can block. Each wizard has his own set of spells to choose from, as well as two preset elements from the available pool.

Recommended to the ones who like solo competitive experience.

5. Realm Grinder

I have mentioned Realm Grinder before, but I really believe that Realm Grinder is the ultimate idle game.

Sure, there might be newer and more flashy ones, but Realm Grinder did everything right.

You can grind this game for months and still, you won’t be nowhere near the end. There are many guides to help you but trust me, this game has lots of stuff to do and many achievements to complete.

Plus, it still gets updated with new content!

I recommend you try it out for a meager 15 minutes, you’re not gonna regret it.

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6. Dragon City Mobile

Dragon City Mobile is a city building game, kinda like Clash of Clans, only there are no defensive buildings.

Your goal is to breed and take care of the various available dragons in order to gain newer, more powerful dragons.

There are many dragons and many combinations, and you can use your dragons to fight other players’ dragons in the arena.

A nice game to have, since it doesn’t require your attention, you can get in whenever you want with no consequences.

You can also connect your account with Facebook and see what your friends who also play the game do. You can even assist each other.

7. My Singing Monsters

This one is another city building game, but there is no PvP, there isn’t even any PvE. You just breed and collect the monsters.

There is a catch, however; the monsters sing! Each one has its own way of singing and adds to the tune of its island.

So, as you gain more and more monsters, the songs will become more and more complete.

This game is very grind-y though, and it will take A LOT of time to get everything if you’re not paying. But the songs are so nice they are worth it!

8. Combo Quest 1 & 2

Normally, I’d just recommend the sequel, as it is far superior, but a true gamer needs to have played all the prequels before they play the game they want.

The gameplay will be explained in the picture, as it requires visuals to fully understand. The game itself is pretty fun to pass the time, and when you finish it, you can always hope for another sequel. Fingers crossed.

10 Mobile Games You Should Try
You are the character on the right. Your stats are displayed on the upper right corner of the screen.
On the upper left is the enemies’ stats.
Below you will notice a bar. The blue bar is your action bar, and it moves automatically.
Your job is to tap one of the blocks.
All the blocks except the red (and purple) ones are still.
The yellow blocks are attack blocks. The green ones are critical attacks.
The red ones are moving to the left, and you need to tap them before they reach as they are the enemy’s attacks. Tapping them will block it.
There are more special enemy attack blocks.
Every time you beat an enemy, you have a choice to upgrade one stat between three random options.
The energy bar on the lowest part of the screen is your combo meter. As you do more and more combos without failing, you will be able to charge your special attack.
The more you charge it the more powerful it gets.
The game has many different enemies, enemy attacks, player characters each with their own respective stats and skills, pets and items.

9. Doors & Rooms Series

This is a truly challenging puzzle game. It’s one of these classic games where you have to look for various items in every room and use them to escape.

Each of the games is challenging and has its own story to say, so I recommend all of them.

There was an original game called D&R but sadly, I can’t find it on the App Store anymore.

If you get a chance to play it, I recommend it as well, the first one is what started it all.

10. Puzzles and Dragons

Puzzles and Dragons (or PAD) is a matching game where each of your matches (that corresponds to an element) gives attack points to your monsters of the same element in order to attack the enemy monsters.

Although there are many games like this spammed nowadays, I find this the most enjoyable.

Mostly, due to its complexity, as it isn’t a simple “move one piece one space horizontally or vertically”, you can take any piece and place it wherever you want, and as you move it you can create other chains.

The bigger your streak, the bigger your attacks. There are also many events running every day and week, and many monsters released every so and then. Just don’t get in with the hopes of collecting ‘em all, there are far too many.

That’s it for my list. Have you played any of these game. Did you download any after reading this list. What is your opinion on any of these games. Let me know in the comments below, and I will answer as soon as I can.

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Top 10 Strongest Dragon Ball Super Characters

Top 10 Strongest Dragon Ball Super Characters

Hi guys! Today I will talk about the Top 10 strongest Dragon Ball Super characters. There is only one rule that I will follow this time.

I won’t put characters in this list if there isn’t a single instant that they fought even if they are probably stronger than other characters on this list, meaning that I will not put any of the Gods of Destruction besides Beerus and any of the angels except Whis, including the Omni King and the Grand Priest, who are out of this list too.

Whis is on this list since we have seen him fight with Goku and Vegeta in training, that’s not much but he still fought and clearly knows how to fight.

I will also consider characters from Broly movie since it is canon. I don’t consider the Dragon Ball super manga for this list since it’s different from the anime. That means whatever is shown in the manga isn’t considered for this list. Now let’s begin.

top 10 strongest dragon ball super characters

10. Merged Zamasu

Merged Zamasu, even though somehow disliked, is a very strong character and deserves a spot on this list.

His power is very close to a God of Destruction. The reason why he is below Kefla will be explained in the next paragraph.

9. Kefla

Dragon Ball fans didn’t like that the Universe 6’s Saiyans unlocked Super Saiyan transformations as if it were child’s play, but it doesn’t matter if we like it or not, because it’s not our call.

Kefla was strong enough that forced Goku to use the Ultra Instinct Omen form to beat her.

The reason why Kefla is stronger than Fusion Zamasu is the following. In Goku’s First encounter with Jiren, Jiren matched a Kaiokenx20 Super Saiyan Blue Spirit Bomb, and Supreme Kai stated that Jiren’s power feels different from anyone they ever faced before, meaning that Jiren is the strongest enemy they have ever faced. So, Jiren is stronger than Merged Zamasu.

Additionally, Whis stated that Kefla’s power rivals the power of the Spirit Bomb that Goku used against Jiren (and remember Supreme Kai stated that Jiren is the strongest enemy they have ever faced). This means that Kefla is stronger than Super Saiyan Blue Kaiokenx20 Goku.

It’s also stated in the anime that if Kefla managed to hit Goku (in his Ultra Instinct Omen state) with her energy laser attacks he wouldn’t be able to survive.

I believe that is enough proof that Kefla is stronger than Merged Zamasu.

Lastly, for anyone that wants to use Goku’s exhaustion as an argument, I will say that Goku was tired when he fought Fused Zamasu too and stamina means little in Dragon Ball Super as we all saw in the Tournament of Power.

8. Vegeta

Vegeta with his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Evolved form managed to reach a new level of power that is close to Beerus and generally at the same level as Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Kaioken x20 form that Goku uses.

Maybe he is even stronger than Goku’s form since this form doesn’t put any strain on his body like Goku’s form does.

7. Broly

Broly is easily stronger than Super Saiyan Blue since he was destroying Goku and Vegeta. In fact, he was so strong that they had to fuse to beat him.

Although I don’t believe he is stronger than Beerus as that would be too much for a character that didn’t even know that he could transform into a Super Saiyan before this movies’ events took place.

I believe he can get stronger than Beerus if he trains more.

6. Beerus

Beerus is one of the strongest characters in Dragon Ball Super, but at the Tournament of Power, we were introduced to Jiren, a mortal that surpasses him so he isn’t the top dog, or should I say… cat (since he actually is a cat) anymore.

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5. Jiren

Jiren is stronger than Beerus and that is a fact. Whis speculated that Jiren is stronger than a God of Destruction before the Tournament of Power, but beyond that, we have concrete evidence.

Jiren is stronger than Goku in his Ultra Instinct Omen form and we know for a fact that Beerus hasn’t mastered Ultra Instinct, so Jiren is stronger than Beerus.

4. Goku

Goku in his mastered Ultra Instinct form is the strongest non-fused character in Dragon Ball Super that we have seen fighting so far (as I mentioned at the start of the article I won’t put characters that we have never seen fight even if they are probably stronger).

The bad thing is that he hasn’t learned to access that form willingly yet, so he still has a lot of room for improvement.

3. Vegito

I believe that Vegito is stronger than all the characters above, because if you consider the power that Goku and Vegeta now possess (after the Tournament of Power), if they fused they would probably beat every character above.

The only disadvantage of this form is that it has a time limit and that if they use too much power the fusion will end faster.

2. Gogeta

Gogeta is stronger than Vegito, as was stated by an official source. Besides, even if they were at the same power level, Vegito’s time runs out faster when he uses too much power, and to fight someone like Gogeta he needs all his power, so the form will run out very fast and Gogeta will still be fused. Clearly Gogeta is the winner.

1. Whis

Whis is the strongest character that we have seen fighting even if it was for a short time.

He has fully mastered Ultra Instinct so he can beat pretty much everyone in this list.

Of course, this is an assumption since we can’t know for sure. If Vegito or Gogeta could use the Ultra Instinct form then they would probably destroy Whis, but we have to wait and see what will happen in the future of Dragon Ball and what Goku and Vegeta will be capable of.

That’s it for my list guys, I hope you liked it. If you disagree with any part of this list, please write a comment below.

I know that many things only this could be considered assumptions, but no one can know for sure the exact order, we can assume based on the information we have, and this is my assumption. See ya in the next article.

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Heroes of the Storm Review

Heroes of the Storm Review

Heroes of the Storm (abbr. HotS) is another one of the popular MOBAs, but it has been declining steadily in the past years. Is it due to it being a bad game, or is there another reason?

The review will per usual have a storyline, gameplay, graphics & SFX and finally, personal thoughts section. Without further ado:


There is a big, multi-dimensional storm called the Nexus. The Nexus itself can destroy universes, but it can stabilize others.

Those stabilized inner universes are called Realms, and each Realm has its own lord. Some Realm lords fight with each other for dominance.

In order to wage their wars, they use the heroes that are transported there from the universes of Warcraft, Diablo, and Starcraft. The heroes themselves can’t die; their death is only temporary.

The lore isn’t something too big if you want to get into it, and it only recently started forming.


The gameplay is the classic MOBA one, on its basis at least. Blizzard decided to change it up a bit, so the game could be independent, not just another usual MOBA.

One of the main differences in HotS is that it doesn’t have a stable game mode, rather there are different maps with different layouts and strategies.

Another difference is the game structure. HotS is not reliant on grinding for gold and experience, on the contrary, HotS doesn’t even have a shop and items. The experience is shared among the team, which means that no one player can snowball and carry the game.

The game is also very objective focused. Each map has its own big objective (like holding an area for some time, or killing some minions, or even escorting the payload!) which helps a lot toward winning the game. These objectives are almost always heavily contested which makes the game very fast-paced.

There is a progress system, of course, it wouldn’t be a MOBA without it. As the team levels, every hero has a choice of talents to enhance their skills or some sort of passive.

Overall, HotS tends to be a very teamwork-oriented game and quite fast-paced too. It can, many times feel like you are being dragged down by your team.

There are also some weird heroes that totally bend the rules, but that is more fun than not.

The SFX are what you’d expect. You can understand what’s happening and the announcer never confuses you.

What’s really good is the fact that you can see and hear your favorite characters from any of Blizzard’s popular games with new lines and their iconic traits and skills, albeit a bit renewed and rebalanced.

There are also many announcers to choose from, all heroes within the Nexus.

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The graphics are a little more polished than its would-be competitors DotA and LoL, which means that by a small margin, it’s harder to run. It’s nothing too obvious though.

Other than that, the graphics are good, there is never a cluster of effects to confuse you and you can understand what’s happening. The maps look very good, it is Blizzard after all.

There are also many maps based on the universes from the popular games and Blizzard did an excellent job at reimagining them.

Personal Thoughts

Generally, HotS is a very fun game, fast-paced and teamwork-oriented. The bonus of characters you already know and love makes for a very good combo. In fact, as I have stated before, it is my favorite MOBA. Alas, it comes with negatives.

Firstly, HotS is very casual. There is no other way to see it, the game is not as intense as the other MOBAs.

That is fully evident now that the esports scene is no longer supported, and thus, doesn’t exist anymore. Which is another con.

No matter how good you are, you can’t profit, and you will not be rewarded for your skill.

The future of the game seems stable, but with a game that doesn’t have an endgame, no goal, and is doomed to be played just for fun, it really doesn’t seem sustainable.

The game is free to play (which is very weird, considering we’re talking about Blizzard), and the company is pouring money for it. If they see that they are only losing money, they will slowly cut it out. They won’t delete the game or anything, but they’ll stop supporting it with further updates.

I’m very sad about this development, as I really thought that HotS had potential. But I still do recommend you to play the game.

If you don’t want an intense experience and looking for the meta and the optimal strategies and builds, or if you just want to get in touch with some of your favorite characters, I wholeheartedly support this decision.

The game is worth it while it’s still supported, so I recommend it to anyone willing to look past its flaws.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 7.0

Gameplay: 7.5

Visuals: 6.8

General Rating: 7.1

That’s it for my review. Have you played HotS? Do you enjoy the game and its wackiness? Were you disappointed when you heard about the cut in esports? Let me know in the comments below, and I will get back to you.

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Top 10 Strongest DBZ Characters – Worse to Best

Top 10 Strongest DBZ Characters - Worse to Best

Hi guys! Today I will talk about the 10 strongest Dragon Ball Z characters. Now, this is going to be hard and I must set some rules.

Even with the rules some of you will disagree, but if I set no rules it will be total chaos. So, these are the rules:

Top 10 Strongest DBZ Characters - Worse to Best
  1. The list is strictly for Dragon Ball Z characters, meaning that I am considering for this list all the characters that exist in the Dragon Ball Z anime and are canon. The characters in filler episodes (cough… Pikkon), and in movies aren’t on this list because they aren’t canon.
  2. Dragon Ball Super characters aren’t included even if Dragon Ball Super takes place before the end of Dragon Ball Z. I will make a separate list for the top 10 strongest characters in Dragon Ball Super. That means that Battle of Gods, and Resurrection of F movies don’t count as well.
  3. I will only put each character one time on this list, because if I put all the transformations and forms of Buu, half the list will include Buu, so I will only put the strongest form of Buu, meaning Buu (Gohan Absorbed).

Now that I made everything clear let’s begin.

10. Android 18

I know that many will disagree whether Android 18 is stronger than Piccolo especially since we don’t consider Dragon Ball Super in this list.

Android 18 is equal to Piccolo in strength, and we know that because in their fight they were completely equal in strength, but if you take into consideration that Android 18 has unlimited energy, meaning that he doesn’t get tired, if they fight, at some point Piccolo will get tired and lose while Android 18 doesn’t have to worry about stamina.

That is the only reason Android 18 is above Piccolo in this list. Plus, Piccolo didn’t fight anyone in Buu Saga, so even if he got stronger we can’t know how much stronger he got.

9. Future Trunks

Future Trunks is one of the most popular characters in the series and he became a lot stronger since we were first introduced to him.

He definitely deserves a spot in the top 10 list, but there characters a lot stronger than him in this list.

8. Dabura

Now Dabura is definitely at the level of Cell, but if they fought each other I believe Cell would win thanks to his regeneration.

Dabura could be stronger than Cell, but we don’t have enough information to clearly tell who is the strongest.

Cell in his Super Perfect Form never fought Gohan 1vs1 and we can’t know how he compares to Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.

Gohan won with the help of his friends, but he was injured since he protected Vegeta.

He may be stronger than Cell in his Super Perfect Form, but maybe Cell is stronger instead, so I will presume based on this limited data that Super Perfect Cell is stronger than Dabura.

7. Super Perfect Cell

Cell in his Ultimate Form is close to Super Saiyan 2 Gohan, but we can’t know if he is stronger or not.

The only thing that we know for sure is that he deserves a spot in the top 10 list of the strongest Dragon Ball Z characters.

6. Vegeta

Vegeta is clearly stronger than Cell in Buu Saga since he unlocked his Super Saiyan 2 form and he trained hard in the 7-year time skip.

He gave a better fight against Fat Buu than Dabura, who got stomped in 2 minutes. He is certainly stronger than Gohan in Cell Saga.

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5. Gotenks

I included fused forms in this list because they are transformations of a single person like the Super Saiyan.

Gotenks is a completely different being than Goten or Trunks. Gotenks managed to turn into Super Saiyan 3 at such a young age and went toe to toe with Buu.

Now we don’t know if he could beat Buu alone, but he is certainly close to Buu’s level of power.

4. Mystic Gohan

Now here’s where it gets tricky.

Mystic Gohan may be stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Goku, but it depends on which Super Saiyan 3 Goku we are talking about.

If we talk about Super Saiyan 3 Goku in the Buu Saga, then he is stronger, but if we talk about Goku after the time skip where he continued training and probably improved his mastery upon Super Saiyan 3, then Goku is probably stronger, especially since Gohan stopped training after the Buu Saga.

So, by the end of the Dragon Ball manga, Goku has surpassed Gohan, that’s a fact and that is why Goku is in the number 3 spot instead.

3. Goku

Goku is one of the strongest characters in Dragon Ball Z, and he managed to do that through sheer training and effort and certainly deserves a spot in the top 3 strongest characters in Dragon Ball Z.

As I mentioned before, he surpassed Gohan by the end of the manga because he kept training, while Gohan gave up on fighting.

2. Buu (Gohan Absorbed)

Buu when he absorbed Gohan was at his strongest. Kid Buu wasn’t stronger than Buu (Gohan Absorbed) since it’s completely absurd to assume that.

He would be at the number 1 spot if it wasn’t for Vegito who is the strongest being in Dragon Ball Z.

1. Vegito

Vegito is the strongest character in Dragon Ball Z by far.

He toyed with Buu in his strongest state. If he wanted to, he could wipe him out of existence.

The only reason he didn’t is that he had to free Gohan, Trunks, Goten, and Piccolo that were trapped inside him.

He had no trouble against Buu and he is the clear number 1 of this list.

That’s it for my list guys, I hope you liked it. If you disagree with any part of this list, please write a comment below. See ya in the next article.

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Clash Royale Review

Clash Royale Review

Hey guys, today I will review a mobile game for the first time. Due to reviewing a mobile, there will hardly be a need for a storyline section or a graphics and SFX section, so instead I will do just general, gameplay and finally, personal thoughts, and I will cover everything you need to know with these three sections. So, without further ado:


Clash Royale was developed by Supercell, the company that created the hit mobile game Clash of Clans.

In fact, the two games share the same fictional universe, even though they are not connected at all gameplay-wise.

While the games are developed and maintained by the same company, and being part of the same universe (which means that the characters remain the same), you will find that most players prefer one of the two games, and rarely (if at all) bother with the other.

Clash Royale is a belongs to the real-time strategy genre (RTS), but it combines elements from RTS, MOBAs, collectible card games (CCGs), and tower defense games (TDs).

Clash Royale was the first and best of its kind, and as is usual with these cases, Clash Royale spawned many clone games.

The game became a massive success, having reached one billion in revenue within its first year of release.

The game is frequently updated by the developers, and balance changes come on a monthly basis.

The game also has a promising esports scene, and it gives the chance to amateurs to compete by hosting an annual tournament in which everyone who wins it can compete in the Clash Royale League (you must win 20 games, and you are kicked out if you get three losses).

Furthermore, there is always something new going on in the game, so it really never gets or feels old, as you can stop playing for 3 months and return to a game with completely new and/or different features.

Let’s not forget about the new cards that get released every 3 months.

But is the game’s gameplay as fun and exciting as its popularity implies? Let’s move on to the gameplay section to find out.


As mentioned, Clash Royale is a mix of RTS, MOBA, CCG, and TD. That is very evident in its gameplay.

After you play the tutorial, you are tasked with building your deck from some available starting cards and one or two new ones that you unlocked. You will then be pitted against other players who also play against their deck.

The starting pool of cards you can choose from is very small, but as you win and gain more trophies, more and more cards will become available to unlock.

The main way to unlock cards is by in-game chests. You win chests by winning games.

There are different rarities for chests, and the more common a chest is, the less card it gives and the more common they are. But, the more common a chest is, the less time it will take to unlock it.

The minimum is three hours. You can unlock them early using gems, which is an in-game currency that requires real money.

Cards are split into four different rarities; common, rare, epic, legendary. These don’t determine power, they determine how often you can get one, and how easy it is to find one.

The cards also have levels that determine their power compared to other cards.

The levels range from 1 to 13, and each rarity has a different starting level. Commons begin from level 1, rares from level 4, epics from 6 and legendaries from 9.

There is also what is known as tournament standard levels. You can upgrade these cards by collecting enough stacks of the one you want to upgrade (the higher the level, the more card it will require), and by spending gold, which is gained by winning, chests, and many other ways.

Each win against an opponent gives you trophies. The more trophies you collect, the higher your arena will be, and the better and stronger your opponents will get. This is called ladder climbing.

Generally, grinding something to level 13 is quite hard and tedious (unless you pay money), which is where the tournament standards come. The tournament standard level is 9.

Essentially, these exist to give all players a chance to show their true skill without needing to pay.

Every tournament and event that is hosted is played at tournament standard level, so higher leveled players will be leveled down for the tournament.

Clash Royale Review
Here is a typical field. The Blue Side belongs to the player, while the Red Side is enemy territory.
Below the field, you can see which four cards are available to play, and how many elixir you have.

Now for the actual gameplay.

Each card in your 8-card deck represents one of three possible types: a troop, a spell or a building.

These cards also have their own elixir cost. You gain elixir passively over time, and you must manage it in order to maximize your chances of winning.

When you play a card, it is manifested in the field. Each player has his own side, which is separated by the river in the middle.

There are two entrances to the other side of the field, the bridges on the left and right.

Your purpose is to strategically play your units, spells, and building in such a way, that you get to destroy more enemy towers, than the opponent, does yours.

Each player has 3 towers, two weaker princess towers left and right, and a stronger king tower in the back middle.

If the king tower is destroyed, then it is an automatic game over for the one who lost it (similarly to chess).

Your towers also have a level that determines their stats, and you can level them up with experience, which is gained upon leveling up a card.

Each game has three minutes. If three minutes have passed and both players have the same number of towers destroyed, the game goes to overtime sudden death, where that first player to get a tower within 3 more minutes wins. If those three minutes pass without any player destroying any tower, then the game ends as a draw.

After the first 2 minutes passed, the game will produce double the amount of elixir.

All of the above make the game quite flexible, as there are countless strategies and decks you can use.

The game also has a 2v2 mode where there are no trophies and you can either play with a friend or a stranger.

Finally, there are clans. A clan is good as you can ask for donations for any common or rare card you have and want to level up without involving RNG, and you can donate cards you don’t want in order to make some money and experience.

There are also the clan wars, which is split into two days, the collection day and the war day.

By competing in clan wars, clans can earn clan trophies which determine their individual week, plus, every player who competed in at least one war per two weeks gains a bonus chest depending on the clan’s best position those past weeks.

In the collection day, you play three games with a choice of four different game modes (the rotation changes frequently), and depending on if you won or lost, and your place in the ladder, you gain some cards for the next day.

In war day, you must draft a deck from all the cards your clan won the previous day and fight against a member of another clan who has done the same.

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Personal Thoughts

Generally, Clash Royale gains a lot of praise, and for a good reason. Have I even mentioned it can be played on any device from 2014 onward?

The only complaint that the game gets is about its supposed pay-to-win system.

My opinion about this is that firstly, yes, you can get an advantage by paying money, and this advantage is almost always unfair.

It’s not like if someone has better levels than you, then the difference is small, you can literally lose games just because you had weaker cards. But it doesn’t matter.

For starters, if you lose to someone who actually paid, or grinds more than you, then it’s ok, the ladder isn’t going anywhere.

Theoretically, you can someday attain max level to everything without paying a dime, and then only skill will matter.

But even if you are impatient, reaching the tournament standards is pretty routine, and you can show your true skills within tournaments and events.

The esports scene doesn’t even require you to be max leveled, you just need the tournament standards. So, while it might seem unfair at the start, honestly, you just get used to it.

There are times though when the game can be outright infuriating, if that happens, just close the game, and take a one or two days to break.

And in the end, Supercell needs to make money, and while one might argue that they could do other things to get money, and still keep being fair, that’s what they chose, so it’s something you must accept if you want to play the game.

Besides, they themselves are doing what they can to keep free-to-play players satisfied. Believe me, getting the cards you want without paying is a thousand times easier than when the game began.

I already stated my opinions about mobile games in general here, and how they should be preferably be played when you have nothing better to do, or don’t have the time or space to open your PC.

But Clash Royale certainly can be played more seriously, and is worth devoting time to get better at it.

Edit: Clash Royale has released the all-new (if you don’t play Clash of Clans) Season Pass, where there are free prizes for everyone, but tons of prizes, perks, and bonuses for those who pay a buck extra.

There is even an all-time exclusive tower skin that you can never get EVER, and there is no other way to take it. And the best part, the seasons change every month, so if you miss it then tough luck. I’m heavily disappointment by this development for 2 reasons:

First, the game took a step in the opposite direction of making things easier for free to play players (which I can’t really blame as they need revenue (not that they don’t have enough already but whatevs)).

Two, the exclusive tower skin. If for any reason (not having a job, being tight economically, etc, etc) you can’t pay for the pass, you’ll spend the rest of your lifespan (your Clash Royale lifespan) being reminded on a daily basis that someone has something better than you simply because he has more money or richer parents and that you could have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to get it, and will never have the chance to ever get it again. Sure, you can pay for one you really like, but again, firstly, that’s a nightmare for the collectors who want everything, and second, who’s to say you won’t like the next one better.

Honestly, I’m probably just venting here, but I can’t hide my disappointment. However, the game doesn’t change much but it will lose 1 point from its personal score due to becoming more P2W again.

General Rating: 7.0

Do you play Clash Royale? What is your favorite card? If you don’t do you like my review.

If you want to add something or have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments, and I will answer as soon as I can.

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Pay to Win – How Pay to Win Destroys Gaming

Pay to Win - How Pay to Win Destroys Gaming

Hi guys! Today I will talk about pay-to-win and how it is destroying gaming. First, I’ll say a few words to clarify my position.

I have no problem in paying money to buy a game, I have bought many games and as for MMORPG games I have bought Guild Wars 2 and all of its expansions.

I respect those companies that admit that they can’t afford a free to play business model and they make their games buy to play. Now that I clarified my position, let us talk about pay-to-win and why it destroys gaming.

What is Pay-to-win?

Let’s first clarify what pay-to-win is.

A game is considered pay-to-win if the players can buy in the game’s cash shop items that give them an unfair advantage over players that didn’t buy those items, meaning that those items give them more power than free to play players.

Cosmetics in the cash shop isn’t pay-to-win.

XP boosts are somewhat in a grey area. They can be considered fair because they don’t give more power, but some games have a grinding system that is designed in a way that it basically forces you to buy XP boosts, because if you don’t buy them it can take you hundreds upon hundreds of hours to reach the max level, those games for me are considered pay-to-win.

The reason I consider those games pay-to-win is because time is something that not everyone has, and making a game’s leveling system so broken that, in order to reach the max level you need to waste all your free time just grinding for months, is a scammy business tactic and should be treated as such.

Some players don’t like grinding at all so they might say that a game has broken grinding level when in reality it doesn’t.

I will give you an example of a game that isn’t multiplayer, has a leveling system and XP boosts and many consider that it forces you to pay to level up at a reasonable time. The game is Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

I’ve played Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, for me doesn’t encourage you to pay for XP boosts.

I rarely needed to grind doing side missions and I beat the game at level 48. Mmorpgs that have a grinding system like that of Assassin’s Creed aren’t considered pay-to-win.

If some people don’t like to grind, they shouldn’t play MMORPGs. Pay-to-win is most used in MMORPG games, but there are some multiplayer games that aren’t MMORPGs that can be pay-to-win.

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Arguments that Pay-to-win Players Use

Let’s now talk about the arguments that pay-to-win players use to support their position.

They will say that they support the developer because they pay to buy things in the game.

That, for me, is one of the most ridiculous arguments they can make. If they wanted to support the developer they could just buy cosmetics or other products of the company that is outside the game.

Buying items that give them more power than free-to-play players shows precisely that they don’t care at all about the developers, they only want to be the strongest in the game and to beat free-to-play players over and over, because they probably live such miserable lives that this is the only getaway they have.

Another argument they will say is that those that don’t pay-to-win are poor and they just can’t pay. Another bad argument.

They think that just because they are miserable people themselves, that the only thing stopping the other players from doing the same is money.

I have to say, there are players that would pay-to-win if they had money, but not all of us are that way.

My reasoning for not paying is that beating another player just because I gave more money, means nothing, a win like this is no win at all for me.

Beating someone without having any advantage is the only true win for me. I never even considered paying for power in a game, because the moment that I buy something that gives me an advantage just because I have more money than other players, is the moment I become a pay-to-win player and for me, that is the same as cheating.

Why Paying-to-win is Destroying Gaming

Now let me tell you why pay-to-win destroys gaming.

By supporting pay-to-win practices, meaning by paying-to-win in games, you give a message to all the developers that you support those practices and more developers focus on how to make their games more pay-to-win just to make more money.

If nobody paid-to-win, no games would be pay-to-win. Now I understand that the developer of the game has to make money, but there are better ways to make money than focusing on how to make the game more pay-to-win.

You can focus on making the gameplay better, introducing new features and game modes, improving the balancing and generally improving the game.

Focusing on how to monetize the shit out of a game, doesn’t make the game better and it doesn’t make the game more popular, it just degrades the level of the game.

There are countless games that went the pay-to-win route and after a few months they died, because almost nobody wants to play a pay-to-win game so by focusing on improving the game, they will make more money than focusing on monetization.

Nowadays, unfortunately, most games that come out are pay-to-win, because we show them that we accept those practices because people still pay-to win.

Even if a game isn’t pay-to-win when it’s released, it becomes pay-to-win later most of the time.

Now, you can count the MMORPGs that aren’t pay-to-win in the fingers of one hand.

FYI, these MMORPGs are WoW, Guild Wars 2, MapleStory 2, Final Fantasy XIV and only one of them is free to play which is fine by me, as I said I respect those that can admit that they can’t support a free to play model, but that goes to show that free to play in most cases goes along with pay-to win.

If we want a brighter future for gaming, we have to stop supporting those practices, but it’s easier said than done.

I hope my article helped you understand the situation and why by paying-to-win you don’t help the gaming industry to improve, but instead, it helps them make worse games.

Now I want you to tell me in the comments below what you think about pay-to win and if you support it or not. See ya in the next article.

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Is Mobile Gaming Really Worth It?

Is Mobile Gaming Really Worth It?

Hey guys, today I’ll be writing about something that’s been on my mind lately. You see, the gaming industries have as of late been taking a turn to mobile gaming, not that it means that PC and Console gaming is dead, but mobile gaming is certainly more dominant now than it used to be.

So, I’ll analyze the reasons behind this change and my two cents on whether mobile gaming is ultimately worth it, compared to PC and Console gaming at least.

I will list the reasons why mobile games are popular compared to PC and console gaming, so reason like “Competitiveness” won’t make the list as it applies to both types of gaming. But first, some background:


Mobiles are a lot like computers. They used to be owned by wealthy people, but with the establishment of industrialization and capitalism during the 90s, mobile phones became available to the general public.

Like computers, due to becoming so popular, the companies who developed them decided to start making them more and more sophisticated, to keep the advantage over rival companies, which lead us to today’s touch screen phones.

Mobile gaming was extremely crude at its beginning, just like regular gaming. The games on mobile phones were simple 2D pixel games like Snake, and other games similar to Alien Invaders from the arcades. Some even had simplistic car racing games.

None of those games were multiplayer, however.

Those early mobile games became very popular in Japan’s dedicated mobile phone game culture, praising the mobiles’ retro-style gaming. Older arcade games started reappearing on mobile devices.

Many developers tried to create their own games as well, but mobile operators were not very happy with a few developers having to interact with hundreds and thousands of players who would want any given game, so they acted as middle-men, which reduced revenue for the actual developers, thus keeping mobile gaming to a standstill.

It was the introduction of Apple’s App Store that changed the mobile world (and by extension the mobile gaming world) forever.

Through the App Store, customers could download any app that was published through the app store by any developer.

Due to the App Store becoming such a success, rival mobile operating systems started adopting this approach with their own app distributing apps.

Because Apple discarded the keyboards for touch screens, and the game developers used this input method as the dominant one, which forced eventually all other companies to do this as well.

But what are the reasons mobile games are so popular today?


A mobile game’s biggest advantage is arguably its accessibility. Single-player mobile games can be played anywhere, and if at any point you want to unwind and play a game, you can do so. You just pull out your phone and start playing.

Multiplayer games are a little harder, as they require either a good internet connection or a good mobile company reception and data plan to be played outdoors.

It’s certainly much easier than having to be able to play only in one room of your house.


Mobile games, thanks to Apple originally, are available to download at any time, anywhere, and for everyone (except the age-restricted phones). It’s so easy and fast to do so, that even old stubborn people are trying it out.

This helps by the way, with people seeing gaming more positively. Most games are also free which makes it even easier to have a plethora of games on your phone. Which brings us too…

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Due to being easier to develop and maintain, mobile games are either free and completely supported by ads and in-game cosmetics and boosts, or require you to pay a small amount.

This makes them cheaper than their PC counterparts in general, but that means that most mobile games are much smaller in length and features than a PC game can be.


If you are a dedicated gamer, you know the hustle of looking for the perfect specs for your dream PC or waiting for that sale to get the game/console you always wanted and save some money.

Mobile gamers don’t have to worry about this at all. Mobile games only require you to have what everyone already has; a relatively recent mobile device.

Time Efficient

The process of mobile gaming can take up to 10 minutes, including actually opening and closing the game.

This is perfect for someone who has plans shortly after, or wants a quick 10-minute break from work, or even during the periods in schools.

Whereas playing a computer game would take up more time than that, or at least it isn’t worth it for this 10 minute period compares to mobiles.

Final Thoughts

Times are changing and this always brings changes. We are at a time where mobile gamers are just as much as PC gamers. Many PC gamers consider mobile games a “lesser breed” and a waste of time.

Personally, I welcome this change, as mobile games show a lot of potential, and it would be bad to overlook that.

Plus, mobile games have already started having the lead in some genres like the battle royales, or base building games, and many simple puzzle games.

A lot of multiplayer mobile games have e-sports as well, which is a bonus for the competitive ones.

Unfortunately, mobile games have one big disadvantage. The free competitive ones, due to needing money to sustain themselves, usually offer in-game boosters and items in exchange for real money.

This can put some players in an advantage early on, but it’s not that hard to reach the top by playing for free, it’s just too time-consuming.

Of course, if you are talented in any of these games, it will be obvious, even without the boosts.

My personal opinion for mobile games is just positively neutral; as long as they don’t affect the rest of the gaming world negatively, then I don’t really care.

A lot of the popular companies are balanced between the two gaming types, by having games for both devices.

Other companies chose to release their game on PCs and mobile simultaneously (like Microsoft’s Minecraft and Epic Games’ Fortnite).

In the end, I believe that mobile games are better than PC games on two (plus one) occasions: when you want to game on smaller fractions like before you get to sleep, or when you are between classes (or during for the daring ones!), and if you are a non-gamer wanting to pass the time somehow.

The bonus reason is if you have such a crappy PC that your mobile has much better specs, in which I wouldn’t blame you for preferring mobile games.

What are your thoughts on mobile gaming? Do you prefer mobile or PC gaming? I actually happen to play quite some mobile games to pass the time. If you want to say or add anything, do so in the comments, and I will answer as soon as I can.

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