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Middle-Earth: Shadow of War PC Review

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Middle-Earth: Shadow of War. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War PC Review


The story of the game continues from the previous game, as Talion and Celebrimbor forge the ring that will help them defeat Sauron but they lose it immediately, the rest are pretty much spoilers so I will not continue to talk about the story.


Middle-Earth: Shadow of War takes inspiration for its gameplay from the Batman Arkham games and Assassin’s Creed games.

The combat is very similar to Batman Arkham games, meaning that when an enemy attacks you, there is an indication on the enemy before the attack and if you counter at the right time the character will perform a short counter animation that is automated.

Also, when you kill an enemy orc captain, there will be a short clip where you perform an execute strike, which is really fun to watch.

Shadow of War’s main selling point compared to other games is the Nemesis System. The Nemesis System makes the enemies feel unique from one another, and when they appear there is a short clip where they say something.

When you die from an enemy Orc it becomes stronger thanks to the Nemesis System and even simple unnamed Orcs can become captains if they kill you in battle.

Thanks to the Nemesis System, the game becomes harder when you die and that makes it more challenging and forces you to think before you act about the consequences your actions will have.

A very cool element in the game, is that enemies have strengths and specific weaknesses, so doing research about your enemy before you fight him helps a lot.

Furthermore, if you attack using a specific ability all the time the enemy Orc will adapt to that ability and it will be rendered useless.

Now, let’s talk about the RPG elements of the game. There is a big skill tree in the game with 6 main branches and 12 abilities in each, where each ability has 2-3 passives or actives and you can only choose one passive/active from each of the abilities.

The good thing is that you can swap change your available abilities whenever you want without paying anything.

There is a lot of different equipment with different rarity levels for you to choose from. The weapons that you have at your disposal are a sword, a dagger, and a bow or axes for range shots.

You can also equip gems (these gems are attached to the category of gear and not the gear itself so you can swap gear without losing the gem) to weapons and armor to give them buffs.

After a certain point in the game, you will have the option to recruit Orcs that you defeat in your army, and that is very important because you will need to build an army of powerful Orcs for the sieges that you have to do in the game.

Siege is pretty much what it sounds like, you have an army of Orcs and you siege enemy castles and after you defeat the leader of that castle, you will take the castle for yourself. Sieges are pretty much war and are very fun and challenging.

In this game, there are also mounts that you can use to traverse the map faster (even though Talion is very fast and mobile himself).

My favorite mount is the dragon because dragons aren’t only fun because of their flight capabilities, but they are also powerful and can destroy whole armies of Orcs.


The game’s graphics are above average, but they aren’t among the best you have seen. The game lacks in detail in graphics, but I guess this helps those that have lower specs.

The map of this game is pretty big, and each of the areas that are available feels and is different than the rest meaning that they have a different landscape, climate, and environment in general.

I also like that each weapon and armor in the game looks different than the rest, that the character doesn’t look the same the whole game.

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Final Thoughts

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War is a very good game that improves upon everything that its predecessor offers.

It has challenging combat, solid graphics, and a good story. There was a talk about the grinding that the game forces you to do and the loot boxes, but let me tell you this, I played the game in the hardest difficulty settings and rarely felt the need to grind.

For me, it comes down to the skill of the player and how lazy he is. This game is worth its price, sale or no sale.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 9.5

Gameplay: 9.3

Visuals: 8.9

General Rating: 9.2

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

Here is the link for the images I used:

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice PC Review

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Hi guys! Today I will talk about the best single-player game I have ever played and that is Sekiro Shadows Die Twice. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then, about the gameplay, then the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice PC Review


The story of the game is very interesting and by the end, you will feel emotionally connected to the characters.

I think the world of Sekiro is very well-written and the story needs a sequel after that dramatic ending. I should mention the story has 4 different endings but only one of them is the true ending that is considered canon by the developers.


Sekiro is an amazing game, in fact, it is so good that I could just say buy it and end the review here but I have to write the review for those that want more details on why Sekiro is worth to buy.

Firstly, Sekiro has the best combat system I have ever seen in a game. It is easy to learn yet hard to master and when you master it, it is hands-down beautiful to see the fights in the game. If you see videos on YouTube where people fight enemies in Sekiro with 0 damage taken where they perfectly deflect every enemy hit, you will understand what I am talking about.

To fight you have your katana and a lot of shinobi tools and some consumables that give different buffs. Sekiro isn’t like the other FromSoftware games, you can only use your katana, there are no other weapons for you to choose from.

The game doesn’t have difficulty settings, but you can make the game more difficult by ringing the Demon Bell. Also, the game’s base difficulty stacks up till ng+7 and after the first playthrough, you can give Kuro(who is your master) his charm to make the game even more difficult.

The game is at its most difficulty in ng+7, where you also give Kuro the charm and ring the Demon Bell. There is a lot of rage on the internet about the game’s difficulty being too hard.

Let me tell you this, the game’s base difficulty is nothing special. Maybe it’s a little harder than, and I mean only a little harder than, the hardest difficulty in any other game.

Those people rage because they don’t want to put any effort into the game. When you master deflecting and get used to the game, the game’s base difficulty will be a walk in the park.

I have beaten the game 12 times the last four being with the hardest possible settings and I can truly say that without the Demon bell and without giving Kuro the charm the game becomes easy after the second playthrough.

Whoever says the game needs an easy mode is just lazy.

Sekiro has a lot of bosses and mini-bosses for you to fight and they feel different from each other and each requires a different approach when you fight them.

There are also many items for you to unlock, some are passive and others are active.

In the game, there are idols for you to rest and restore your health, much like the other FromSoftware games. They are easy to find and are placed in good positions, meaning you don’t need to travel a lot to return to where you died.

In Sekiro you also have the ability to resurrect when you die, you have one resurrection at first, but as the game progresses you can have up to three resurrections.


The game has beautiful graphics, they are not the best, but they are surely among the best graphics you will see in games nowadays.

My only problem with Sekiro is that you can’t change your appearance at all, but thanks to the mod community there are many mods that change your character’s appearance and the game’s appearance in general.

The mod community of this game is very active, and you should absolutely check out the mods for this game.

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Final Thoughts

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice offers the best combat system I have ever seen in a single-player game, a real challenge for those that want to play difficult games, and an amazing story and graphics.

I think this game is a true masterpiece and I really hope that there will be a sequel to this game. If you want a game that offers a real challenge, then this is a game for you.

You don’t even need to wait for it to go to sale, this is one of those few games that are worth every penny.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 10

Gameplay: 10

Visuals: 10

General Rating: 10

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

Here is the link for the images I used:

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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey PC Review

Assassin's Creed Odyssey PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then, about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Assassin's Creed Odyssey PC Review


In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey you choose to play as Alexios or Kassandra, the two of them are siblings. No matter who you choose the story and dialogue will be the same.

The story takes place in Greece during the Peloponnesian War where Athens and Sparta are the two opposing factions. You are a misthios which means you get paid to kill people, and that’s it for the story, I don’t want to spoil anything for you.


Now let’s talk about game mechanics. The game is an RPG; each time you level up you get an ability point that you can use to unlock or upgrade a skill. You have three different skill trees to choose from, the Assassin, the Warrior, and the Hunter, which means that there are a lot of builds for you to choose from.

Additionally, you have many gear stats and you can engrave stats to your gear. As you can see this game has a lot of RPG elements and not all Assassin’s Creed fans will like it, since it isn’t an Assassin Creed game like the ones they are used to, many will say that this isn’t an Assassin’s Creed game at all.

One of the things I like in this game compared to the Assassin’s Creed games before Origins is the combat system. The combat feels fast and there is a fluidity to it.

The only thing that I don’t like about the combat is the Parry, for me it is badly implemented and I never use it, I only dodged through my 60 hours gameplay with 2-3 exceptions where I tried to parry, but I soon realized it wasn’t for me and I have beaten Sekiro 12 times(four of them with the hardest possible difficulty) where I deflected all the time and I can tell you parrying in Odyssey is bad.

There is a variety of weapons for you to choose, so if you get bored with one weapon you can pick another. The game has a lot of content and DLCs are still released for it so it will take you a long time to beat it.

It took me almost 60 hours to beat the base game in the hardest difficulty. The map of this game is huge and the biggest map in all of Assassin’s Creed games that were released until now. The problem with a big map is that it takes a lot of time to travel from one point to the other. You can travel faster thanks to a horse that you are given at the start of the game.

You can also travel and fight through the sea though I didn’t like sea battles and sea travel in general, not because they were bad, they were pretty good actually, but I personally don’t like to fight in the seas using a ship.

The good thing is that the game doesn’t force you to travel through the sea all the time. It only forces you the first time you visit a new island and once you unlock a travel point, you don’t have to travel to that island again.

The game does force you to fight in the sea though but what can you do, it’s part of the game.


The graphics of this game are astounding. If Ubisoft is good in one thing, that is to create open worlds. It feels like you actually walk in Ancient Greece and I like the fact that you can choose if you want to play Day or Night.

The characters in the game look realistic and you have a lot of customization options, you can even change the appearance of your gear and keep the stats that it had.

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Final Thoughts

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is for me the best Assassin’s Creed game I have played. There are a lot of things to do in this game and you can play it the way you want to, the game doesn’t force you to play a specific build because that’s the most “optimal”, on the contrary, it gives you absolute freedom.

The graphics are some of the best you will see today and the only problem for me is the poor optimization that it has for PC, meaning that it needs very good specs to be played in at least 60 fps.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8.2

Gameplay: 8.6

Visuals: 9.5

General Rating: 8.8

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

Here is the link for the images I used:

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Just Cause 3 PC Review

Just Cause 3 PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Just Cause 3. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Just Cause 3 PC Review


The story of this game isn’t something special, meaning that it’s there but you don’t really care about it.


Just Cause 3 takes place in Medici, an island that has been taken over by a dictator and your job is to liberate this island. You play as Rico and you have many weapons and gadgets at your disposal.

The tools that you will use to traverse the world are a grappling hook, a parachute, and a wingsuit. Using these tools has a real skill to it. It will take some time to get used to these tools but when you succeed it will be fun and rewarding to use them.

There are many mini-challenges in this game that are associated with these tools. For example, there is a challenge about how far can you climb while using your parachute or how far you can go using your wingsuit.

The game shows when you surpassed another player’s record and when another player has surpassed your record. This makes for a fun challenge for those of you that want to be the best.

There are also a variety of vehicles and weapons that you can unlock by liberating bases. The map of the game is huge and there are a lot of bases and towns that you have to liberate but the problem is that this process becomes repetitive after a while and it really takes the fun out of it.

I guess it depends on what do you want out of the game. If you want to play this game just to finish it and add it to the list of games that you finished then it really becomes boring after a while.

If, on the other hand, you want to do crazy stunts and push the limits of what you can do in this game then each base that you liberate is a test of what you can do in the game and you won’t get bored.

I personally found the game repetitive and I finished it because I don’t like to leave games that I play unfinished.

Now let’s talk about the enemies that you will fight in this game. The enemies that you will fight aren’t the brightest people, in fact, they are pretty stupid and useless, most of them at least.

The threat that they pose comes from their numbers. They spawn fast and they can overwhelm you if you let them. Rico has to take a lot of hits to die and regenerates health when he is out of combat so when you see you are close to death, you can retreat and regenerate your health.


The graphics of this game are pretty average even for the time of its release. The island looks good but it’s nothing special. You can’t really change Rico’s appearance so you are stuck with his starting appearance. I don’t really have anything more to say about the graphics and the general appearance of this game. It is ok for what it is.

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Final Thoughts

Just Cause 3 is a good game but nothing more than that. It isn’t a game that has any replayability, at least for me and when you finish all the missions and DLC you will probably forget about it.

It’s a good game if you don’t have anything else to play and you are looking for something to pass the time. The graphics as I said aren’t something special and how good you find the gameplay depends on what you are looking for in a game.

The game doesn’t offer a real challenge except the mini-challenges where you compete against other players to see who is the best in a specific thing in the game.

For me, this game is worth buying only if it is on an extreme sale like 5$. I bought it at that price and for 5$ I believe it is worth to buy it. I know it looks like I am bashing the game, but it really isn’t the case. I am just saying what I feel about the game even if it sounds like I am bashing on it.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 7.4

Gameplay: 7.4

Visuals: 7.0

General Rating: 7.2

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

You can support me and get notified when I post a new article by following me on Twitter and sharing my article.

Here is the link for the images I used:

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Tom Clancy’s The Division PC Review

Tom Clancy's The Division PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about one of my favorite games: The Division. The game had a lot of issues at first but after years of patches and fixes it turned out to be an amazing game.

As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Tom Clancy's The Division PC Review


The story of the game is good though it isn’t a game that you should pick because it has a good story because it feels like the developers didn’t want to focus as much on the story. Maybe it isn’t so much their fault since each player creates his own character.

I guess they didn’t find a good way to express your character’s personality because your character never speaks in the entire game and it feels like you are an emotionless machine that only does the tasks they want you to do and nothing more, but enough of the story, let’s talk about gameplay.


The Division is a third-person multiplayer RPG tactical shooter game and there aren’t many of those games nowadays. In The Division you create your own character which is a member of a secret government organization whose job in the game is to suppress the threats in Manhattan and find out what caused the virus outbreak.

Many people had a problem at first because the enemies feel like bullet sponges, so they reduced the amount of time it takes to kill an enemy, but at the end of the day it’s an RPG, if the enemies died with 3 bullets it wouldn’t be an RPG, so you need to decide if the game is for you or not.

The game has a variety of guns, abilities, and gear for you to choose, there are many builds. You can play the game either solo or co-op up to 4 players. The missions become a lot easier when you play co-op but they still give you a challenge.

The game has PVP modes, survival mode, and a horde mode where you fight waves of enemies. There is a lot of content in the game, but it still is a looter game where you play the same missions repeatedly to find better gear and that isn’t for everyone.

There is also the Dark Zone which is a PVP environment where you free-roam an area to find loot that you have to extract but at any moment another player that is in the area can go Rogue and attack you to steal your loot.

The Dark Zone is something that you will either love or hate. The first rule of the Dark Zone is that you don’t trust anyone in the Dark Zone, the second rule of the Dark Zone is to remember the first rule of the Dark Zone.

When I went in the Dark Zone for the first time someone that I found there send me an invitation to join his group, then he made our group status Rogue, then he left the group, attacked me and killed me, although I didn’t have any items that he could steal at that moment so I don’t know what was the point of that, but you get my point.


The Division has very good graphics and depending on the time of day that you play in the game it can go from good to amazing looking graphics. Manhattan in the winter looks amazing with the snow in the streets.

You can also choose from a variety of clothes and outfits to customize your character and you can also find more clothes on the map from looting. My only problem with the game in the looks department is that you don’t have enough options in the character creation since it is very limited.

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Final Thoughts

The Division may have started rough but now it’s a great game and it is worth to buy it but only when it’s on sale since The Division 2 has come out which improves upon the first Division. Now you will ask me “why buy The Division when its sequel is out?”

The Division 2 continues the story of the first Division and for me, it’s good to experience the story for yourself even if I said that the game doesn’t focus enough on the story. I suggest that if you want to buy the first Division that you wait until its price is below 15$.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8.8

Gameplay: 8.3

Visuals: 9.3

General Rating: 8.8

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

Here is the link for the images I used:

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Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain PC Review

Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about one of the best games I have ever played: Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain. It truly is an amazing game and I wholeheartedly recommend it to you, and you will learn why it’s so amazing in this review.

As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain PC Review


One negative thing about this game is the story.

Perhaps Hideo Kojima was rushed to finish the game because there are a lot of questions about the story that are not answered, and generally, it doesn’t feel like they cared enough about the story.


Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain is one of those games that give the player absolute freedom to approach every mission the way he wants to, the player can be stealthy, go guns blazing or something in between.

That is something that pleases everyone because in every game there are people who do not like the way the game forces you to play but with Metal Gear Solid V no one can complain about it.

The game also has a variety of tools that you can use in the missions. You can choose your companion that will aid you in the mission, the weapons you will use, and you also have air support from your allies.

You can plan each mission the way you want to, and not only that, you have information before the mission about the weather since the weather is dynamic and plays a big part in how you will approach the mission, also you can choose the time of day you will play the mission, most of the time at least.

Another cool part about the game is that the enemies adapt to your playstyle, for example, if you kill enemies mainly with headshots, they will at some point use helmets to protect themselves, if you attack more at night, the enemies will use flashlights.

You can capture enemies and recruit them in your army, send them on missions that will give you profit and put them in various positions depending on their skills, it is a nice feature that makes the game and the choices you make more meaningful since you can focus your resources in the things you want to improve and will help you depending on your playstyle.

The game also has a lot of missions for you to do and it is sure that it will keep you occupied for a long time.

Finally the game doesn’t have a difficulty setting and I know that you can make the game as difficult as you want it to be but I personally don’t want to change my playstyle to make the game more difficult, I want the game to be able to challenge me while playing it the way I want to, and to be honest the game isn’t that difficult.

I rarely faced a situation that was hard enough to make me put some real effort, and that may not be a problem for casual players but I want a game to challenge me so for me that’s a negative thing about the game.


The graphics of this game are truly outstanding, they are comparable to games that released this year and you can even say they are even better than the graphics of most games that are released today.

I thoroughly enjoyed roaming in the game and seeing those beautiful landscapes that the developers created for us. They used motion capture for the character’s movement and facial expressions so they look so realistic that I can confidently say that the game looks as close to a movie as a game can get while still being a game.

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Final Thoughts

Despite the two negatives things about the game that I mentioned, only one of those for me is something that most people will agree and that is the story. The difficulty is something most people will not care and most of you won’t care.

For me, this game is a must-have and you absolutely need to try it out. It is one of the best open-world games that exist right now, and it has a lot of content and missions, it will take you a lot of time to finish them all.

Final Verdict 

Storyline: 9.7

Gameplay: 9.8 

Visuals: 9.7 

General Rating: 9.7

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

Here is the link for the images I used:

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Assassin’s Creed Unity PC Review

Assassin's Creed Unity PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about a game that I finished a few days ago, Assassin’s Creed Unity. The reason I played it recently is because of the events that transpired in Notre Dame, Ubisoft decided to give this game for free for a few days and I got the chance to pick it up.

As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Assassin's Creed Unity PC Review


The story of the game is good, but nothing amazing.


Assassin’s Creed Unity gameplay can be divided into two parts, the parkour and the combat mechanics of the game. The parkour in Assassin’s Creed Unity is greater than it has ever been in the series, even when compared it to the recent Assassin’s Creed Games.

That said there are still some problems with the parkour system like when you want to go through a window, it can be really hard sometimes because your character seems to have a mind of his own and you have to put effort to manage this seemingly simple action. In other words, when the parkour works, it’s beautiful, but when it does not, it’s painful to watch it.

The combat mechanics of the game are like the previous games, heavily based on parrying and nothing too special. If you get one of the swords that have max damage in the game, then you can basically one-shot everyone except if they parry you, in which case you parry back and then one-shot them.

If they gang up on you then throw a smoke bomb and one-shot everyone. If you get one of those swords that have max damage you become a god and they can’t do anything to you no matter how many there are, this makes the game boring because when no one can kill you there isn’t much point in being careful.

In all the main story missions I never felt the need to go sneaky and assassinate everyone, because they couldn’t do anything to me even if I went in guns blazing.

Now if you want to make the game more difficult for yourself then you can go stealthy, but the problem, for me at least, is that the game doesn’t make you want to go stealthy, it doesn’t give you an incentive.

The thing that makes the game truly shine for me is the co-op missions. They are very fun to do, especially if you play with friends. Unfortunately, there is no in-game chat, so you must be friends with the players in your team to chat with them through Uplay.

One advantage of doing co-op missions is that they can help you progress your character easier since they give you XP and money to spend to get some gear.


The graphics of this game are outstanding despite being released in 2014. Paris looks astonishing and real. Special effort was put in making Notre Dame cathedral as close to the real one as possible. The designer team also focused a lot on character appearance.

You can customize your character with many different outfits and use many different colors to dye his clothes. There are also costumes from previous Assassin’s Creed games that you can unlock like Altair’s and Ezio’s and many more. There are also some new costumes that you can unlock that look amazing.

The only problem with the graphics being so good is that the game wasn’t optimized so good for PC, so you will need a very good Graphics Card to play this with at least 60 fps.

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Final Thoughts

Assassin’s Creed Unity is a good game, there is no doubt about that. The parkour is the best Assassin’s Creed has ever seen even though it still has some problems and the graphics are beautiful even compared to today’s standards.

One setback for me was the combat in this game, as they did nothing to improve it and it feels pretty one dimensional and repetitive. The game isn’t very difficult, especially if you pick up one of the strongest weapons, and that might be a problem for those that want a real challenge.

I was never stuck at any point in the game and felt the need to grind. I would recommend that you take this game when it’s on a good sale and if you have some friends to play co-op since the story of the game isn’t something that’s truly extraordinary.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8.8

Gameplay: 6.8

Visuals: 8.8

General Rating: 8.1

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

Here is the link for the images I used:

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Witcher 3 PC Review

Witcher 3 PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about one of my favorite games, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. This game may have been released in 2015 but I thought I should still write a review about it since I recently played the game for the first time and I loved it.

Just like the previous time, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).


The story of the game is ok, but I don’t think the story is as good as the previous games. You must find Ciri and Yennefer, but it feels like you just go from point A to point B where you get a mission in order for them to help you so they send you to point C then you go back to B and then you go to point A and the cycle repeats again and again.

The good thing in the story and game in general is it’s branching storyline, where your decisions affect the final outcome and that is something you don’t see often.


I think CD Projekt Red took it to the next level with the final installment in the trilogy and made its last game the best one. The combat in Witcher 3 is fluid and feels real. You can fight enemies any way you want. You can even go full wizard and upgrade the sign skills and rely on them almost completely for combat, the same thing I did.

You can build your character in whatever way you want and that gives the game another great feel. You aren’t forced to play the game a certain way unlike other RPGs, where they might have different builds for you to choose from even though not all of them are viable.

The game has a lot of content and will surely keep you busy for a long time. There are hundreds of missions to do in this game, it really seems like it has no end. The crafting is amazing too, and the best in the trilogy.

The enemies in this game are very different from one another and they require a different approach in order to beat them, keeping the game fresh.

I like how they make you think before a fight and research your enemies and what their weaknesses are, it makes you feel like a real Witcher. There are also two DLCs that were released for this game. The first was Heart of Stone and the second was Blood and Wine.

If you ask me which of the two I think is best then I would clearly pick Blood and Wine. The reason for this is that the area of the map that you unlock with that DLC for me is the most beautiful in all the games, and I loved every second I was in that area. The scenery was majestic, you saw green fields everywhere and beautiful areas. With that DLC you also unlocked paint for your clothes, which is a nice thing to add in a game and especially an RPG.


Another selling point of the game is the graphics. The graphics are top-notch and even today 4 years later they can be compared to titles that were released in 2019. The world is vast and beautiful, there is a day and night cycle and also the weather changes.

Free-roaming the map just to explore is fun just because of how real the world feels thanks to the graphics and the dynamic weather. I also like how the world feels different depending on where on the map you are. You don’t feel like they copy and pasted the same environment everywhere. I recommend you buy this game on PC because that is where the graphics truly shine.

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Final Thoughts

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is by far one of the best games that exist right now and a must buy. It is worth every dollar that you will spend on it. If you want a game with amazing graphics and gameplay then that’s the game for you. The story might not be something special, but it doesn’t need to be in order to make the game a must buy, it’s good for what it is and you won’t regret buying it.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 9.5

Gameplay: 9.5

Visuals: 9.3

General Rating: 9.4

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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Computer Gaming vs Console Gaming – The Definitive Comparison

Computer Gaming vs Console Gaming - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of computers versus console and tell you my opinion on what I believe is best.


PCs, for me at least, are for those people that want the best graphics and best performance a game can have. They want to play games in high fps and don’t want their fps to be locked at 30 and on the best occasion 60 just because the console can’t handle more. Playing a game at 30 fps is awful.

PCs also have more games for you to choose from. They have indie games, MMORPGs and you can play those games no matter when they were released. Backward compatibility is a huge advantage of PCs that most consoles don’t have.

PC games also have better prices than console games. Game sellers often have huge sales and you can buy games at extremely low prices. When you play games on PCs you can also use mods on them that make the game more complete and even better depending on your preferences.

One more advantage is that you can play old console games that you can’t buy anymore on PCs using emulators, so in a way, PCs preserve console games. Lastly, on PCs, you can play online with other people for free without paying extra money like some consoles.

The disadvantages of PCs are that many games aren’t optimized well because the developers released the game thinking of consoles and PCs were added as a secondary console.

There are many bad PC ports and there will be more in the future. Moreover, the time a PC becomes obsolete depends on how much you paid for them. Since games are optimized better for consoles than PCs, you need to have better hardware than a console would need to run those games.

Another thing that you must think of when deciding which gaming system to pick is the peripherals. PCs need a mouse, a keyboard, a monitor and depending on the monitor you might need speakers too. Those things increase the cost of PCs.

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Now, let’s talk about consoles. When it comes to consoles you really have two choices, PlayStation or Xbox. Both consoles have their advantages and disadvantages, but the point of this article isn’t to compare consoles.

Consoles in general cost around 400 euros, which is lower than a PC. Picking a console means that you can play any game that releases on that console for the next five years when a new version of the console comes out. It doesn’t matter if the game was released when the console came out or if the game released 4 years later, you will still be able to play it the same.

Another advantage is that consoles are easier to set up and play, you just plug them on your TV and you can play games. Consoles have many exclusive titles that you can’t play on PC’s.  

That’s it for the advantages of consoles. The first disadvantage of consoles is that not all consoles have backward compatibility. Xbox has backward compatibility, but PlayStation hasn’t and although Sony promises backward compatibility on PS5, we can’t be sure that they won’t use that backward compatibility as a service and make you pay a subscription fee to play previous generation PlayStation games on PS5.

As I told before, console performance has limits and the reason for those limits is because they need to make all games run the same on that console for five years and to do that especially when technology evolves every year, you need to sacrifice performance. No game will have better performance on console than on PC. Lastly, games on consoles are more expensive than games on PCs and these costs do stack up.

Now that I explained the advantages and disadvantages of each system, it’s time to tell you my final thoughts and what I believe is best. For me PCs are the best choice.

Although at first glance PCs cost more than consoles, as I said before console games costs stack up and soon that cost difference will not only disappear, but you will find that you have paid more for the console and games in the long run.

Also, you have to pay a subscription to play online multiplayer in consoles but on PCs, it’s completely free so add that up to the cost and in the end, you will see that even though you tried to pick the most cost-efficient option, you made the wrong decision in the long run.

So, if I had to choose between one of the two, I would pick a PC. This is my opinion based on my preferences, but that doesn’t mean it should be the same for you. At the end of the day, each of us must pick what’s best for themselves.

That was my article guys, I hope you liked it. Write in the comments below what your preference is, PC or console and why. See ya in the next article.

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Why Are Video Games Fun

Why Are Video Games Fun

Hey guys! Today I will walk about why video games are fun. If you clicked this article, then you probably play games, but have you ever wondered why you like games. I thought of why I like playing games and I wrote the reasons why videos games are fun for me.

1. Immersion

When you play a video game you immerse yourself in that game’s story and world. You become the character you are playing, and most of the time you make decisions with that character and based on those decisions you will get a different ending to the story.

Feeling that your decisions matter is something that most people love in gaming. In games, you either play as a character that exists in that world or you create your own character, choosing his looks, his gender, and much more. Both types of immersion are good for different reasons.

If you play as an already existing character, it’s like you are watching a movie, there is a branching storyline, and every decision can affect the final outcome.

If you play as a character you created, then you feel like the character is an extension of yourself. Both types of games have their audiences and I personally like both.

2. Community

A game doesn’t have to be multiplayer to have a community of people talking about it. Playing a game and then discussing it in places like Discord or Reddit (or the games’ very own forums) is fun because you meet new people that share your interests and interact with them.

You talk about something you both like, learn from each other’s experiences in the game and become better players together. Having someone to help you when you are stuck and don’t know what to do in a game is nice and makes the experience even more enjoyable.

Multiplayer games are even better in that regard. In multiplayer games you don’t only chat with people, you play with them. You go on missions together and fight other players together. Playing a game with other people and making friends like this is another way a game can be fun.

Fighting AI bosses are hard and all, but there are limits to what an AI can do, its moves are limited and once you play against it enough times you learn his moves and eventually beat it. On the other hand, playing against human players can be even harder, depending on the person you are playing against.

Humans don’t have a limited set of moves they can do, nor are as predictable. They adapt and become better or change their strategy if they see it doesn’t work against an opponent.

Chatting about a game with other people and playing with them can be truly amazing if you find the right people. I found some guys to play within a game and we had a blast.

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3. Variety

As you can see in another article on our site (click here if you are interested), there are many game genres. If you get bored playing action games, then you can play some strategy games, if you are bored playing alone, then pick up a multiplayer game, if you want to create your own character, then play an MMORPG.

Having so many genres of games to choose from means that you will never be bored when playing games. Not only are there many genres to choose from, but there are many games in each genre too. We live in the golden age of gaming.

Most people nowadays play games in their free time. There are thousands of games to play, so you will never run out of games you can play; the only limit is the money you must spend.

4. Culture

There are many games whose stories take place in the past and in different countries and eras. I don’t say that games are historically accurate but playing those games gives you a taste of what living in that period felt like.

Games, like movies, are a medium to tell stories and many developers create games that are based on historical events. Learning about what it felt like to live in a certain era by playing a game is way more fun and interactive than reading it in a book, at least for me it is.

 5. Competitiveness

There are games like CS:GO, League of Legends, Dota 2, Starcraft II and Call of Duty, among others, which are highly competitive. These games are considered among the most popular multiplayer games, and competitiveness is the reason why. Most players want to test their skills against other players and find out how good they are compared to them.

These games and many more have ranking systems that put players in divisions based on their skill level. Playing those games can become very fun and addictive, because you, like most people, like winning, and being the best in a game is a goal that many gamers share.

Games like the ones I mentioned before have a clear way to show how good you are and climbing the ladder is a goal that makes those games rewarding and fun.

Those were my reasons on why video games are fun. I hope you liked my article. If there are any reasons you like video games not on this list, then write them in the comments below. Also, write what are your favorite games and why. Thanks for reading the article, see ya at the next one.

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