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Quantum Break vs Control – The Definitive Comparison

Quantum Break vs Control

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Quantum Break and Control. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


Both games have interesting stories and will surely keep you entertained.

Quantum Break’s story is easier to understand, while Control’s story requires some more effort to understand and it still has a lot of mysteries. You will never figure out completely what is going on in Control but some may say they like it more like that.

The important thing is that both games have good stories so whatever you choose, you will surely enjoy its story.


Both games are made by the same developer and give the players some unique abilities that you don’t see often in games.

The main difference between these two games are the abilities that they give the players.

Quantum Break gives you the ability to manipulate time while Control gives you the ability of telekinesis.

Both are very interesting but I believe telekinesis is a little more fun in the way it is implemented in the game. Throwing objects at your enemies with a destructible environment and seeing them fly from the impact is extremely entertaining.

Quantum Breaks abilities to manipulate time are very fun too. From the ability to run while others are in slow motion to time shield ability and also the ability to stop time.

But enough of the abilities. Let’s talk about the weapons you can use in both games.

Quantum break has different guns for you to use though there isn’t much variety in the number of guns you can use and Control give you a single weapon but it has a lot of different forms and you can upgrade it to do different things.

An aspect that both games have problems with is the variety of the enemies they have. Both games don’t offer a lot of variety when it comes to enemies and you often feel you face the same kinds of enemies.

Some other problems that both games have(though this is a personal preference and not everyone likes the same things) are the amount of content and difficulty.

Both games have around 11 hours of story mode and Control has a few DLC so it has a little more content than Quantum Break. Also, the games for me aren’t challenging(though I compare the difficulty to games like Sekiro and Dark Souls).

If you want the game that you play to be very challenging then you will be disappointed by both games.

As for replayability. I never felt the need to play any of these games a second time.


In the visuals department, Quantum Break has an advantage since its a more recent game, but Quantum Break still looks good.

The difference is somewhat noticeable though so if you want above-average graphics then you should pick Control.

As for the customization options, in Control you can change outfits, though the options are limited. In Quantum Break you don’t have that kind of option.

I general Control wins when it comes to visuals.

Final Thoughts

Both games are above average but are far from masterpieces. They are decent and will entertain you for sure so whichever game you choose you will get your money’s worth I believe. Though I have to say that I recommend waiting for sale since I don’t believe they are worth getting at full price.

Finally, I will summarize what I want you to remember from this article. First, both games have amazing stories and I don’t think anyone is better than the other when it comes to the story.

When it comes to gameplay, it comes down to what you prefer, time abilities, or telekinetic abilities. Besides the abilities, the other aspects of the gameplay in both games are pretty much the same.

Finally when it comes to visuals, Control win both in quality of graphics and in the customization.

Personally I believe Control is a better purchase (though remember only get it on sale) since it has more content and better visuals. Though if you prefer Quantum Break it’s a good purchase also(always on sale).

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Witcher 3 vs Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – The Definitive Comparison

Witcher 3 vs Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Witcher 3 and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


The storyline of Witcher 3 is amazing. The dialogue options that affect how the story progresses is something the Witcher games are known for and it truly is an amazing system that gives the game even more replayability.

One thing is for certain, you won’t be disappointed by the Witcher 3 storyline.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey on the other hand has a lot of controversy around its storyline. Many people think it doesn’t make sense based on the lore so far, and that it has a lot of plot holes and they also say that it doesn’t feel like an Assassin’s Creed story. Basically many people don’t like or even hate it.

Odyssey took inspiration from Witcher 3 since it also has dialogue options but in my opinion, it isn’t nearly as well done as Witcher 3. The options you choose barely change anything and in most cases, whatever you choose doesn’t really matter since the outcome is almost the same.

I think Assassin’s Creed Odyssey gives you the illusion that your choices matter when in reality they really don’t matter all that much.

I believe that if you are looking for a game with a good story then Witcher 3 is the best choice.


The main difference between those 2 games is how polished they are.

I believe Assassin’s Creed Odyssey tried to become the next Witcher game but ultimately failed because they focused more on putting a lot of things inside in this game than polishing each thing they put in.

As I said before the dialogue options are just there to give you the illusion of choice but they didn’t make this mechanic meaningful enough to make the player feel that his choices matter and affect the world of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

Assassin’s Creed isn’t a game that this mechanic fits anyway cause the past is already set, you can’t change things that already happened with the Animus, you just view and experience the past.

Also, the side missions rarely felt unique like the Witcher’s side missions, they are just there to add more content to the game, but doing boring generic tasks doesn’t offer anything. It’s better to have less content and make it unique than to have more and make it generic.

As for the weapons you can use, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has more variety since in Witcher 3 you can only use swords and crossbows. Although personally I never really used all of the weapons in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. I only used swords, sometimes daggers and bows.

As for the enemies that you will face in the game, the Witcher 3 has the biggest variety and it’s one of its strong points. Having to prepare according to each monster you hunt makes you feel a sense of excitement.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has also some variety in the enemies but that is mostly because of the mercenaries you have to face. Most of the time, you face generic soldiers that do the same things, so it can become boring sometimes.

The thing that made fun Assassin’s Creed Odyssey for me is the assassin’s abilities and how you could sneak into a castle and kill everyone without anyone noticing.

Lastly, I will talk about difficulty, content, and replayability. Witcher 3 has a bigger story mode, more and meaningful side missions, and bigger and better DLC. As I said before Assassin’s Creed Odyssey exchanges quality for quantity and it still has less quality and quantity than Witcher 3.

As for the difficulty, Witcher 3 is more difficult and has more replayability.


Both games have amazing visuals and Witcher 3 even though it was released in 2015 it still looks amazing and also just as good as Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

Odyssey clearly has better visuals but the difference isn’t big enough to impact your decision on which game to choose.

As for the customization, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has a transmogrification system(meaning that you are able to change the appearance of any armor or weapon you have to the appearance of another weapon or armor you have gotten in the game and keep the item’s stats) which is something that I always want in an RPG.

With that system I believe Assassin’s Creed Odyssey wins in the customization department.

Final Thoughts

Finally let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

Witcher 3 has bigger and better and more meaningful story, and side mission.

When it comes to weapons Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has more variety, but it has less variety when it comes to enemies.

Witcher 3 is more challenging and also has more replayability.

In the visuals department, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey looks a little better but not enough to matter. Lastly, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has more customization than Witcher 3.

In my opinion, the best and clear choice is Witcher 3. I recommend waiting for sale though if you can, since the price drops a lot, so you can get the main game plus the DLC at a very low price.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Nioh vs The Surge 2 – The Definitive Comparison

Nioh vs The Surge 2

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Nioh and The Surge 2. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


The storylines of both games aren’t anything special in my opinion and shouldn’t be considered when you decide which of them you should pick.

I have said this in other comparisons, but I will say it again here. When I played The Surge 2 I really didn’t feel anything. I just cleared area after area and I heard some audio logs but I really didn’t care.

The game doesn’t try enough to make you care about what’s going on. There is barely any cinematic and most of the story is explained through audio logs.

Nioh’s storyline is equally uninteresting though I have to say I personally like it more than Surge 2’s storyline, maybe it’s because I like samurais and fantasy stories more than dystopian future stories.

There are some cool moments in Nioh’s story but ultimately fails to give you an unforgetable experience.

If you want deep and interesting story then I wouldn’t recommend either game.


The main difference between Nioh and Surge 2 is the combat system.

Nioh’s combat is all about stances. There are three stances available (high, mid, low) and each stance has different moveset and skills. You should judge the situation and pick the right stance depending on your enemy, your weapon’s stats, and your playstyle.

The stance system in Nioh sets it apart from other souls-like games and it’s a nice mechanic that can make combat even more interesting.

Surge 2 also has a combat system that is unique. In Surge 2 you aim at specific enemy body parts and you can choose to either go for a body part that has armor equipped in order to get that armor schematic or you can go for a body part that hasn’t any armor equipped in order to kill the enemy faster.

Also, there is a lot of variety in both games when it comes to weapons and armor, so you won’t be disappointed by the options you have to choose from.

Now let’s talk about the enemies, difficulty, content and replayability of both games.

Both games have a lot of variety in enemies and bosses for you to fight through Nioh has a lot more bosses and enemy types than Surge 2.

This also means that Nioh has a lot more content than Surge 2. However that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s better than Surge 2, it just has more content.

As for the difficulty, I believe Nioh is a lot more difficult than Surge 2 and that I believe is a small problem of Surge 2. Surge 2 for me isn’t as challenging as other souls-like games, some fights can be hard but I never felt frustrated about not being able to beat an enemy.

It never took me more than an hour to beat a boss in Surge 2. The longest I kept trying to beat a boss is probably 45 minutes but I will say an hour to be sure.

Lastly, Nioh 2 has a lot more replaybility than Surge 2 in my opinion since it has a more deep RPG system.


The visuals of both games are pretty good. Nioh is older but it still looks very good even by today’s standards.

Surge 2 has cleaner looking graphics, but it doesn’t show those graphics through cinematics cause there are very few of them.

Comparing the graphics of those 2 games, I believe Surge 2 has better graphics but the difference isn’t great enough to impact the decision-making process of which game to choose.

As for the customization, I will go with Nioh since the character creation in Surge 2 isn’t great and Nioh has a transmogrification system(meaning that you are able to change the appearance of any armor or weapon you have to the appearance of another weapon or armor you have gotten in the game and keep the item’s stats) which is something that I always want in an RPG.

Final Thoughts

Finally let me summarize what you should take away from this article.

When it comes to the story both games are at the same level for me. They both have uninteresting stories and you probably won’t feel anything by playing through the story. I believe Nioh has a somewhat more interesting story but really the difference is minimal.

Now for the gameplay, both games have different combat systems so you have to choose what do you prefer. Of course, besides the combat, you have to consider difficulty, content, replayability, etc. If you don’t consider the combat then I believe Nioh is superior to all the rest.

As for the visuals, there isn’t much difference in how good the graphics look in both games. In the customization, though Nioh wins too.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Nioh vs Code Vein – The Definitive Comparison

Nioh vs Code Vein

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Nioh and Code Vein. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


Choosing what game has the best storyline is an easy choice. Code Vein has an interesting story and I had a good time watching it unravel.

Nioh’s story is just there to give a reason for the fights. It isn’t anything special or even worth remembering. It has some interesting moments but at the end of the day, it’s forgettable.

If you want a game that has an interesting story then from those two games, Code Vein is the best choice.


The main difference between Nioh and Code Vein is the way you approach combat.

Code Vein’s combat is very similar to Dark Souls combat. Nioh takes Dark Souls type combat to the next level adding combat stances and making you choose the stance that is optimal for the situation you are in.

Both games also have a variety of weapons other items you can choose from.

As for the RPG systems that the games use, Nioh is more traditional since it uses Attribute points to show character progression while in Code Vein you have to choose a class and each class has different strengths, weaknesses and skills.

I can’t say which game is better since their systems are just different. It all comes down to what you think is best for you and the way you enjoy playing games.

One of the most important things in this type of games is the challenge they offer, because these types of games are made mainly for hardcore gamers that like challenging enemies.

I believe that from the two games Nioh is more challenging. Code Vein offers some challenge too, but it doesn’t have a steep learning curve like Nioh has.


The visuals of both games are very good. Even though Nioh was released 2 years before Code Vein it’s graphics are at a similar level.

Although both games look good they have different visual styles. Code Vein has anime-like characters and Nioh has more realistic looking characters.

The character customization is another thing to consider. Code Vein has one of the best character creation systems I have seen.

In Nioh you can’t create your own character but you can customize their clothes freely without having to worry about stats(something you can’t do in Code Vein), since Nioh has an equipment transmogrification system, meaning that you are able to change the appearance of any armor or weapon you have to the appearance of another weapon or armor you have gotten in the game and keep the item’s stats.

I guess each game has its strong points and it’s up to you to decide what you value more. When I played NG+ in Code Vein I didn’t feel that the game got significantly harder.

As for the bosses and enemies that you will face, both game have a lot of different kinds of enemies, so you won’t be bored at all. Although I believe the bosses in Nioh have a better design than the bosses in Code Vein.

Nioh has more bosses than Code Vein and more content in general. Nioh also has more replayability than Code Vein and you feel the difference in difficulty(between each NG+) much more than Code Vein.

Final Thoughts

Now let me summarize the things you should remember from this article.

When it comes to the storyline the best choice is Code Vein. There is really no competition in that department. Nioh’s story is nowhere close to Code Vein’s story.

However, choosing based on the gameplay isn’t as easy. Both games have a lot of differences, and it isn’t easy deciding which game is better. Code Vein’s combat is closer to Dark Souls while Nioh feels fresher.

Also, you should consider the difficulty of both games and the amount of content they have. I mentioned those above so I won’t go into further detail here.

Lastly, the visuals are on the same level but they have differences when it comes to what they want their games to have. As for the customization, Code Vein offers a deep character creation system, while Nioh has a transmogrification system.

Whatever you choose I recommend waiting for a sale if you can.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice vs Nioh – The Definitive Comparison

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice vs Nioh

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and Nioh. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


I believe none will disagree when I say that the story of Sekiro was on a whole other level compared to Nioh’s story.

Nioh for me isn’t a game that someone should pick for the story. It has its moments but generally, the story is lacking and you barely feel anything when you watch the cutscenes.

Sekiro on the other hand has an amazing story and the game has 4 different endings depending on your actions. One of those endings is the true ending which is canon but its nice to see how things could have turned out differently.


Nioh and Sekiro have a lot of differences when it comes to the way the game wants you to approach combat.

In Sekiro you have to always be on the offensive because the enemies have posture bars and the more you attack them and deflect their attacks the more they fill and when they fill you can land a critical blow that will make them lose one HP bar. If you don’t attack them their posture will become to recover and you will have to start all over again.

Enemies in Nioh also have something similar and the more you attack the more the enemies’ Ki depletes and when the enemies’ Ki completely depletes you can land a critical blow(though in Nioh this doesn’t make them lose their HP bar since in Nioh enemies have only 1 hp bar while in Sekiro they can have more than one HP bar).

Another big difference is the number of weapons that are available to you in each game. Nioh has a lot of weapons for you to choose and each weapon type has its own different moveset and skills you can unlock.

Sekiro on the other hand only allows you to use a katana. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing since this is the reason that fights are so exciting in Sekiro (at least for me). I have mentioned this in other articles too.

Having only one weapon available for the player to use makes the balancing of the game so much easier and the developers have more time to focus on making the boss fights more interesting and they have more time to fine-tune other game mechanics.

Also Nioh is more of an RPG than Sekiro since it has attributes that you have to put points on. In sekiro you can improve attack damage and unlock skills for your weapon but there aren’t any attributes.

As for the variety of enemies, both games have a lot of different kinds of enemies so you won’t be disappointed.

But having a lot of different kinds of enemies doesn’t make the game more difficult. I believe Sekiro is a little more challenging than Nioh. At first I thought Nioh was harder but that’s because I didn’t understand how the game should be played. Once I learned the mechanics and what is what the game became a lot more manageable.

The last thing I want about is the amount of content both games have. This is where Nioh beats Sekiro without even trying. Nioh has a lot more content than Sekiro. Sekiro doesn’t even have DLC and as of the time of writing this article I haven’t seen any official announcement about DLC for Sekiro.

So if you want more content then Nioh is the best choice for you, not that Sekiro doesn’t have enough content to keep you entertained.


Sekiro came out 2 years after Nioh so it’s normal for it to have better visuals, but it’s release date isn’t the only reason that Sekiro surpasses Nioh when it comes to visuals.

Sekiro has some beautiful locations that far surpass Nioh’s best looking scenery.

There is one thing though that Nioh has and Sekiro hasn’t and that is the ability to change your equipment’s appearance. In Sekiro you are stuck with the same look the entire game. Of course, if you play on PC there are a lot of mods that change your character’s appearance and I have to say they are very good.

The problem is that these mods can only be used on PC so Sekiro loses in terms of character customization.

Final Thoughts

Both games are good, there is no doubt about that. I will summarize the things you should remember from this article.

First when it comes to story Sekiro wins without a doubt. In the gameplay department, there are many differences but it all comes down to whether you want to have many weapons to choose from and attributes to points on or you want to only be able to use one weapon but with more fine-tuned and interesting enemies.

As for the visuals, its a tie for me. Sekiro has better visuals, but Nioh has more character customization options.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Dark Souls 3 vs The Surge 2 – The Definitive Comparison

Dark Souls 3 vs The Surge 2

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls 3 and The Surge 2. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


When it comes to storytelling I think the better option is Dark Souls 3. It has a more interesting story in my opinion.

Personally I am not a fan of either games’ storytelling. They choose the discovery approach meaning they don’t explain the story through cinematics scenes and character dialogue.

In Dark Souls 3 you have to talk to the NPCs read item descriptions and look at the environment and you might understand 50% of what’s going on.

Surge 2 chooses the audio log story exposition which for me is extremely boring.

I don’t think someone should pick these games if he wants to enjoy the story, of course, if you enjoy doing the things I mentioned above the go right ahead.


The main difference between those two games is the way the player approaches combat. In Surge 2 when you face an enemy you have to think about which part of the body you should focus depending on what you need as gear or on how fast you want the combat to end.

Dark Souls 3 doesn’t have that kind of element but that doesn’t make it worse than Surge 2 it just makes it different.

You have to decide what kind of combat you prefer. If you want something new that isn’t common then you should choose Surge 2, but if you love the typical Dark Souls combat then you should pick Dark Souls 3.

Both games offer a lot of variety when it comes to weapons and armor, so you won’t be disappointed by the options you have to choose from.

That is also the case when it comes to the enemies that you will face. Both games offer a lot of variety and it’s not just variety for the sake of variety, the enemies actually move differently.

I have to say though that Dark Souls 3 has a lot more bosses for you to face than Surge 2 and they are more challenging.

Dark Souls 3 also has a lot more content for you. Of course Surge 2 is a recent game and it may get more DLCs but Dark Souls 3 has almost double the number of bosses that Surge 2 has so there is no way that you can get that number of bosses through DLC.

At the end of the day, Dark Souls 3 is just a bigger game, and Surge 2 doesn’t really surpass Dark Souls 3 in any significant way.


The visuals in both games are good so they won’t disappoint you. Although if I had to choose which game had better graphics I would choose Surge 2 since they look cleaner. The graphics of Dark Souls 3 have their own charm, they are dark and gritty making you feel how miserable that world is.

Personally I am not a fan of dark and gritty but Dark Souls environment makes you feel more than Surge 2’s environment.

As for the character customization options, I believe Dark Souls 3 wins since it has a better character creation system.

I won’t talk about the clothing options since both games are pretty much at the same level.

Final Thoughts

I will start this section by saying that both games are good and whichever you pick you will have a good time. When it comes to story I believe Dark Souls 3 has a somewhat better story.

In the gameplay department, Dark Souls 3 offers more content with more enemies for you to fight and it is more challenging.

At the visuals department, Surge 2 wins since it is a newer game and it has cleaner graphics. Although Dark Souls 3 has a better character creation system that offers more customization so it isn’t a clear win for Surge 2.

For me, the best choice is Dark Souls 3. You can get the game plus all DLC on sales at a lower price than Surge 2. It’s just better value for money and I as I said Surge 2 doesn’t offer something more than Dark Souls 3 that deserves the extra money.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Nioh vs Dark Souls 3 – The Definitive Comparison

Nioh vs Dark Souls 3

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Nioh and Dark Souls 3. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


When it comes to the storyline it’s difficult for me to choose which games has the best story.

The reason is that I didn’t really like or was drawn to either story. The problem with Dark Souls 3 storytelling is that it’s very confusing, to say the least. I swear before I watched a video on YouTube explaining the story of Dark Souls 3, I had no idea what the story was about or why I did the things I did in the game.

Now to be fair I haven’t played the other Dark Souls games, I have only played Dark Souls 3 but I can’t really use this as an excuse for Dark Souls 3 since I have played other sequels of games that I hadn’t played the original but I still understood what was going on and why.

From what I read in Dark Souls 3 you are supposed to learn the story through reading item descriptions and dialogue from NPCs and you still only learned half, the other half is guessing and theorizing.

I can respect their decision to write a game’s story that way but I can’t say that I am a fan of it.

As for Nioh, the story is very mediocre and it’s just there to have something to fight for. Nioh’s story has its moments for example when you meet historical figures but beyond that, it’s average and forgettable.

I don’t believe that someone should pick either game for the story.


The main difference between Nioh and Dark Souls 3 is the combat system.

I will probably get some backlash from this but I will still say it. Nioh is Dark Souls 2.0 meaning it has taken inspiration from all the things Dark Souls games did and improved upon them.

I played both Nioh and Dark Souls 3 in the same year and I have to say Nioh’s combat is a lot more polished than the combat of Dark Souls 3.

Nioh gives you the option to switch stances with each weapon you use and each stance has different moveset and techniques. This alone gives a whole new dimension to fighting enemies since you have to choose carefully which stance is the most optimal in each situation.

Dark Souls has more limited moveset when it comes to fighting with weapons.

In both games, there are combos you can use with weapons but Nioh has added skills to each weapon that do different things. Dark Souls 3 doesn’t have that.

As for the variety of weapons, you can use Dark Souls 3 has over double the number of weapon categories that Nioh. I can say that here we have a case of quality vs quantity.

Nioh may have fewer weapon options compared to Dark Souls 3 but the weapons have more substance meaning that they have abilities.

There are some weapons in Dark Souls 3 that have special attacks but in general, Nioh has more things that you can do with a single weapon.

When it comes to enemies and bosses both games feel similar. I can’t really say that one game is harder than the other when you fully understand the systems of each game and how you are supposed to play.

Also the variety of enemies in both game is at the same level so we have a tie here too.

Lastly, both games have Co-Op and PvP modes and a lot of replayability. No game stands out here either.


Both games look good in their own way but Nioh has somewhat better visuals, which is to be expected since it was released one year after Dark Sous 3.

There are also a lot of diverse and interesting locations that you will visit in both games. Of course, both games are dark so don’t expect a lot of beauty or eye-catching scenery.

When it comes to character customization Nioh beats Dark Souls 3 easily since it has an equipment transmogrification system and for those of you that don’t know what this is, it basically means that you are able to change the appearance of all your equipment and keep the stats.

FromSoftware needs to finally implement this kind of system and it’s not that this system is difficult to implement.

To summarize when it comes to visuals Nioh is the best choice for me.

Final Thoughts

Nioh and Dark Souls 3 are both games and whichever you choose you won’t be disappointed. Now to summarize what I said in the previous sections.

First, when it comes to the story both games’ stories didn’t matter much at least to me. I felt nothing while playing both games at least when it came to the story.

Nioh offers fewer weapon options than Dark Souls 3 but weapons have different skills that you can unlock and different stances(each with each own moveset) that you can use. As I said for me it’s quality vs quantity.

When it comes to variety of enemies replayability and difficulty both games are at the same level.

So for me the deciding factor is the combat system and Nioh wins in that aspect in my opinion.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Nioh PC Review

Nioh PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Nioh. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Nioh PC Review


The story of Nioh is average. It’s good that there is a story but you probably won’t care much about what’s happening. I am not really sure what’s the reason that I feel this way about the story of Nioh. I guess one problem is that the protagonist almost never speaks and he doesn’t show almost any emotion.

Also, the voice acting doesn’t sell the story. There are some good voice actors in this but overall it was a mediocre story and voice acting.

Personally I don’t believe you should get this game if you are looking for an amazing story. There are some historical figures that you will meet in the game that will make you enjoy some parts of the story but beyond this, there isn’t much else.

The reason you should get this game is the gameplay experience which is amazing as I will explain in the next section.


As I said in the previous section, the reason you should get this game is its amazing gameplay. First I will talk about the weapons and equipment that are available.

Nioh gives you the choice to fight with different kinds of weapons and each of them has its own skill tree that will allow you to use different kinds of combat abilities with that specific weapon.

The game also allows you to switch between two melee weapons and two ranged weapons so in total you have four weapons at your disposal.

Besides the weapons, you can also unlock abilities from 2 different “classes”. The first class has ninja skills and the second has onmyo skills. Both classes are very important for different reasons which I will not explain here because this isn’t the purpose of this article.

One tip that I shall give you though is to invest points in dexterity and magic stats early in the game so that you get points to unlock skills in those two classes. Ninja and Onmyo abilities are extremely useful in this game and you need them because without them the game gets extremely hard.

Besides dexterity and magic, there are another six stats that you can put points on. I recommend reading carefully what each stat does before you put points on anything.

One more thing I should mention when it comes to weapons is that for each weapon there three different stances you can switch between. High stance offers more damage at the cost of attack speed and mobility, low stance offers high mobility and attack speed at the cost of damage and the mid stance which is balanced.

You have to think carefully which stance is best for your playstyle, the situation, and the weapon you are using, and that is one of the new elements that make Nioh so special.

Nioh also has a pretty complex RPG system and it will take some time to get used to everything. The game has a steep learning curve but once you get the hang of the system the game becomes very fun, so you need patience.

As for the enemies that you will face I have to say that Nioh has a big variety of enemies and each of them feels unique and moves differently. You won’t be disappointed by the enemies that’s for sure.

That is also true for the bosses. There are around 35 bosses in the game and some of them are optional. Each boss feels unique and the boss fights get pretty intense sometimes.

Now the important question and the thing most hardcore players care about. Is it challenging? The answer is yes and it gets more challenging in NG+ modes. The difficulty is similar to Dark Souls 3 and it’s easier than Sekiro in my opinion.

The crucial thing when it comes to Nioh is learning how the skill trees work and what the stats do. Once you learn those things the game becomes manageable. I didn’t know the importance of ninja and onmyo abilities at first and I thought this was the hardest game I had ever played but once I learned what everything does, the game became easier.

For those of you that want to know about how long it takes to beat the game, it takes around 60 hours to do complete the main story and the DLC.

The game also has a lot of replayability with new gear rarity levels becoming available to you after you complete NG.

Lastly, there are some technical aspects that I would like to mention. First, don’t buy the game if you don’t have a controller. Mouse and Keyboard won’t do for this game. The game isn’t optimized for mouse and keyboard controls and I tried downloading programs that would help play the game with mouse and keyboard but they weren’t good enough.

Second, you might experience some game crashes. I played the game on an i7-7700, with 16GB Ram and GTX 1070, and still experienced some crashes. They don’t happen often but they can happen at the worst times. For example, I remember beating a boss and after I beat the boss the game crashed and I had to play the boss fight all over again(that happened in two different boss fights, my bad luck I guess).


The visuals of Nioh are excellent even by today’s standards. There are some beautiful scenes that will truly amaze you by how good they look. One thing is for certain, you won’t be dissapointed by the graphics.

One thing that Nioh has and no other souls-like game has is that there is an equipment transmogrification system, meaning that you are able to change the appearance of any armor or weapon you have to the appearance of another weapon or armor you have gotten in the game and keep the item’s stats.

That is something that I want in every souls-like game I play and unfortunately no other souls-like game has it. Being able make your character look cool without sacrificing stats is something that every game should have in my opinion.

Final Thoughts

The game is amazing and you should definitely try it out if you are the type of person who loves challenging games. It has some shortcomings like the story and the technical issues I mentioned, but they aren’t enough to make this game not worth your time.

It has one of the best combat systems out there, for me it’s second only to Sekiro and its way better than Dark Souls combat system.

The visuals are very good even for today’s standards and it also has a lot of content and replayability.

Still, I would recommend waiting for a sale since Nioh 2 has already come out. I also recommend that you get the DLC story expansions too. You can pay full price if you can’t wait, I believe the game is worth it.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8

Gameplay: 10

Visuals: 9

General Rating: 9

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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Code Vein vs The Surge 2 – The Definitive Comparison

Code Vein vs The Surge 2 - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Code Vein and The Surge 2. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


When it comes to storyline Code Vein is the clear choice in my opinion. Code Vein’s story is by no means a masterpiece but it is very good and it made me care about some characters.

I really didn’t feel anything while I played the story of Surge 2. I just cleared area after area and I heard some audio logs but I really didn’t care. The game doesn’t try enough to make you care about what’s going on. There is barely any cinematic and most of the story is explained through audio logs.

Code Vein has a lot of cinematics and the characters have more life in them compared to Surge 2. Maybe some will disagree with what I am saying but this is my opinion.


The main difference when it comes to gameplay between these two games is that in Surge 2 when you fight an enemy you have to think about which part of their body to focus in order to get an armor or weapon schematic while in Code Vein you just see them as enemies that you have to fight just like any other game.

Now that doesn’t mean Surge 2 is better than Code Vein, it’s just different. Whether you like this new type of thought process when you start a fight it’s up to you. My opinion is that it doesn’t really matter all that much.

Don’t get me wrong it’s good that a mechanic like that exists but for me, it isn’t a factor that I consider when it comes to deciding which of the two games is better.

As for the weapons that are available to you, both games have a lot of variety in that department and there are also a lot of different builds you can make in both games. For me, both games are equal in that matter.

Another thing to consider is the variety that the games offer when it comes to the enemies and bosses that you have to fight.

I can’t really say that one game has better enemies than the other or that it has more variety. They both do a great job to offer you a great gameplay experience.


The visuals of these games are very different. Code Vein goes for anime like visuals while Surge 2 goes for realistic visuals. Both look very good in their own way and I can’t say that objectively one is better than the other.

If you prefer anime-like visuals then go for Code Vein, if you want realistic visuals then go for Surge 2.

In the customization department, both games allow you to create your own character, though Code Vein’s character creation system is on a whole other level compared to the character creation system of Surge 2.

If you want a lot of options when it comes to character creation then Code Vein is the clear choice.

As for the difficulty, I believe Code Vein is more challenging that Surge 2. I didn’t find Surge 2 as challenging as Code Vein and I believe this is something that you should consider before you decide which of the two games you should get.

I can’t say about NG+ mode since I didn’t really try it, but when it comes to NG Code Vein is harder.

Final Thoughts

I think I gave you some things to consider before you choose what’s the best game for you.

In my opinion, there are 3 things that you should consider before making a choice. First, the storyline, as I said they have a different approach when it comes to storytelling. Code Vein does it with cinematics while Surge 2 prefers the audio log approach.

The second thing that you should consider, are the visuals. Code Vein is anime like while Surge 2 has more realistic visuals. Also, Code Vein has an amazing character creation system while the character creation in Surge 2 is more limited.

The third and final thing is the difficulty. When it comes to NG Code Vein is harder than Surge 2, at least that’s what I believe after I played both games.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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The Surge 2 PC Review

The Surge 2 PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about The Surge 2. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

The Surge 2 PC Review


The story of Surge 2 continues the story of the first game, but you don’t play as the same character. In Surge 2 there isn’t a standard protagonist meaning everyone creates their own character however they like it.

I can’t say I was impressed by the story of Surge 2. There weren’t many cutscenes so you get most of the story through talking to the NPC or listening to audio logs. I am not a fan of that approach. I prefer watching the cinematics.

The storytelling didn’t make me care enough to invest time figuring out everything that was going on. Some may enjoy this kind of storytelling but I am not really a fan of it. Maybe you will enjoy it more than I did if you like this kind of storytelling.


Surge 2 has improved a lot of what the first Surge did. It added a new parry system even though I never used it because I don’t like that kind of parry mechanic I know that there are people who will like it and use it very often.

The cutting limbs mechanic is better and more fluid than then first Surge and the combat also. The level design is as good as before and you will certainly enjoy exploring the areas.

Now let’s talk about the weapons and gear that are available in the game. There are a lot of new types of weapons and armors in Surge 2 and some of them are really fun to use. Some weapons and armors return from the previous game.

Just like in the first game you have to cut the limbs of enemies to collect armor schematics and materials to upgrade your weapon and armor.

It isn’t very hard to collect materials to upgrade your armor in this game because most of the time you will find the enemies you need to get materials from right next to checkpoint locations.

I think this was a good decision by the developers because if you had to walk far from the checkpoint to farm it would waste a lot of time, it would become a really tedious task and it wouldn’t offer any more challenge to the game.

As for the enemies and bosses that you will face in the game, I have to say I didn’t find the game very difficult. I think this was the easiest soulslike game I have played till now. Maybe the difficulty increases a lot in new game plus mode but the base difficulty of this game is just like any other game’s hard difficulty.

The bosses of the game are interesting and in some of the boss fights, you will have to think about what is the best approach to beat the enemy.

The base enemies that you will face as you roam around the map have a lot of variety so you will never think that you fight the same enemies all the time.


The visuals of Surge 2 are what you would expect from a game made in 2019. Nothing extraordinary, but that’s not really a bad thing. The one thing I have to say is that you won’t be disappointed by the visuals.

As for the customization, in Surge 2 you can create your own character. Although I have to say that the character creation system is pretty limited. It doesn’t allow you to change many things and I am a little disappointed by it.

On the other hand, there are barely any cutscenes that will show your character so you won’t be seeing your characters face a lot. Also while you are playing the game you are equipped with full rig so you won’t see almost anything besides the armor that you wear.

There are some pretty cool looking armors that you can equip and they have good stats too so you probably won’t wear something that looks terrible just for the stats.

Final Thoughts

The Surge 2 is a very good game that I wholeheartedly recommend for those people that like soulslike games or want a somewhat challenging game. It improves upon everything that the first Surge did and polishes a lot of its mechanics.

The visuals are what you would expect from a 2019 game and there some interesting bosses for you to fight.

The only thing that I recommend is that you will wait for a sale since I don’t believe it’s worth the full price.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8.0

Gameplay: 9.0

Visuals: 9.0

General Rating: 8.6

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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