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Dragon Ball Z Kakarot PC Review

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot PC Review


The story of Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is the story of Dragon Ball Z that we all know from countless games that have come before this and of course from the anime. This game also has some side quests that add small things to the dbz lore and it also has some characters that aren’t originally from dbz, for example, it has Android 21 from FighterZ. It also has some interactions that didn’t happen in the anime.

In conclusion, the storyline of Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is a good choice even for those that have seen the dbz story from countless games before because of the small things that have been added to keep the story interesting.

Now is this enough to justify the 60 dollar price? I will answer this in the Final Thoughts section.


The gameplay of Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is a little disappointing for me if I have to be honest. The fighting mechanics are very basic. A lot more basic than Xenoverse. You basically hit the same button over and over again to do the melee attacks. The combos are extremely limited. Also, the game is very easy. I almost never had to do anything else from main missions and I still beat everyone on the first try. If not the first then at most the fifth try. It depends on the enemy.

I have to mention that I am always underleveled, in almost every single fight I am at least 4 levels behind. I didn’t expect something like this from an RPG. The fighting doesn’t require any skill to pull off since everything is so basic that even a person that has never played fighting games would get used to the fighting mechanics in 30 minutes.

Most of the RPG elements in the game are pretty boring and aren’t worth to even learn how to use. For example the cooking. I literally never used it except for when the mission is to cook something.

There are 7 community boards, in each of them, you put soul emblems to help with different things like cooking, fighting and more.  The only community board that I used was the one for fighting. I never even bothered to learn how to use the rest or what is more optimal since I never needed them to beat the game.

The game’s RPG system is one of the most boring and unintuitive I have ever seen and it really doesn’t need to even exist.

The open world in this game feels empty. It just has many weak enemies flying around in the sky that serve as a stalling device to make the game feel longer since in the missions that you have to find some items in the world they chase you and they force you into a fight.

My opinion is that if you want to do something do it well or don’t do it at all. This game didn’t need to be an RPG or open-world, because they did a poor job in both so much so that you will wish many times that you didn’t have to do some things to progress. Like searching in the world for items that are needed for missions.


Dragon Ball Z Kakarot has outstanding visuals. The visuals of this game are the best you have seen in any Dragon Ball Z game till now. The cutscenes look amazing with those graphics.

One problem that I have though is that the game doesn’t allow you to switch outfits for your characters. In an RPG you would think that this would be a given but it seems that the developers of Dragon Ball Z Kakarot didn’t think it was necessary.

The only solution for that is to use mods. Unfortunately only the PC players have access to them.

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Final Thoughts

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is a very average game and if it wasn’t about Dragon Ball Z nobody would bother to play it. The RPG system is bad and the open world feels empty and annoying to travel in it. The fighting mechanics are very basic and become repetitive very fast. Every fight goes exactly the same way.

The story is the story you all know and have seen countless times with some minor things added to make it a little more interesting.

The only thing that is truly good about this game are the visuals which are excellent

I don’t recommend buying this game at full price. Wait until the price drops to 30 dollars or less

Final Verdict

Storyline: 7.2

Gameplay: 7.0

Visuals: 10.0

General Rating: 8.0

Note: The storyline rating doesn’t reflect how I feel about the anime Dragon Ball Z. This rating covers how invested the game makes you feel for/about the story. I personally have played through the Dragon Ball story many times in different games over the years and just playing it again with better graphics isn’t enough anymore to make me satisfied.

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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Here is the link for the images I used:

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Realm Grinder Review

Realm Grinder Review

Idle games don’t take as much of the spotlight from the gamers, and I think that’s undeserving. So, I’m here to review one of the best idle games around.

Being around since 2015, released and created by our dear Kongregate, Realm Grinder is a true idle game.

I will tell the rest through my review.

As always, this review will be split into Storyline, Gameplay, Visuals and finally, Personal Thoughts sections. Without further ado:


The game does not have a storyline per se.

You are just a small ruler, trying to build your kingdom and make it prosperous. To do that you ally yourself with 1 of 6 factions, 3 of which are good, and the other 3 are evil.

Once your kingdom reaches a peak amount of income, you abdicate your position in order for a new ruler to make new alliances to reach new heights.

When you abdicate, you lose all gold produced, and in exchange, you get some gems that help your successor (who is you again) boost his production.

When you collect enough gems, you can reincarnate resetting everything and gaining new bonuses that further boost your production.

And that’s the gist of it. Unwillingly, with the “storyline” section, I actually described the gameplay pretty accurately, albeit less thoroughly. Which actually brings us to:


Ok, when you begin, you will have the assistant telling you the basics. What you will see is a choice between 3 buildings, the Farms, the Inns and the Blacksmiths.

By clicking (or tapping depending on your platform) you gain gold. With enough gold, you can start buying buildings, which in turn generate more gold passively.

You might notice you also have 2 spells at the start. These spells are your basic spells and will follow you through any alliance.

While you build and click, you will also start generating assistants who also offer passive income.

By clicking, though, you generate faction coins as well. Their only use (at the start) is to help you ally with a faction of your choosing.

Before you can become allies with a faction however, you must first collect enough money to buy a Proof of Good Deed or a Proof of Evil Deed.

Essentially, this means that you deny yourself 3 out of 6 options for factions until you abdicate.

Anyway, Good Factions are more focused on active gameplay (through spellcasting or clicking) while Evil Factions provide you with passive income and don’t require much effort.

Becoming either of the 2 also unlocks an alignment exclusive spell. Affiliating with a faction unlocks a faction-specific spell.

Every faction also has its own treaties that you must buy and offer a triad of upgrades, exclusive to the faction.

You might notice after playing for a bit, that some factions are certainly stronger than others, or at least faster. While that is true, I assure you, every faction will have its use in the long run.

By the way, when you align your kingdom you will see (besides a change in the kingdom’s appearance and landscape) that there are now 8 more buildings to buy, 7 of which are alignment exclusive, and the Halls of Legends, the highest tiered building that every faction has.

Some factions might have an affinity to boost the production of specific buildings. that’s all part of a faction’s gameplay.

You may also notice a Trophies tab. Trophies are rewards you get for various tasks. There are also secret trophies that require more expertise and cannot usually be acquired by simply playing the game.

Consider everything I say from now on until the Visuals section spoilers for the games. If you don’t want to have any idea what’s to come and instead want to find out yourself, skip to the Visuals section.

By playing you will start unlocking various stuff. For example, by buying all the 9 upgrades of a faction, you will unlock its Heritage, which is a bonus that you can use in every abdication onward, regardless of your Faction.

You will also unlock Excavations, which help you unlock (more spoilers) new Neutral Factions, that are far more powerful.

And it all goes out of hand once you start Reincarnating.

There is a myriad of things to unlock, including but not limited to new factions, researching for bonuses, mercenaries that can combine the power of all factions, etc.

While that might seem tedious, it really isn’t. It’s a great way to pass your time, but I will talk about it on the Personal Thoughts section so everyone can see it (remember, you are in a spoiler area).

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The visuals are pixel art and nothing too fancy at that. The game also has barely any animation so there’s nothing special.

Personal Thoughts

Ok, so the game might seem boring or tedious at first glance. Especially if this isn’t your kind of game.

But I really think it isn’t.

The game offers so much to do, that you really lose track at some point. You’re working toward unlocking something, and while you do it, you find out that it’s only the beginning.

And this will keep happening!

What’s really fun to think about is (small spoiler) the fact how everything you do will be literally massively overshadowed and outclassed by your newer way of producing money.

And that happens with every milestone.

Generally, I recommend this game to anyone who really likes unlocking things over and over (as the game is getting frequent updates with new additions to the game), as well as those looking to kill some time without doing something pointless (like watching a video for the millionth time).

Before I move on to the score, I would like to add 1 more thing.

While this game is very fun to sit and discover on your own, there is a lot of math involved after some point. G00F’s Not a Wiki, fortunately, helps with that, as it has the optimal path to the end, including which factions to choose and what upgrades/trophies to unlock.

Of course, you are free to experiment and play on your own, in fact, that might be more fun, I just suggest the above in case you’re impatient and just want to move up without overthinking (like me).

All in all, this is the perfect game if you want to know the genre, as well as a very good game in general. It’s just what you need to have while working in your office, or waiting for a bus, or generally, brighten up any tedious task of everyday life.

Final Verdict

Storyline: –

Gameplay: 9.5

Visuals: 5.5

General Rating: 7.5

That’s it for my review. Do you like the game? Do you like Idle Games in general? Tell me in the comments below.

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The Ultimate List of the 10 Best DBZ Games

The Ultimate List of the 10 Best DBZ Games

10. Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai – Another Road

Shin Budokai – Another Road is a dbz game released on PSP. It is influenced by Budokai 3 and that is a good thing as you will see later.

Shin Budokai – Another Road is a 2D fighting game that has a decent story and a good amount of characters to play with to keep you engaged for a lot of hours.

Of course, the game being released on portable console has its drawbacks, which means not so great graphics.

If you don’t mind the graphics and still want a good 2D fighting game, then this will be a nice addition to your PSP collection.

9. Dragon Ball Online

I have had a lot of fun with this game. It’s an MMORPG with a good story. Xenoverse and Xenoverse 2 stories were based on the Dragon Ball Online story.

In Dragon Ball Online you can choose between 3 races, Humans, Namekians and Majin. You can also gather the Dragon Balls and wish for Shenron to unlock the Super Saiyan transformation, but only if you are human (that is because in the time period that the game takes place, all humans have some Saiyan genes and they have the potential to unlock the Super Saiyan transformation).

If you are Namekian you can unlock the Super Namekian transformation and if you are Majin you can become Kid Buu.

The fighting skills that all the races use are based on character moves from the anime like the Kamehameha or the Special Beam Cannon or even the Instant Transmission.

The game was pay to win when it was originally released but since then, the servers were shut down and it was abandoned.

Nowadays fans have received the game and you can play it again without the pay to win elements.

If you want to play the game now search for Dragon Ball Online Universe Revelations.

8. Dragon Ball Z: kakarot

This is the latest Dragon Ball Z game that has been released. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot tried to do a lot of things but it didn’t manage to fulfill all of the fans’ expectations.

Nevertheless, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot had amazing graphics, and it also covered the entire story of Dragon Ball Z with the best animation and cutscenes that we have seen in a Dragon Ball Z game until today.

The combat is decent, it’s not great, but it’s not horrible either. This game could have been a lot higher on this list if the developers did a better job with the RPG elements of the game.

The Ultimate List of the 10 Best DBZ Games

7. Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit

Burst Limit is another 2D fighting gaming with good graphics and solid gameplay. It has a decent roster and anime like fights in the game.

There really isn’t much to say about this game because it is similar to other Dragon Ball Z games just not quite as good as Budokai 3 and Fighter Z.

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6. Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2

Raging Blast 2 is a 3D fighting game with very good character graphics, but the scenery feels a little sluggish and the gameplay is similar to Budokai Tenkaichi 3.

Some might say that Raging Blast 2 is better than Budokai Tenkaichi 3 but for me, that isn’t the case. Raging Blast 2 has some What-If transformations like Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta and Super Saiyan 3 Broly. Combos are harder to pull off.

If you are a hardcore Dragon Ball Z fan then I highly recommend this game for you.

5. Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team

Tenkaichi Tag Team is an amazing game that was released for PSP and is very similar to Budokai Tenkaichi 3. It is basically the same with fewer characters and a 2 vs 2 mode, which I think is awesome.

I have played this for a lot of hours and trust me, you won’t be disappointed. The only reason this game isn’t in the 3rd and 4th position is that it is on a portable console and it doesn’t have as much content as the games below.

If you liked Budokai Tenkaichi 3 and you have a PSP or an emulator you should get this game.

4. Dragon Ball FighterZ

Dragon Ball FighterZ is a game that is considered by many one of the best fighting games ever made.

The story mode of the game is fun and entertaining. Especially the character interactions. Seeing Cell roast everyone is a sight to behold.

FighterZ and Xenoverse 2 can be compared with each other the same way you can compare Budokai 3 and Budokai Tenkaichi 3. It all comes down to 2D vs 3D. I personally prefer 3D and that’s why I placed FighterZ in the fourth place and Xenoverse 2 in the third place, but someone else could have done the opposite and I would be fine with that.

If you love 2D fighting games then you will find that this is a game for you.

3. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

When the first Xenoverse was announced I thought that I would see a game that is similar to Budokai Tenkaichi 3 but with better graphics, character creation and online gameplay. It didn’t go as I expected it.

Xenoverse 2 is a good game and a worthy successor to Xenoverse but for me, the fighting mechanics aren’t as good as Budokai Tenkaichi 3. There is no Ki Blast collision like Tenkaichi 3.

Clothing doesn’t get destroyed when someone hits an ultimate on you. The character animation isn’t what I wanted. The character view seems bulky to me.

I would prefer it if they improved the Budokai Tenkaichi 3 animation style rather than making something like what they have now. Had they used similar animations to Ultimate Tenkaichi I would be fine with that.

Finally, the combos and fighting doesn’t feel as anime-like as Budokai Tenkaichi 3. The fighting moves feel slower in Xenoverse and there are no cutscenes on certain moves, something I adore in Budokai Tenkaichi 3.

Xenoverse 2 is a great game that many people love but for me, it doesn’t hold a candle to Budokai Tenkaichi 3.

2. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3

Now this game is the biggest contender to Tenkaichi 3. Many lists have this in the first place and many others have Tenkaichi 3 instead.

For me, it comes down to preference. If you prefer 2D fighting games, then Budokai 3 is the best choice for you. If you prefer 3D fighting games, you should pick Budokai Tenkaichi 3. I personally prefer 3D. Budokai 3 has very good fighting mechanics though the graphics are a little dated.

Still, fans have this game in their hearts and consider it one of the best Dragon Ball Z games and rightfully so.

1. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3

Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is, in my opinion, the best Dragon Ball Z game ever made.

It has the biggest roster of characters, more than any other Dragon Ball Z game ever made so far.

The story mode is big and contains What-If scenarios too.

The graphics look amazing even to this day and the fighting mechanics are fun and make you feel like you are seeing a fight from the anime. Some say that some character moves feel the same as some other character’s and I agree to an extent but that doesn’t change much.

A lot of fans of Dragon Ball Z still ask for a Budokai Tenkaichi 4 or a remastered edition of Budokai Tenkaichi 3. I have spent hundreds of hours playing this game and I have no doubt that you would enjoy it too.

If you don’t have a ps2 then a ps2 emulator is the only way to play the game for now. I have played this game on PC and it’s even better with an emulator!

That was my list. I hope you enjoyed the article. Tell me in the comments below what is your favorite Dragon Ball Z game or if your favorite Dragon Ball Z game wasn’t on this list, and as Goku said: “See ya later guys!”

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Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard – The Definitive Guide

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide


The old method(which is described in this article) still works but you have to download an older version of Cemu to do it and when you finish you can then update to the latest one. With the new method, you don’t need to download an older version.

Hi guys! Today I will teach you how to use a mouse and keyboard to play games on Cemu. It probably won’t work on all games, but one game that it will surely work on is BotW. This process is tested and if you follow every step to the letter, I guarantee you that it will work out.

Before I begin I have to warn you THE GUIDE DOESNT WORK FOR CEMU version 1.26.0 or later (probably the “later” part since I don’t know if something changes in the future) so you have to go here and download cemu v1.25.6, create the controllerProfiles folder in Cemu location manually and do the rest of the process as I show in the guide. You can update to the latest version of Cemu after you finish the whole process I show in the guide since the controller profiles won’t be affected.

What you will need:

Besides Cemu, you will need to download two files from the same website. The website is safe and the files don’t contain any viruses.

Here are the links:

From the first link, you will need to download this file:

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

From the second link, you will need to download this file: vJoySetup.exe

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

Now that you have both files let’s begin the process.

First, you need to extract this file:

Here is what you will get after extraction:

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard

Next, you need to double click the vJoySetup.exe(the first file I told you to download) and install vJoy. You don’t need to change the installation settings just click Next all the time till Install button appears and then click install.

After you finish with the installation open the Windows search bar and type configure vjoy and open the Configure vJoy app.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

When you open the app a window will pop up. Copy all my settings exactly as shown in the image below and click apply. Then close the window.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

Now I want you to go to the folder that you extracted before from and open controllerProfiles folder.

This is the folder:

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

Inside the folder, you will see 4 files. Right-Click on the file named vJoyDevice_GamePad.txt and click Copy.

This is the file:

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

Now I want you to go to the location you have Cemu on your PC and find controllerProfiles folder. If you have a Cemu shortcut on Desktop you can right-click on it and click on Open file location so that you can find the folder easier.

This is the folder:

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

Open the folder. Right-click in the space inside the folder and paste the file you copied before.

Here is what the end result will be:

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

Now I want you to open Cemu.

In the menu at the top of the window click on Options then click on Input Settings.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

On the window that will open up, in the Profile setting click on the arrow to the right and choose vJoyDevice_GamePad, in the Emulator Controller setting choose Wii U Gamepad, in the Controller Api setting choose Direct Input and in the Controller setting choose vJoy Device. Then click Load and close the window.

Here is what the window should look like before you close it:

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide
The four arrows are the four settings I mentioned above.

Now I want you to go again to Options then click again Input Settings and open that window again.

After you open it below the Right Axis you will see an option named Range, set that to maximum percentage. If in the Profile setting says <profile name>, click on the arrow to the right and choose vJoyDevice_GamePad. Then click Save. If the Profile setting changes to <profile name> again, it’s ok, just ignore it and close the window.

This is the image just before I clicked Save.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

This is the image after I clicked Save.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

Now I want you to go to the folder that you extracted from right-click on mouse2joystick_Custom_CEMU.exe and then go to Properties. Then I want you to go to the Compatibility menu. Make sure Run this program as an administrator is checked. Then click Apply, then click OK.

Here is the image of the file.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

Here is how it should look like before you click Apply.

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

After you click OK. I want you to double-click mouse2joystick_Custom_CEMU.exe. If it is running then you should see this:

Cemu with Mouse and Keyboard - The Definitive Guide

This program should be running before you open a game with Cemu in order to be able to play with mouse and keyboard. If you right-click on that icon and then click Settings you can change a lot of things like sensitivity or the key bindings that you will use to play games. Ask me in the comments below if you have any questions about this. You can change the sensitivity of the camera because it is a little slow in some games.

To change key bindings go to the menu I show below, you can find it on mouse2joystick settings(right-click on mouse2joystick icon from the taskbar and then click Settings), after you go there, click on KeyList Helper to change key bindings:

Change Key Bindings

To change the script activation key from F1 to another key go here (you can find it on mouse2joystick settings, to go there right-click on mouse2joystick icon from the taskbar and then click Settings):

Script Activation Key Remapping

You can find the keyboard mapping here:


Also, I would like to mention – is M on the keyboard. It doesn’t show it in the image.

Now on to the last step. Open whichever Cemu game you want. Once the game window opens up press F1 on your keyboard to activate the script in order to be able to play with mouse and keyboard. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, DON’T FORGET IT SINCE IT WON’T WORK WITHOUT IT. In order to deactivate script press F1 again.

When you press F1 to activate the script the mouse cursor will disappear from your screen. Don’t worry. This is because the script is running. If you press F1 again to deactivate the script then the mouse cursor will appear again.

Some games might require gyroscope/motion controls. For those games watch this video:

I also recommend you to watch Cemu Complete Setup Guide:

This was the guide. Thanks for reading it, and I hope that all went well without problems. If you have faced any problems or have any questions feel free to comment below and ask.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

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Steam Profile Guide – How to build the perfect Profile

Steam Profile Guide - How to build the perfect Profile

Almost any PC gamer has a Steam account, and probably dozens of games with it.

However, not many users seem to bother building up their profile and leveling it.

I don’t know whether it’s because of people not caring about it or not knowing how, but I’m aiming at both audiences with this guide.

To the first, I want to show you that a personalized Steam profile is awesome to have and fun to build.

To the second, I will take you step by step on everything you need to know.

Without further ado:

The Basics

To check the basics on your profile, the first thing you do is hover over your profile name on Steam’s menu up on the left, and then click “Profile”.

There, you will see your profile overview, as seen by other players who visit.

On the top, there is a block that contains your profile image, your username and any personal information you may add (location, real name, a brief description).

On the far left of that block, you will see your level and featured badge (if you have any). There is also the option to edit your profile just below.

As you move down, you will see your showcase(s) (don’t worry if it’s empty, we’ll get to that later.

To the left and below the level and featured badge, there are links to all your badges collection, your owned games, your inventory, screenshots, videos, workshop items, reviews, guides and finally, artworks.

Each of these categories will be filled as you get more into it.

The important thing to know here is your showcase(s). You might not have one, and even if you do, you may notice that others have many more.

The general rule is that you can have 1 showcase for every 10 Steam levels.

Leveling Up

To level up, you need to gain experience.

You can only get experience with badges.

Steam offers quite a lot of badges and therefore experience, as well as the badge you get for owning more and more games and the one that renews every year on the anniversary of your account’s creation.

I guess you can go the free route and just gain experience just by buying games and being active in various events.

However, the main way to gain experience is by crafting badges. You can craft badges for any game you own that has Steam Trading Cards (you can check that in the game’s Steam page).

Most Steam games have a certain amount of cards that can drop (usually half the number of the set rounded either up or down). The rest you can buy or trade.

There will be a more comprehensive trading section in a while, but let’s focus on the badges for now.

Should you gain the full set for any given game, you can craft its badge. The badge will give 100 XP, as well as a random emoticon and background from the game’s pool. There is also a chance to gain a random sale on a random game (but don’t get your hopes up for this, you won’t get anything popular or outright good).

Every badge can be leveled up to 5 times, each time having a new appearance. Each game with trading cards also has a foil badge.

A foil badge only has 1 level and is essentially a more fancy badge. To get it you must have a full set of foil cards. You can also get these by trading or buying them, but you cannot get them from regular drops.

You can also randomly get a foil card from a booster pack, but again, more on that later.

Badges can be used to

You can check any game’s badges, foil badge, cards, emoticons, and backgrounds, as well as prices for each on this website.

If you want to level up, mastering the art of trading is a must. But gem crafting is another thing you must keep in mind.

Let’s start with trading now, shall we?

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By going to your badges page, through the link in your profile mentioned earlier, you will see a list of all your badges.

You can also see above your level and the required experience to level up.

There are also links to your booster pack eligibility and the booster pack creator but we’ll ignore these for now.

For every badge you have, you can see some of the cards you have, how many card drops you have remaining for that game (you get card drops by playing), and if you unlocked it, you can see when you did it.

By clicking on any one badge you can see more details on which cards you have and which you are missing.

Lower on the page, you can see a prompt to buy every remaining card on the market, something I recommend if you can spare the money, or make it by selling from your inventory.

Lower, for every card you are missing, you can check the market for it individually, or visit the trade forum.

The trade forum is an excellent way to gain missing cards, provided you have some duplicates. However, as you’ll see, there are many people who offer to trade 2 random of your cards for one of theirs.

If you really want that badge, I guess it’s worth it.

Anyway, when I first got into a trade forum, I was overwhelmed. I saw all the post titles and I couldn’t figure out their language for the life of me.

Luckily, I’m here to explain it to anyone who feels the same:

Steam Profile Guide - How to build the perfect Profile

Let’s get the basics out first. [H] means [H]ave, which means that [H] is the cards someone who starts a discussion owns.

When someone says [H] 1, it means they own and want to give the first card of the set.

[W] means [W]ant, which is practically the user’s demands.

In the above-circled example, [W] 1:2 or offers means that he’s willing to give his 4th, 8th, 10th or 14th card of the set for any 2 random of your cards (hence the 1:2), or offers, which means, if you offer him something that is expensive or rare or one of your foil cards, he will consider it.

Of course, by going into the discussion, he’ll probably give further explanation for the offers part.

Steam Profile Guide - How to build the perfect Profile

This second example is much more simple.

He has a spare copy of card number 10 and is willing to give it for any of the mentioned cards in his title (1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13).

You might notice some closed discussions. That means that the users that created these discussions had their wishes fulfilled.


Again by hovering on your name, or through your profile, you can access your inventory.

This will display your owned items. We are interested in your Steam items only, not anything you might have from other games.

For every Steam Card, background and emoticons, you can see its price in gems, in the market, and how many were sold during a small period till today.

Sometimes, you might want to sell some of your belonging to buy a game, more cards, or just plainly don’t want it.

However, don’t get too excited about the prices.

Steam Profile Guide - How to build the perfect Profile

You see, when a card costs, for example, 0.07€ (like the above), you put that into the Buyer pays box, and with taxes, you will gain less (0.05€ to be specific).

You can put more or less, and there are advantages and disadvantages to both practices.

If you put less, you guarantee your item to be on top of the list, thus selling faster. This is especially good if the item you’re selling isn’t very popular, and doesn’t sell well. Obviously the negative is the less money you get.

Contrariwise, selling a popular item higher means that you might not sell immediately, but as soon as all the items that are listed with a lower price are sold out, you will sell. The negative is the waiting time.

(All of the above apply when buying as well.)

Now to the important part:


As I mentioned quite often, many items can be turned into Gems. But what are they actually?

Years ago, the gems could be used for various purposes. Now, their only use is badge crafting.

The gems can be used to craft booster packs. All you need to do is go to the Booster Pack creator accessed from your badge page.

Notice different booster packs have different gem costs. Some are more efficient and some just aren’t.

A booster pack gives you 3 random cards from its game. If you’re really lucky, you might get a foil. Nevertheless, it’s your best chance of finishing a badge without needing to buy any cards.

If you get duplicates, you can just trade them with other users.

There is one very important thing to know here.

A pouch of 1000 gems can be found and bought in the community market. They cost about 0.30€ but that fluctuates.

However, it’s a good average to keep in mind. If so, that means that 100 gems cost 0.03€, and 0.01€ gives you about 33 gems. You should keep these values for reference before you buy anything.

If you do want to go the efficient route (booster packs for card selling) I suggest using this site. You can see which of your eligible booster packs is the most efficient to make if you want to sell all the cards.

Finally, something about their drop rate (yes… booster packs can drop randomly). You are eligible for a booster pack drop only after you’ve collected all the free card drops.

Booster packs drop randomly to players when other players craft badges for that game. Of course, there is a bad luck barrier, so each game does get a booster pack drop even if no one is crafting badges.

The point here is, that every 10 levels on your account boost your chance of getting a booster pack by 10%!

The bonus is multiplicative though and not additive. That means that if your base chance is 10% and you are level 10-19, you have 11% of getting it (10 + (10% of 10)).

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Personal Tips

There is a trading practice I’ve learned while trading.

When you have spare cards (from events, or if you get a booster pack on a game that you have full badges on), while selling or turning in to gems is very good and typical, you can actually profit from them.

If these cards are from a game with an active community, you can actually do the 1:2 trade we saw earlier. Here’s the trick:

You ask for a 1:2 trade, 1 is yours from that set for 2 random cards of their choosing from their inventory. This way you can have 2 cards to sell or turn into gems, or even trade them both for a 1:2!

Just make sure to check the prices of the items given to you so you don’t actually lose money.

To sweeten the pot, you can instead ask for a 1:1 foil that they have or a 1:1 card + a number of gems (20 for example if your card is less than 20). This way you get surefire winnings. Stonks.

Also, if you make enough money to mass buy a badge, it’s not a bad idea, and you also get some refund back in the form of backgrounds and emoticons.

Don’t forget to edit your account and build your showcase. That’s the purpose of this guide after all!

I hope I clarified some things for you. Messing around with your Steam account can be rather fun and if you don’t lose yourself with buying all the badges and mass leveling, it’s a perfect way to spend your extra time between games or work.

If you have any question feel free to ask. I wish you all a happy profile building!

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8 Anticipated Games of 2020

8 Anticipated Games of 2020

Hey guys! Today I will talk about 8 anticipated games of 2020. I hope you find some games on this list that you didn’t know about. Now let’s begin.

1. Final Fantasy 7 Remake – April 10, 2020

8 Anticipated Games of 2020

This is definitely one of the most anticipated games of 2020. Final Fantasy games have a long history in the gaming world and a passionate fanbase. Final Fantasy 7 is considered one of the best installments in the Final Fantasy franchise and as you can guess fans can’t wait play the remake of this game. The game is a timed-exclusive for PS4, so those that don’t have a PS4 will have to wait to play it on their gaming system.

2. Resident Evil 3 Remake – April 2, 2020

8 Anticipated Games of 2020

Another remake of a game from a popular franchise. I guess you can say this is the year of remakes. The fans of Resident Evil get another remake after Resident Evil 2 and let’s hope they do as good as they did with the previous remake.

3. Elden Ring – June 2020

8 Anticipated Games of 2020

This is my personal favorite from this list and the game I most anticipate. FromSoftware is known for making brutally challenging games and their games have created a new gaming genre called souls-like. This time they up the stakes once again. Promising an open world experience with a new story created by the author George R.R. Martin.  There aren’t a lot of information about the game. We only know that it will be an RPG and that it takes place in an open world.

4. Dying Light 2 – Spring 2020

8 Anticipated Games of 2020

Dying Light was a very intriguing game when it was released. The concept was parkour with zombies and I have to say it was a lot of fun. I have a review of the first game so click here if you want to check it out. We have to wait and see how the developers will improve upon the first game and if they can deliver an even greater experience.

5. Cyberpunk 2077 – September 17, 2020

8 Anticipated Games of 2020

CD Projekt Red is well know in the gaming world for the Witcher games. They were and still are extremely popular and The Witcher 3 is even considered by many to be the best action RPG ever created. Cyberpunk 2077 shows a lot of promise in the trailers and knowing CD Projekt Red, they will probably give us an amazing game.

6. Godfall – Holidays 2020

This is my second favorite game from this list. Godfall was something that I didn’t expect. The trailer for the game was breathtaking. Magic with knights wearing cool looking armor. The game looks amazing, and we know that it will be a loot-driven action RPG, and you will be able to play solo or co-op. It will also have real-time melee combat.

7. Watch Dogs: Legion – 2020

8 Anticipated Games of 2020

Watch Dogs: Legion introduces a new mechanic that we haven’t seen in any game before. In Watch Dogs: Legion you will be able to recruit any NPC from the citizens of London and make him/her a part of your team and a playable character. This is a very interesting concept but it’s also very hard to pull off in a way that it works and it’s fun. This sure isn’t an easy task and whether they succeed or not we will have to wait and see.

8. Diablo 4 – 2020

8 Anticipated Games of 2020

Diablo 4 is a game that fans of the Diablo franchise have been wanting for years. Finally, Blizzard announced that the game will be released in 2020. Now whether Blizzard can meet the fans’ expectations for this game, it remains to be seen.

I hope that you liked my list. What other games are you looking forward to playing in 2020? Write a comment down below and tell me.

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Here are the links for the images I used:—BlizzCon-2019-Press-Kit

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Bridge Constructor Portal Review

Bridge Constructor Portal Review

Everyone wanted a 3rd Portal game, and this is certainly not what they expected.

Released in 2017, Bridge Constructor Portal isn’t developed by Valve. ClockStone developed this game and it is a continuation of their Bridge Constructor series.

Is the game good enough to live up to Portal 1 & 2?

This review will be split into Storyline, Gameplay, Visuals and finally, Personal Thoughts sections. Without further ado:


We don’t know whether the game takes place after or before the events of both Portal 1 and/or 2.

However, GLaDOS is present and sarcastic as ever!

Judging by the lab’s condition, it’s probably safe to assume that the game happens at least before Portal 2.

Anyway, you are an applicant for a job in Aperture Science. The game is practically GLaDOS testing you with various puzzles to see if you are fit for the job.


I don’t know if you’ve played any of the previous Bridge Constructor games, so I’ll keep this as detailed as I can.

For each level, your ultimate goal is to reach a truck from its starting point to the endpoint.

Usually, the game will have hazards, such as ledges with acid on the bottom, or aggressive killer Turrets that shoot anything that passes by their sight radius.

In order to avoid all that, you can build various bridges. You have 3 materials to choose from.

Bridge Constructor Portal Review
The white material is the bridge. The grey ones are the struts. Finally, the pink ones are the cables. Notice how only the cables don’t have a limit to their length.

The first is the bridge material, which, as the name implies, is the bridge that trucks can go over.

The second is the supporting material called strut. Simply put, the supporting material is used to support the weight of the bridge and anything that passes it (or gets thrown at it).

It can also be used to help a bridge not fall from gravity when you can only start building from one side of a ledge.

Finally, the cables are elastical(-ish)… cables that help you create vertical powers and hold bridges and constructions better.

Everything must begin by specific points attached to walls or extensions of bridges and struts.

Also, everything but the cable has a maximum length you can use.

The game uses many elements from the portal series like the aforementioned turrets, portals (duh), the weighted companion cube and others.

While your goal is to get 1 truck to the end, you get a better evaluation for passing a convoy of 3 or more vehicles (the exact number differs among levels).

That means that to truly finish the game, you must also pass the convoy tests.

You’ll notice in the first puzzles that passing a convoy isn’t as hard. If your construction can last through 1 truck without collapsing, what’s the problem with 3 or more?

2 issues can arise with convoys. They both have to do with timing.

The first is that sometimes, each truck begins shortly after the previous. This can cause problems to your bridges, as they might not be able to handle the weight of 2 or 3 vehicles at the same time.

The second issue is that sometimes, the trucks may bump into each other through the use of portals.

Portals are essential to finish a level, and sometimes lead you back, causing a truck to hit another and put everything of course.

You will also see how much money you (wastefully) spent on each level. The more materials you use, the more costly the construction.

Money spent doesn’t affect gameplay, nor is it used in achievements. It’s there for you to compare with other players on who can find the most optimal (economical) solution.

There is also a DLC for this game called Portal Proficiency. It just adds more levels.

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The visuals in this game are nothing spectacular, but that’s not to say they aren’t great.

It’s what we’re used to in Portal 1 & 2. That said, the game can run on most PCs.

Personal Thoughts

I asked in the beginning whether this game can live up to its spiritual predecessors.

First things first, it’s unfair to outright compare the games, as they are of different genres within the puzzling world.

However, that question was not a simple clickbait; the game won’t offer you any of the feelings or the excitement you get from Portal 1 & 2.

Don’t get me wrong, the game is a perfectly good puzzle game to pass your time. But, Portal 1 & 2 are legends.

Ellen McLain is back to reprise her role of GLaDOS (and the turrets), so there’s also that.

In the end, I recommend this game to anyone looking for a good puzzle game to play. But if you’re expecting to get into this and play Portal 3, forget about it.

Final Verdict

Storyline: –

Gameplay: 7.8

Visuals: 8.8

General Rating: 8.3

That’s it for my review. Did you like the game? Do you have anything to add? If so, leave a comment down below.

The image(s) I used are from the following site(s):

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Best Anime to Watch in Winter 2020

Best Anime to Watch in Winter 2020

Hi guys! Today I will recommend to you, anime that are coming out in the Winter Season of 2020 that I think you should check out. This list will contain 7 anime with no particular order. Now let’s begin:

1. Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi


The young man Orphen engages in money lending activities in the back streets of the commercial city of Totokanta. Once, he was known as one of the Tower of Fang’s most promising black sorcerers.

One day, Orphen was approached by Volkan and Dortin, who had a very profitable money making scheme set up. Under the guise of wealthy merchants, they set forth toward the Everlasting household to partake in a marriage fraud. But, there was one problem: Volcan’s plan was full of holes, leading one of the sisters to find out about their plan too. Then suddenly, a huge monster attacks the mansion. Among all the commotion, one name rings out: Azalie. This monster was what he was looking for for five years: his older sister Azalie who transformed into a dragonic monster.

Between those who seek to kill the monster and Orphen, giving everything to protect it, his peaceful days are at an end. Trying desperately to transform his sister, Azalie, back to her true form leads to a treacherous journey that, ultimately, allows Orphen to learn the vast secrets of his world.

Synopsis Source:

2. Haikyuu!!: To the Top


Junior high school student Shōyō Hinata gains a sudden love of volleyball after seeing a national championship match on TV. Although short in height, he becomes determined to follow in the footsteps of a star player, nicknamed the “Little Giant”, after seeing his plays.

However, his dreams are destroyed in his first official match, where his team suffers a crushing defeat against the junior championship favorite team, which includes the so-called “King of the Court” Tobio Kageyama. Hinata vows to follow in the footsteps of the “Little Giant” and enter Karasuno High School to defeat Kageyama, only for the two to wind up as unlikely teammates.

By combining the genius-like qualities of Kageyama with Hinata’s sheer athleticism, the duo create a brand-new volleyball tactic. Their new combo allows them to get over their differences and creates a strange alliance between the two filled with fun and laughter for them and their teammates. Thus begins the Karasuno boys’ volleyball team’s journey to the top.

Synopsis Source:!!

3. Darwin’s Game


17-year old Kaname Sudō accepts an online invitation by a friend to play an app game called Darwin’s Game, unbeknownst to him that the game involves a fight between life and death.

Synopsis Source:

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4. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T


In the futuristic Academy City, which is made up of 80% students, many of whom are espers possessing unique psychic powers, Mikoto Misaka is an electromaster who is the third strongest of a mere seven espers who have been given the rank of Level 5. The series focuses on the exploits of Mikoto and her friends; Kuroko Shirai, Kazari Uiharu, and Ruiko Saten, prior to and during the events of A Certain Magical Index.

Synopsis Source:

5. Pet


In this world there are people that have the ability to control other people’s memories. Some people decide to use this power for good for example using it to solve cases, others decide to use it for their own benefit or to kill other people. However, this power can potentially destroy people’s mind or even corrupt the user’s heart.

6. Plunderer


Set in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by numbers, every human being has their worth measured by a special ‘Count’ imprinted somewhere on their bodies, which defines any number related to an important aspect of their lives. However, if this Count decreases to 0, the person will be dragged down into “the abyss”, and is said to be dead for all eternity.

For young Hina, her Count corresponds to how many hundreds of kilometres she has walked. Ever since her mother was dragged into the abyss, she has been searching for the Legendary Ace from her mother’s last wish for the last five years. Hina’s gruelling journey takes a sudden turn when she meets a strange masked knight known as Licht Bach with a negative-numbered Count.

Synopsis Source:

7. ID:Invaded


Sakaido is a genius detective that helps the police track down criminals by using a system that allows him to invade the criminals “ID”. Sakaido helps the police while he is in jail because of the actions he took when his daughter was found murdered. While he helps the police with their cases, he finds clues that will lead him to his daughter’s murderer.

That’s it for my list. I hope you found some good anime here. Do you think there is an anime that should be on the list? Which is your most anticipated anime for this season?  Write your thoughts on the comments below. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

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Final Fantasy XV PC Review

Final Fantasy XV PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Final Fantasy XV. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Final Fantasy XV PC Review


The story of Final Fantasy XV revolves around prince Noctis and his three friends as they travel to the place where Noctis is going to get married. A lot happens in that journey which I won’t reveal here, but one thing that I have to say is that it turns out that that place isn’t their final destination.

The story is very good, the only problem with it, is that in order to fully understand it, you have to watch the movie that is a tie-in to the game and probably the anime series too. I watched the movie, but not the anime.

I personally prefer the game to tell me everything I need to know about it and not force me to watch other things in order to get a better understanding of what is going on.

The movie was good, but I don’t like games doing this type of thing.


Now let’s talk about the combat system. The combat in Final Fantasy XV, isn’t something great. It is good, but not something that will make you remember it and hope they do something similar to this again.

In combat, you have 4 different weapons that you can swap and items that you can use. The items include spells and different types of elixirs. The problem for me is that the spells are limited meaning that you can run out of them and then you have to make new ones.

Basically, spells are like items that you have to replenish in order to use.

I didn’t like that aspect of the game and I think they could implement spells in a different way that is less annoying and tedious(because you have to gather energy from sources that are scattered across the map in order to make new spells and that is very frustrating).

The combat is somewhat repetitive since you do the same thing most of the time, meaning you use the gap closer then you spam the attack button till the enemy dies and then do this all over again for the other enemies.

Of course, you can also use some spells to add some variety to the fights, but since they are limited and if you run out of them then you have to go around the map to gather energy from sources to make more, it isn’t a good idea to use spells often(I usually kept them for when they were absolutely necessary.

The difficulty of the game is pretty average. I didn’t find the game challenging enough, but each person has a different opinion on what is challenging and what isn’t. Personally, I find games challenging only when they are at Sekiro level difficulty.


The visuals of Final Fantasy XV are truly outstanding, the scenery is breathtaking and when you play is like you watch a movie. The downside is that the game requires you to have good PC specs to fully enjoy this experience since average graphics card won’t be able to handle this game on the highest settings.

One more downside to this game is that it doesn’t have many customization options for your character. The outfits are very limited, and I think they missed a good opportunity here.

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Final Thoughts

Final Fantasy XV is a very good game with an entertaining story. Personally, I loved the character of Noctis and the story of FFXV.

The combat isn’t something special and they could have done some things differently in that regard. For those that want something challenging, I have to say that you will be disappointed, not that the game is easy but its not dark souls level of difficulty.

Lastly, the visuals are amazing and some of the best I have seen even by today’s standards.

I don’t recommend buying the game at full price. I believe you should wait for a sale.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 9.5

Gameplay: 8.5

Visuals: 9.8

General Rating: 9.3

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

Here is the link for the images I used:

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4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

Hi guys! Today I will show you 4 easy things you can do to get a few more FPS in games.

Before we begin, do a backup of your PC to make sure you are safe if something goes wrong.

I have to say I do this for years regularly (I mean I do this every time I restart my PC which is often) and not a single time I have had any problems, literally never.

For that 0.01% chance though, I recommend you do a backup.

I warn you to do this on your own responsibility.

Even though I am 99.9% sure nothing will go wrong, I just say this so that you don’t blame me if something goes wrong.

I have also made a Youtube video that shows the whole process that I describe below. The images are from that video. Here is the link.

Now let’s begin.

First Step

Press Windows Key + R. In the window that opens up type: prefetch.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

If a window pops up saying that You don’t currently have permission to access this folder then click Continue.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

If you have more files than me then it’s ok, as I said I delete these files regularly.

Now, in the window that opens up select everything (or press CTRL+A to select everything faster) and then right-click on the files and click Delete (or press DEL on the keyboard).

If some files can’t be deleted, then click on the window that opens up Do this for all current items and click Skip after that.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

Then close the window.

Second Step

Now, press Windows Key + R. In the window that opens up type: temp.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

If a window pops up saying that You don’t currently have permission to access this folder then click Continue.

If you have more files than me then it’s ok, as I said I delete these files regularly.

Now, in the window that opens up select everything (or press CTRL+A to select everything faster) and then right-click on the files and click Delete (or press DEL on the keyboard).

If some files can’t be deleted, then click on the window that opens up Do this for all current items and click Skip after that. Click Continue if a window pops up like it did just now.

Then close the window.

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Third Step

For the last time, press Windows Key + R. In the window that opens up type: %temp%.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

If a window pops up saying that You don’t currently have permission to access this folder then click Continue.

If you have more files than me then it’s ok, as I said I delete these files regularly.

Now, in the window that opens up select everything (or press CTRL+A to select everything faster) and then right-click on the files and click Delete (or press DEL on the keyboard).

If some files can’t be deleted, then click on the window that opens up Do this for all current items and click Skip after that.

Then close the window.

Make sure to Empty Recycle Bin. If a window pops up while you Empty the Recycle Bin then click Continue.

Fourth Step

The last thing that you can do to improve FPS in games, is to find the game’s .exe file (sometimes the .exe has a shortcut on Desktop, but if it is a steam game for example then you will probably have to find the .exe file on your game files).

I will show you an example of where to find the .exe file if it is a steam game after I explain what to do if the .exe file has a shortcut on Desktop.

Now if the game’s .exe has a desktop shortcut, then right-click on it and then click Properties.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

Then click on the Compatibility Tab (You won’t see this tab if it is a steam game and you will have to find the .exe file, so wait for me to show where to find it later).

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

Then make sure that Disable fullscreen optimizations box is checked.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

After that click Change high DPI settings. Make sure that both boxes in the window that appears are checked.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games
4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

Then click OK in that window and then click Change settings for all users. Make sure that Disable fullscreen optimizations is checked there, and below that, click Change high DPI settings, and in the window that pops up make sure that both boxes are checked.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games
4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games
4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

After that Click OK in that Window, then click OK again and click OK one more time to close the last window.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games
4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games
4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

Now I will show you where to find the .exe for steam games.

Open Steam and click Library. Right-click on the game you want from the left and click Properties.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games
4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

Then in the window that opens up, click the Local Files tab.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

After that click Browse Local Files. Then open Binaries Folder, then open Win32 folder and you found the game’s .exe.

4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games
4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games
4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games
4 Easy Steps to Increase FPS in Games

Right-click on it, then click Properties and do the things I mentioned before.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. Did you get more FPS after you did these 4 steps? Tell me how many FPS you got in the comments below. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.