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Darksiders Warmastered Edition PC Review

Darksiders Warmastered Edition PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Darksiders Warmastered Edition. It’s a game I recently played even though it has come out years ago, but the Darksiders franchise is very popular and proved itself as it survived for so many years.

As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Darksiders Warmastered Edition PC Review


The story of Darksiders Warmastered edition focuses on War, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse who was accused of doing something that he shouldn’t have done and his adventures as he tries to prove his innocence.

There, I think that sums up the story pretty much without spoiling any details. The story isn’t something amazing, but it’s still a good story that will keep you interested in the game.


The thing that is most important is how the game works and what to expect from it.

Let’s start with the combat.

The combat of Darksiders reminded me of God of War. It’s very fluent and enjoyable. As you progress you gain more skills weapons and abilities which make the game combat a worthwhile experience.

The game knows that it’s a hack and slash game and the developers made sure that the game has combat that is worthy of the genre.

Besides the combat, there are a lot of puzzles in the game, and whether that is a good or a bad thing it depends on the person playing the game.

Personally, I am not a fan of puzzles in games, I find them fun sometimes but excess use of them is something I don’t particularly like, and I feel this game has more puzzles than I would like.

Darksiders is a semi-open world game meaning that while it is somewhat open-world its restrictive enough that you can’t call it a true open-world game.

The game has a lot of different locations and you will face a different kind of enemies depending on the location you are fighting in.

The variety of enemies keeps the combat interesting since you have to change your approach depending on the enemy you face.

Having a short enemy roaster would make the game feel boring very fast. This game is like a combination of Zelda and God of War, and those of you that like those kinds of games will surely find this game interesting.


The graphics of the Darksiders Warmastered Edition have definitely improved over the original Darksiders game that was released in 2010 but the game still looks like it was made for the previous generation of consoles.

That said the graphics are pretty decent and I don’t believe they will bother you that much. I personally love amazing graphics in-game, but I still found the game enjoyable even though it has dated graphics.

The art style is very interesting and there are a lot of locations you will visit that look completely different from one another.

The developers have surely put a lot of effort making sure that the locations feel unique and are fun to explore.

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Final Thoughts

It’s time for my final thoughts.

Primarily, I have to say that Darksiders Warmastered Edition is a good game, I believe that is something that most people who played this game will agree on.

It isn’t something you haven’t seen before, but it’s a good experience whatsoever.

The combat is enjoyable, and you have a lot of options when it comes to fighting enemies.

There is a variety of enemies that keep the game interesting and while the graphics are dated, they are decent, and they won’t bother you at all as you play the game.

That said I recommend buying the game when it’s on sale because I don’t believe it is worth the full price if you compare it to games that have come out the last few years.

Those of you that love the hack and slash genre won’t be disappointed, that I am pretty certain.

For the rest of you, I still recommend this game, but if you have doubts you can still view some gameplay videos and decide for yourself whether this game is something that you will enjoy or not.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8.8

Gameplay: 8.5

Visuals: 7.5

General Rating: 8.2

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

Here is the link for the images I used:

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Teamfight Tactics Review

Teamfight Tactics Review

With over a month of its release by the time this article is posted, TFT generally had as big of a reception as expected, if not bigger. Now that the dust has settled, and ranked play has been released (and I playtested it to my heart’s content), I can write my review with better judgment.

As always, there will be a storyline, gameplay, graphics & SFX, and finally, a personal thoughts section. There is already an article explaining TFT in general but it isn’t a review. You can check it out here. Without further ado:


There is no actual storyline for this game, so practically it’s the same as League’s storyline as the same champions are used. You can check on League’s storyline on my review.


Again, most of the gameplay (if not all) is covered on my previous article about TFT. But, this is a review, so I’ll give you the basics.

TFT is a strategy game. Your aim is to buy the right champions in order to form the best comp. There is also the matter of how you position them so they can optimally use their abilities.

Every champion has 1 class and 1 (or very rarely 2) origins. You can combine a number of those classes and origins of different champions (the number is dependent on the class/origin itself) to gain a huge bonus that buffs up the champions sharing that class/origin. Sometimes, the buff may help the whole team.

It’s your goal to find the best possible synergies and utilize them. But it isn’t as simple as choosing your favorite comp (or the most OP if you are a meta slut), as the shop has generally random champion drops, so you will have to learn to Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

The number of champions you can have is dependent on your level, but you also have a bench for keeping champions you might need later or some duplicates.

And I know what you’re thinking. The answer is no, duplicate champions don’t count toward the bonuses but you need them for something else.

And it’s not even as simple as finding the perfect champions for your comp. You must upgrade them too!

By finding 3 copies of the same champion you upgrade him to a silver version which is much stronger, combine 3 silvers (or a total of 9) and you get the super-duper gold version that kicks ass.

Just be careful as your bench only has 9 spots, and you will need to keep many champions that you might either need later on or are just waiting for an upgrade.

The game is separated with rounds. the first 3 rounds are PvE and it’s nigh impossible to lose unless you’re trying to.

Afterward, you fight with a random player every time, with the loser taking damage depending on how many champion the opponent has alive.

The objective is to be the last player alive, but the winners (from a ranked perspective) are the top 4 players from a total of 8 players.

Every 4 rounds, you will have a shared draft phase, where each player, starting with the last, choose a champion with an item from a pool of 12 champions and removing that champion from that pool. 2 rounds after the shared draft phase, there is another PvE round.

PvE rounds are useful for their drops. Generally, the monsters you kill will drop an item, gold, or even a high tier champion.

The items give your champions base stats (except the spatula…) and you can combine 2 of them to make a combined item which gives you both of its component’s stats plus a bonus effect. Rarely, you will get a whole item instead of 3 components.

Every champion can have up to 3 combined items. Items are very important, as sometimes you will want to shape your team around the items you find instead of the champions.

Also, some comps are extremely item reliant, and specific items, not just any items, so you’re gonna have to pray to get what you want some times.

Lastly, there is also the economy part of the game.

Generally, by playing the game you win gold (and not much change if you’re losing or winning, as long as you’re streaking). That gold is used to buy champions or experience, or reroll your shop to find the missing key component. But alas, it’s still not that simple.

You can actually go ham with your gold, or you can save up and get some interest, basically 10% of your gold for up to +5 from 50 gold.

So everything you do is very important because even when you are in the first place if you have no economy, even the last can eventually catch up and topple you.

You might have noticed the word luck (or any synonym or phrase that indicates RNG in general) in most of my paragraphs.

Many think that this game is heavily luck-based, but I beg to differ. Even though luck is an important factor, you don’t need it at all to get top 4 if you’re good.

Unless you’re playing with 7 equally good players and they are all luckier, so I guess… tough luck? But jokes aside, the RNG isn’t game breakingly deciding, and Riot will probably reduce it more if it affects gameplay.

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Again, the same as League’s plus Little Legends. Little Legends are your avatar, and there are plenty to choose from, but you’re gonna have to pay to get some of the better ones (Rito pls).

Now something else, but that is for the ones who already played League before and had a dedicated account. If you didn’t just skip to the Personal Thoughts section.

Still here? So, Riot has most champions on their base skins, but some champions might have another skin. And you also don’t get a choice to flex showcase your wallet rich skin collection.

Why is that? It’s due to their origins. Riot wants new players to be able to understand a champion’s origin by just a glance, so most origins are color-coded after their element.

Personal Thoughts

TFT definitely deserves its praise, and there certainly is a reason for being so loved and popular.

The feeling of sitting relaxed while playing, without the need to be careful about the minimap, a gang, or anything fast-paced related, is unparalleled.

The fact that you don’t have a useless team to drag you is the frosting on the cake and the cherry on top.

Final Verdict

Storyline: –

Gameplay: 8.0

Visuals: 7.0

General rating: 7.5

Do you play TFT. What is your rank? Do you prefer it more than League and other MOBAs in general? Write to me so in the comments.

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Dying Light Enhanced Edition PC Review

Dying Light Enhanced Edition PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dying Light Enhanced Edition. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).


The first thing I have to say is about the story of Dying Light is that it’s a good one. The voice acting is amazing, and the protagonist’s character is interesting, and he makes the story that much more enjoyable.

Dying Light’s story takes place in Harran where a mysterious viral outbreak turns most of the citizens in zombies like creatures that are very aggressive and attack humans.

You play as Kyle Crane, an agent who is hired by an organization called GRE and his mission is to infiltrate Harran and retrieve a sensitive file stolen by an individual named Kadir Suleiman.

I won’t say anything more about the story. I think that’s enough for you to understand the premise of the game.


Now let’s talk about the game’s mechanics.

First, I have to say that the game is in first-person view. Dying Light introduces a very exciting parkour system that helps you traverse through the city without having to walk through the streets since the streets are filled with zombies.

The parkour system is truly amazing, one of the best parkour systems I have seen and on par with Assassin Creed’s parkour system.

Traversing the city using parkour is one of the best experiences I have had in a game.

Now that the parkour is out of the way let’s talk about the combat.

In this game, every weapon that you use can be crafted and it has a level of durability, the higher the level the longer it takes for the weapon to get destroyed.

You have to fix the weapons that are destroyed to be able to use them again and that makes you think if it’s worth fighting in certain scenarios because each weapon can be repaired a limited number of times.

Once you use all the repairs you won’t be able to use that weapon again, except if you do some tasks in the game that will give you more repairs to your weapons if your number of repairs is 0 (I have never done those tasks).

The combat is well thought, and it takes skill to master the combat of Dying Light.

There are also skills that you unlock using points that you gain through playing the game and surviving, fighting, or traversing through the map, meaning that the more you do these things the more points you will get and you will be able to unlock abilities.

The game has co-op mode for up to 4 players co-op. I played the game with a friend and I recommend you do the same, not because the game is extremely difficult (by the way the game is indeed challenging, I played it in nightmare difficulty which is the hardest possible) but because it’s more fun that way.

I personally believe that survival games aren’t fun to play solo, that is my opinion and honestly, when I don’t play with a friend, I don’t feel like playing these kinds of games.


The graphics of Dying Light are outstanding, even after 4 years the graphics are on par with games released this year.

Harran looks beautiful during the day and during the night you feel the danger in every corner, which is something that is a must for a survival horror game.

There are a lot of outfits you can choose from, some are unlockable through playing the game and some you must buy separately using real money, not that you see much of your character, so outfits are more meaningful when you play with others, since they are the only one that can see your outfit.

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Final Thoughts

Dying Light Enhanced Edition is a very good game for those that like survival horror games and I am sure you won’t regret buying it.

I have to say that I recommend buying the game when it is on sale since in a year Dying Light 2 will be released and I don’t think it’s a good idea to pay full price for a 4-year game.

I also recommend playing the game with a friend, but if you have no problem playing alone then who am I to get in the way.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8.7

Gameplay: 8.7

Visuals: 9.3

General Rating: 8.9

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

Here is the link for the images I used:

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CS:GO Review

CS:GO Review

Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is among the most competitive and popular first-person shooter games in the world. The game also comes from a long-standing series.

Does it deserve all the popularity? This review will have a storyline, gameplay, graphics & SFX and finally, a personal thought section. Without further ado:


The storyline is the simple and usual Terrorists versus Counter-Terrorists (CT) trope the series had since the beginning.


The gameplay is where all the game is at. The fact that you can be a Terrorist or a CT is not just cosmetic, you don’t just grab a few weapons and start slaughtering each other.

Each team has a different objective, a different start point and a few differences in equipment and weapon choice. Fortunately, to stay balanced, you’ll be playing half the game as one team, and for the rest of the game with the other.

Let’s start with their objectives:

There are (usually) two sites in any given map called the A Site and the B Site. The terrorists can use any of the two sites to plant their bomb. As a CT, your purpose is to guard both sites so no terrorists go through and kill them all.

If the terrorists get to plant the bomb, then the CT must defuse the bomb before it explodes in 40 seconds.

If the CT defuse the bomb they win the round, regardless of how many terrorists are alive.

Another alternative way of winning as a CT is to wait out the 3-minute timer, however, the timer is canceled if the bomb is planted.

The Terrorists have the exact opposite win conditions. They must either kill every CT or by the bomb exploding.

If the terrorists plant the bomb and then die, they can still win, as long as the bomb sets off.

As mentioned earlier, the bomb explodes in 40 seconds, and a CT need 10 seconds to defuse it without being interrupted (or 5 seconds if they bought a defuse kit).

There is a casual and competitive game mode, and they have quite some differences.

The competitive is the classic one; there are at most 30 rounds, but the games usually don’t reach that far.

The game is 5v5 and the first team to get to 16 points win. In the case of 15-15, the game is declared a draw. After the first 15 rounds, the players switch sides; the CT become terrorists and vice versa.

The ranking system is unknown as Hidden Path Entertainment and Valve maintain a silent state about it, but there are speculations. The general idea is that the better you play, the easier you climb.

The game is extremely competitive due to its complicated mechanics. Despite the objectives, it’s still not just a simple gun fest. The game has many micro and macro mechanics.

For starters, each game has a dedicated economy.

Each player has his own pot. You win money as a team based on a number of things like way of winning, the status of the bomb, opponents and allies alive, the weapons you use to kill and most importantly, early streaks.

There are many more things with the game’s economy that you’ll learn by playing. One simple thing is an “eco” round, in which you buy nothing to save money. The economy fully resets when the players switch sides.

You can use your money to buy a gun, a pistol, a Kevlar and helmet, a defuse kit if you are a CT, and up to 4 grenades (from a choice of 5).

The grenades are another thing on their own, as you have to learn how to effectively and optimally throw them, and their effects.

Each grenade is a lot different than the other, they even need a different number of bounces to explode. Some grenades can be used together as a combo.

The weapons are also quite complicated. As expected, each weapon has a different recoil, magazine, power, etc.

You will need to learn which weapon is optimal in which situation, when to burst fire, continuously fire, or one-tap (throwing a bullet at a time), which weapons can penetrate which materials, how much damage you deal and most importantly, where to aim to hit the head.

The game has friendly fire as well, this goes for anything. You lose money for killing a teammate and by killing too many teammates, or one teammate for too many rounds, you get kicked and banned temporarily.

Competitive requires A LOT of communication. The game has in-game voice chat, and you must use this to the fullest lest you want to lose every time. You must use it to give info on the enemy position, or enemy damage taken.

You can also use it when you want to cover a specific point, or trade a weapon, or before you use a grenade. Generally, you’ll want to use it as much as possible, as info is key to victory. I’m not even exaggerating!

It’s even possible to hear someone coming (unless he’s sneaking).

As you see, the game has a lot of macro (economy and positioning) and micro (grenade placement and weapon usage) to handle. That’s why I recommend trying out casual, despite it not being 100% accurate representation.

Firstly, casual games have half the rounds and the switch happens at 8 rounds.

Secondly, there can be up to 10 players in each team. The economy is also a lot different and there is no friendly fire.

There are also other game modes, like hostages and deathmatch. In hostage mode, the CT have to rescue at least one hostage and the Terrorists must make sure this does not happen.

In deathmatch, everyone spawns on random points in the map, with any weapon they choose (or a random one) and spawn immediately when they die.

The collect points by killing enemies. Deathmatch doesn’t have any competitive game mode, and hostages do have competitive but it’s not nearly as popular as the classic bomb scenario.

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CS:GO has adequate graphics, especially for a game that can run on most PCs.

The maps are also well done, with some nice details along the walls and doors. CS:GO also has weapon skins unlocked either by buying them with real money or through various loot boxes that drop randomly when you play.

But to open them you need keys, which also cost real money. There are also some “stat-trak” weapons that count every kill you take with that specific weapon. The counter persists through games.

Personal Thoughts

CS:GO is a very well made game, and this shows as it is among the top 5 in the esports department. The game lives from the competitive nature, and is the go-to game for anyone who likes FPS games and competitiveness, especially now that the game is free.

Unfortunately, the game lacks in one department. Like every competitive multiplayer team game, the team will usually drag you down. Unless you have your own squad, be prepared for some serious trolls.

Final Verdict

Storyline: –

Gameplay: 9.0

Visuals: 8.0

General Rating: 8.5/10

If you have any questions or requests, just leave a comment below and I will answer as soon as I can.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

The images I used are from the following sites:

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Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 PC Review

Tom Clancy's The Division 2 PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Division 2. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Tom Clancy's The Division 2 PC Review


I believe the story has greatly improved compared to the first Division although it’s still far from perfect.

I won’t go into further detail about the story since if you saw the trailer you know pretty much what it’s about. The most important part is the combat mechanics because if they aren’t good there is no point in playing the game.


I have to say that the feeling the guns give you when you use them is better than the first Division. It shows that the developers spent a lot of time making sure the gunplay was better.

Similar to the first Division, there are a lot of guns for you to choose and there are a lot of mods that you can use to make your guns and gear a lot better.

The game has a lot of PvE content from main story missions to side story missions and it will keep you busy for quite some time.

There are also many updates and new content that is planned for the coming months, so don’t worry, you will get your money’s worth in content.

The problem with The Division 2, in my opinion, is the PvP. The developers have a lot of work to do to balance the PvP if it can ever be balanced.

The PvP is so bad that many players have gone back to the first Division to play in the Dark Zone there.

If you want a game to play PvP, this isn’t the game for you, there are many other games that have better PvP than this one.

For me the Division games’ selling point is the PvE, the PvP is just a bonus, there is no reason to buy a game like this for the PvP, because it will never be balanced, there will always be meta builds that destroy everything so what’s the point in saying that the game is RPG if only a few things work.


The graphics in Division 2 have improved compared to the first game as it was expected.

There are some spots that look absolutely stunning in certain hours of the day. The game has dynamic weather so it’s very realistic in that sense.

The customization options are more limited than the first Division. In the first Division, you could find clothes pretty easily and you had a lot of clothes to choose from.

This time, I literally use the same t-shirt from the beginning of the game till now and I got like 8 shirts to choose from. In the first Division, I had at least 40 shirts by this point.

One good thing that they added is the dyes. You can find them in supply boxes that are hanging from trees on the map and on some mission areas.

The dyes are used to dye your gear, not the clothes that you wear. I feel this is a nice step forward from the first Division though I would like to be able to dye my clothes too.

There are also many outfits for you to choose from if you are prepared to pay real money for those.

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Final Thoughts

The Division 2 is overall a better game than its predecessor, but there are still some aspects where the first Division clearly does a better job.

If you are a fan of the first game, I certainly recommend buying this, though if you aren’t sure if it’s a good buy or not you can always wait for a sale.

I bought the standard edition because I didn’t want to pay 30 more euros just for cosmetics and being able to play with the new content a few days earlier than the rest.

I believe you will find The Division 2 a lot more fun if you have friends, not that it’s hard to find people to play ingame. There are also guilds in this game that you can join so its easy to find a lot of people to play with.

Final Verdict 

Storyline: 8.5

Gameplay: 8.7

Visuals: 9.5

General Rating: 8.9

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

Here is the link for the images I used:

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Crusader Kings II Review

Crusader Kings II Review

Crusader Kings II is a grand strategy game able to rival other major strategy games like Civilization and Europa Universalis (with which they connect). This review will have a storyline, gameplay, graphics & SFX and finally, personal thoughts section. Without further ado:


The game doesn’t have a storyline. It’s set usually in the early medieval times, but generally, any game can start from 769 to 1066 and the game ends in 1453.

Many historical events happen in the game regardless of the in-game events. A good example of this is the Ottoman Invasion in Constantinople.


Crusader Kings II is not like any traditional strategy game as it has some RPG elements to it. Before you begin, you can choose your empire, kingdom, duchy, county, etc…

Beginning as a count is considered the hardest option, as you don’t have many options during the early game, and you are always under many others who are able to stop your advances through just a command.

Before you begin, you have the option of creating your own ruler, in appearance, religion, culture, and nationality.

You can also some of his stats, but every stat alters his age based on its power. You can likewise give him some characteristics that also change your age.

These characteristics range from brave and strong to hunchback and lustful, and just about anything you can think of. Finally, you choose the number of children, and each child also increases your age.

Once you are in the game, you have two purposes.

Firstly it is the usual one. Sustain your provinces to stand the test of time.

The second one, however, is far more interesting, due to its uniqueness. You have to sustain your Dynasty (family).

This means that before your character dies (and trust me, this can happen at any time!), you must have a valid heir from your bloodline. Once you die, you take over as the heir you sculptured.

Before I delve deeper into the Dynasty system, let’s get to the actual gameplay.

The game has many complicated systems. Generally, the map is split into counties. Each county has a major city that can have 1 or more provinces. You cannot control more than a specific number of them (a number that is calculated from some of your stats).

If you exceed the number, you must set some of your vassals to rule over some of your territories, for a price of course.

By controlling enough (specific) counties, you can create a duchy. Have enough duchies and you can create an independent kingdom. And like this, you can work your way up to an emperor.

You also have your own council, with 5 positions, each representing one of the 5 stats. You also choose your councilors and their tasks in order to better manage your lands.

Warmongering in this game is different. You cannot just create units by paying resources, instead, every province has its own number of levies (troops) dependent on each province’s buildings.

In order to declare war, you must have a valid Casus Beli, and you win the war by defeating enemy armies and towns enough times to make them surrender.

You can also take a county by birthright; if you marry one of your children with that county’s count, heir, or any heir in line after the first.

Afterward, you can try to assassinate every heir until you reach to your child, which will give you a strong claim to that county. These apply (but are harder to do) to duchies, kingdoms, and empires.

Now, on to the character system. Your first goal should be to get married. But that is a hard decision to make.

Firstly, if you get married to some nobody, you will lose prestige, which is important to the game.

Secondly, her stats, nationality, culture, and religion are very important, as there is a high chance that your children will inherit some of her characteristics.

Following that, you have to care for your children. You have to choose a guardian, which will be the central figure in their life.

You must also choose childhood and teenage focuses, which determined their characters and stats as they grow.

Finally, you have to decide which one will be your heir (also depending on the succession law of your realm).

Throughout the game, you will get some random events. These determine things like characteristics (which affect your stats), or other events that are about your realm.

There are also some paranormal events like meeting with death, which gives you a high chance of dying, and an event that makes you practically immortal (you can only die in war or from assassination).

The game has many other game concepts and mechanics, but I suggest you learn about these as you play, as if I start explaining, it might get too overwhelming.

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The graphics aren’t anything amazing. In fact, this game can be played without a problem on most PCs, even some of the toasters. It is a low-spec game, which actually gives it a bonus, as most other grand strategy or 4X games require very good specs.

Personal Thoughts

Crusader Kings II is a very fun game to play, especially if you are a strategy game fan and don’t have the PC for higher-spec games.

The overwhelming amount of mechanics is bound to keep you for hours, and the randomness of the game and the Dynasty system will keep you hooked.

The negatives include its win conditions and its price. About the win condition. There is no clear win condition other than having the highest score when the game ends, or when all players die.

About, the price, since this is a still updating game, there are many expansions and DLCs, which all cost extra, so I highly recommend you buy them all on Steam sales.

I forgot to mention that if you finish a game without dying, you can take that game’s data and transfer it as it is to Europa Universalis IV.

Final Verdict

Storyline: –

Gameplay: 9.0

Visuals: 7.0

General Rating: 8.0

Have you played Crusader Kings II? Have you enjoyed the review? If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

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Dark Souls 3 PC Review

dark souls 3 PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls 3. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Dark Souls 3 PC Review


Now the story of Dark Souls 3 is a tricky subject. If this is your first Dark Souls game, then I promise you that you will not understand a thing about what’s going on.

The game doesn’t explain the story in a traditional sense, meaning through dialogue and exposition from characters.

To understand the story of Dark Souls you need to read each item information, to talk to all the NPCs that you find in the game, to watch the locations you visit for the scenery since that might give hints about the story.

Even if you do all that, you know about 50% of the story. The other 50% is hypothesizing since From Software doesn’t give a clear explanation about the story.

I personally didn’t care much for the story in this game, I just played it for the challenge of beating it, since I heard it was hard. This is it for the story, now let’s talk about the combat system of the game.


Dark Souls 3 is an RPG that allows you to create your own character, customize him, and choose your character’s class.

Each time you gather enough souls (you get souls by killing enemies, selling items, finding items that grant big amount of souls in the map and killing bosses) you can buy a level up and get 1 point to put in one of 9 attributes and those are vigor, attunement, endurance, vitality, strength, dexterity, intelligence, faith, luck.

Each of those attributes affect your stats in the game and what you can do. I won’t explain what each attribute does since it’s pretty each to find out by searching on google (the game has very good wiki pages) or in the game by seeing each attribute’s information.

The combat in this game isn’t very complex, you have a right-hand weapon and a left-hand weapon and each are assigned to a button on your controller or your mouse (if you play with keyboard and mouse), you also have items which you can use that heal your HP, and your FP (FP is basically your mana points), there are also rings that you can wear that give you stats and different armor sets that you get through the game.

To avoid attacks you roll (this is what you will do 90% of the time) and you can also parry attacks if you have a weapon that can use parry since not all weapons can do that.

The difficulty of the game at least in my experience depends heavily on your build and your playstyle. I personally didn’t find Dark Souls 3’s base difficulty all that hard, but that might have to do with the build I used.

Lastly, the game wants you to explore since there are a lot of items that are hidden behind illusionary walls and in difficult to access places.

There are bonfires in the game, that serve as a checkpoint since when you die you return to the last bonfire you rested at, and you can travel between bonfires. That’s it for the gameplay.


Graphics in Dark Souls 3 aren’t eye-catching that’s for sure. The color grey is extremely prominent, and the game’s colors aren’t vibrant.

Additionally, the game character models aren’t amazing looking too. I have seen games that came years before Dark Souls 3 and look a lot better.

The Graphics are average, and people that want to see a game that looks amazing in the eyes will be disappointed.

That said the people that play this game, don’t play it for the graphics, they play it for the challenging gameplay.

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Final Thoughts

Dark Souls 3 is a game for those that want a challenge, it’s not for casual players.

To understand how to play the game, you will probably need to search for some things in wikis and spend hours changing builds and strategies if you think that the build you play isn’t good enough.

The game’s combat is challenging in the sense that it needs good reflexes.

The graphics of the game are average but as I said you don’t play this game for the graphics.

If you want to buy this game I strongly recommend the deluxe edition since it includes the two DLCs that this game has, and one of those DLCs includes an arena where you can play in different PvP modes.

You can play PvP without this DLC but I strongly recommend you buy it either way for the additional challenge.

PvP in this game is peer to peer which means it depends on your internet speed and the distance between you and the opponent, so it will get laggy sometimes.

If you thinking of buying this game I recommend that you wait for a sale since this game is often on sale and you can get everything with 21 dollars or euro.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8

Gameplay: 9

Visuals: 8

General Rating: 8

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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Here is the link for the images I used:

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Wizard of Legend PC Review

Wizard of Legend PC Review

When playing games, what excites me the most is anything element related. Most games fail to implement elements correctly and you wind up with characters that control 2 or 3 of the elements.

I personally always wanted to play a game where you feel like the Avatar (from the masterpiece series Avatar: The Last Airbender and Avatar: The Legend of Korra) and with Wizard of Legend, you do just that.

This review will per usual have a storyline, gameplay, graphics & SFX and finally, personal thoughts section. Without further ado:


You begin as a simple visitor in the museum of …… where after a small tutorial tour where you learn the basic controls and storyline elements, a portal opens up and takes you to the past, at the time where the Chaos Trials were held.

Any wizard who beat the Chaos Trials will be crowned Wizard of Legend and that is your ultimate goal.


The game is a classic dungeon crawler game (the newer generation ones). Unlike most of them, however, you do have a basic setup that you choose before you enter which is entire of your own making instead of beginning with the same types of attacks every game and progressing through the dungeon. There is however progression, or else it wouldn’t be considered a dungeon crawler game. 

Inside the dungeon, by defeating monsters and bosses you gain gold and chaos gems. Gold is the in-dungeon currency used to buy arcana (the arcana are the objects which allow you to channel each spell) and relics (relics are passive items) from the shopkeepers in each floor.

Those spells and items are temporary and are lost when you leave the chaos trials. Chaos gems are the out of game currency, used to permanently unlock spells and relics for future use when entering the dungeon.

Wizard of Legend PC Review
Here is a simple air arcana combo. Notice how the earth type enemies are weak to them.

The arcana are divided into 5 elements, water (and ice), fire, electric, air, and earth (and poison).

Each spell has a variant in all 5 elements but there are some that are unique to each element.

Each element has loosely their own playstyle too, but you can combine anything successfully if you find it fits you. As is the case with those kinds of games, each element is strong against one and weak against another in a perfect cycle of fire -> air -> earth -> electric -> water -> fire.

There is also a secret sixth element, chaos, which is unlocked upon beating the chaos trials for the first time. Chaos arcana are generally stronger due to their rarity.

Arcana are further divided into 4 subcategories: basic, dash, regular, and signature. You will pick one of each prior entering the dungeon.

Inside the dungeon, you may find or buy more regular arcana. Each arcana has an upgraded version. More analytically:

  • Basic Arcana are your basic attack. They have no cooldown and are your go-to arcana for most situations.
  • Dash Arcana are your movement spells. Defaulting with space, generally, dashes have no cooldown so you can dash all you want, but the dash arcana effect (like leaving behind traps or an ice clone) will (almost) always have a cooldown.
  • Regular Arcana is your basic un-upgraded spell. Pretty simple, it has its effect (which you should know since you chose it) and you use it whenever you deem necessary and is off cooldown.
  • Signature Arcana is your combo maker and your most powerful spell. You might notice that it’s an upgraded version of a regular arcana (and that is true, every signature arcana can be used as a regular spell if one wishes), but there is a catch. There is a meter that fills as you hit monsters with your other arcana. Once that meter is full your signature arcana goes automatically off cooldown and can be used for a bonus effect that is usually 3 times as strong as the original. The signature arcana cannot be replaced nor changed while inside the Chaos Trials. They are also unlocked differently from the other arcana, by defeating a stage boss.

You will also choose two more things before entering, your staring relic and your cloak.

Relics, as stated, are passive items, and cloaks, besides making you look stylish, also give you (or take away) some stats.

Depending on the cloak, you might have a bonus effect (like being able to heal out of combat).

There are also other changes you can make before entering through the various NPCs but I’m only gonna focus on the two most prominent.

The first is the cursed relic shop. Cursed relics are relics that give you a powerful effect and a big disadvantage, and you cannot get rid of them unless you die.

The cured relic shop has a random choice between three, and there is no inventory which means that you buy it only once, and if you want to use it again you will have to wait for it to reappear in the shop. You can also find cursed relics inside the dungeon.

The second is practically the hard mode. After beating the chaos trials for the first time you can make the game harder.

Normally, the game has scaling difficulty, as you move forward, the harder it gets.

However in the hard mode, every enemy and boss is as hard as it would be if you were on the final stage.

The game is split into 3 (+1) stages each with 3 sub-stages for a total of 10 levels. Each stage (except the last) has a main element, and its final boss on its final substage is the master of that element. The first two sub-stages contain two mini-bosses that unrelated to any element.

The game also has a co-op mode, but that requires 2 controllers or one controller and one keyboard, sadly, you cannot play online or even LAN. In co-op, every player has his own build, but share gold, which makes the game more tactical. When one player dies, he can be revived when the other player defeated enough monsters.

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The game’s graphics are plain 2D looking graphics which is as it should for a dungeon crawler. That is not to say however that is doesn’t look good, the arcana animation is amazing and when comboing, you really do feel like the Avatar.

One thing I have to note is the level of detail that went inside each dungeon, each one is very fitting with its respective element.

Personal Thoughts

Wizard of Legend PC Review
The possibilities are endless!

Wizard of Legend is a dungeon crawler that is definitely worth its money. It has an active community and developer team that introduces new features and arcana very frequently. It also fulfills your fantasy of controlling the elements. It is very versatile and every build has potential.

I suggest you wait for it to go on sale to buy it, and I’m sure you’ll like it.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 6.0

Gameplay: 8.5

Visuals: 8.0

General Rating: 7.5

That’s it for my review. Have you tried this game? Do you have any questions? What is your favorite build? Just leave a comment below.

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The images and gifs I used are from the following links:

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Hitman 2016 PC Review

Hitman 2016 PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Hitman (2016). As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Hitman 2016 PC Review


Hitman (2016) is one of the best stealth assassination games you will ever play. Now that that is out of the way let’s start with the story.

Hitman (2016) doesn’t exactly have a story. It has a lot of missions but honestly not a real story.

You will see in the tutorial how Agent 47 was recruited but don’t buy this game if you want a story-driven game.


The best part of this game is the stealth assassinations. You will visit several different locations where you will be tasked to assassinate some people. Those areas feel unique, they are full of opportunities that will help you assassinate your targets if you take the time and explore the areas.

The game on its default settings gives you tips on how to go about assassinating your targets and informs you when you have discovered an opportunity to assassinate your target.

This “assist” mode makes the game less overwhelming for new players and allows them to learn the ropes of the game.

Of course, you can disable these “assist” settings and play the game without any help or tips.

I wouldn’t recommend it though for new players since it will take a lot of time to learn how to play the game that way and it might discourage you from continuing to play the game.

There are a lot of ways to assassinate your targets and that gives the game a lot of replayability.

There is also the Escalation Mode, a new feature that adds requirements to existing levels and makes the game even more challenging.

There are also the Elusive Targets, a mode that has a timer and in that mode, you are tasked to kill targets that cant be seen on the map and you have one chance to kill them if you fail you won’t be able to access that mission again.

You can also create your own missions by making NPCs targets, setting kill requirements and you can share those missions with other players.

One problem, if you can call it a problem is that the game discourages you from using guns and going guns blazing.

There are guns in the game, but I wonder why the game even gives you the option to use them since you die amazingly fast if the enemies shoot you and you don’t do a lot of damage with your guns unless you headshot everyone.

Additionally, if you kill people the game lowers your score when you finish the mission, so basically it punishes you for using the gun that the game provides you.

That seems unorthodox to me, they should either not allow you to use any guns or not punish you for using guns, allowing you to use guns and punishing you for using them makes no sense to me.

You are an assassin and going guns blazing isn’t very assassin-like, but I still think they should have thought of a better way to discourage people from using guns rather than punishing them.


The graphics of Hitman (2016) are amazing and won’t disappoint.

There is customization too since you can pick the outfit you will wear on your missions from a list of outfits, it isn’t a big list but there are some.

The locations you will visit are amazingly designed and are very realistic, that is the advantage of a game that isn’t an open-world, the developers can polish a few locations as much as they can be polished rather than having to make an entire world with much less polish.

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Final Thoughts

Hitman (2016) is a great game. I totally recommend this game to anyone that loves stealth assassination games.

Of course, since Hitman 2 is already released, I don’t recommend that you buy Hitman (2016) at full price. Wait for Steam Sales, that’s how I bought it.

Paying full price for a game that has a sequel isn’t a good idea for me. If you have money to spend and don’t feel like waiting, then, by all means, buy this game at full price, you won’t be disappointed by this game.

The gameplay is amazing, and the graphics too, it is a worthy addition to the Hitman franchise.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8.0

Gameplay: 8.5

Visuals: 9.3

General Rating: 8.6

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

Here is the link for the images I used:

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A Team Fight Tactics Analysis

A Team Fight Tactics Analysis

Any gamer must have heard about League’s newest game mode: Team Fight Tactics (TFT for short). It’s not an overstatement to say that TFT has created enormous amounts of hype, and has left anyone playing it satisfied and wanting for more. But how exactly did TFT began and how good is it really? All this and more will be covered today.

Table of Contents


In January 2019, a team called Drodo Studio released a mod they created for DotA 2 (Valve allows its players to experiment with the game freely). The mod was called DotA Autochess and it was a mixture of chess played automatically using DotA units.

This mod gained extreme popularity and in a short amount of time, millions of players and fans. The game was so well received, that auto battlers or auto chess was recognized as the newest gaming genre (and rightly so).

Valve saw this as an opportunity, as the game already was using their game and created their own official version, DotA Underlords, fully supported with ranked mode.

Riot Games employees have also been enjoying DotA Autochess and decided to try and build their own version, and thus the creation of TFT was a reality.

Riot Games released TFT on their beta servers for players to try a little more than two weeks before at the time of this article. The game, as stated, received a huge amount of hype, and everyone wanted to try it.

There were so many people wanting to play that any given player would have to wait more than 9 hours in the server’s queue. Even on the day of its release, the servers were overloaded and queue limitations had to be forced.

TFT even topped the Twitch charts before its official release. And it’s all thanks to its gameplay.


TFT, like all auto battles, is a mixture of chess and… well, League.

What you do is simple; you begin with a League champion that you choose at the start of the game. You go through three rounds of PvE and then, it’s mostly PvP with some PvE every few rounds.

While I say PvP, that does not mean that you do any of the fighting, instead, your placed champions will automatically battle, and the strongest (or sometimes luckiest will win). The loser will lose some HP.

You win by being the last one standing.

The champions you will have are not random, as you will be aiming to create combos and synergies.

Every champion has one or two classes and an origin. When you combine many different champions of the same classes or origins, you gain huge bonuses for those champions!

This is why foresight is key here, as you will always need to plan ahead. you can also combine 3 duplicate champions to create a buffed up super version of themselves, combine 3 supers and you get an ultimate version.

The game is very simple to grasp and play and it doesn’t require an excellent internet connection, nor is it stressful and tense. This is why it’s so popular.

That does not mean it’s simple though, on the contrary, auto battlers have some complicated mechanics.

For example, the economy. Every round you generate money based on your winning or losing streak, and the interest rate which is a key strategic point.

Interest is basically 10% extra gold so that’s 0 extra gold if you have 0-9, 1 extra gold if you have 10-19, up to 5 extra gold if you have more than 50 gold.

Gold is used for 3 actions. The most basic is buying a champion from the shop that refreshes every round. You can also spend 2 gold to refresh the shop manually, or 4 gold to gain some experience.

Experience is needed to level up because as you level up, you can have more champions in the field. Experience is also automatically gained after each round.

The reason I say this is a key strategic point is because you will have to choose between spending gold or saving up for better interest.

And even when you do spend, you mustn’t be unwise with it as you will end up far behind. You can sell champions for their original value, which allows you to buy champion you don’t currently need just in case, and if it doesn’t work, you just sell them back no problem. Again, foresight is key!

There are also shared draft rounds. These also come once every few rounds. Each player is transported to an island in the center of the map where a carousel of 10 champions each holding an item is underway.

Beginning from the last player up to the first, each player chooses a champion to get. Once a champion is chosen, it cannot be picked by anyone else.

Finally, the items. After every shared draft round and (depending on your RNG) after the PvE rounds, you will be getting some items.

There are 8 basic items, the 7 that provide you with a base stat and one special, the golden spatula. Each of those items can be combined on a champion with any of these, even duplicates, to create a better item that grants the stats of both of the previous items plus an extra effect. As for the golden spatula… I’ll let you figure it out on your own.

With the way this game’s designed, it’s accessible to everyone regardless of their personal skill, and it allows for tons of comebacks; it is very usual to see someone stuck in the last position for the majority of the first rounds, only to completely turn it around after they complete their combo.

But, the best thing about it is arguably the fact that you don’t have a team.

Not to bash on team players, but LoL is infamous for its terrible matchmaking, and it can be frustrating trying and getting nervous about a game only for some random person to just destroy it for no apparent reason. This game is solo and there are no excuses for defeat.

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So, does TFT deserve all the hype and praise? Absolutely!

I’ll be honest, I didn’t even want to try it at first.

After I tried it, I actually regretted not wanting to try it out sooner. As a matter of fact, all of my personal friends were kinda “meh” about, and now, they can’t stop playing it!

The fact that it’s gonna be fully supported by Riot, get a ranked system (and maybe with enough support an e-sports scene) and plans to implement all the champion in League (the game as of its start has 50 champions available) make for a game with limitless potential.

Besides, Riot Games, even with all the bashing they’re getting for A LOT of things, know how to get a game right.

So, I urge you to go try it yourself and see, besides, what I covered here is only the surface, there are many micro things to learn and memorize, as well as tactics, synergies, and combos.

One thing is for sure, TFT could easily become just as popular and played as the main game, and with the right support, become a game that is played because it’s liked, not because of lack of options.

That’s it for my thoughts on TFT. Have you tried it yet? Did you enjoy it? Would you like to hear more about TFT (like a champion analysis, or a class/origins analysis or anything else)? If so, just leave a comment, and I will answer as soon as I can.

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