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Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin vs Mortal Shell – The Definitive Comparison

Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin vs Mortal Shell - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin and Mortal Shell. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


The story of Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin is better and more fleshed out than the story of Mortal Shell. I have said it in previous articles but I will say it again, the story of Mortal Shell felt like it was made just to give the players an explanation of why they are fighting.

Both games have story-driven plots and I don’t particularly like those kinds of plots that aren’t character-driven. Personally, I didn’t care much about what was going on, and the games didn’t put much effort into making me care. Probably this happened because their plots are both story-driven, but the result can’t be ignored.

I would never recommend a Dark Souls game for the story because their storytelling approach isn’t for everyone, I am glad they changed it with Sekiro (which is my favorite single-player game).

If you want a clear answer in this section, then the winner is Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin but I don’t think you should factor storyline in your decision-making process.


The gameplay of Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin I believe is superior to that of Mortal Shell for one reason, the dual-wielding system. I have said this in previous articles too and I will say it again, Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin has one of the best and most unique dual-wielding systems I have seen. It allows you to dual wield different kinds of weapons and the only limitation is that they have to have the same types of attacks and of course you have to be able to wield them with your stats.

Mortal Shell has the hardening system, which don’t get me wrong, is something fresh but I think it makes the game too easy since it gives the player a way to avoid all coming damage if he knows how to use it, and it doesn’t require a lot of skill to use it effectively.

Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin also offers more weapon choices than Mortal Shell which only offers five different weapons. Although I don’t believe that is necessarily a bad thing, as I have said in previous articles, having fewer weapon choices has other benefits but unfortunately, I don’t believe the pros outway the cons in this case.

I mean sure some of the combos you can do in Mortal Shell with your weapons are cool and all but they aren’t great and certainly don’t justify the fewer weapon choices. Sekiro which also had one weapon available made the most out of it by making the combat absolutely amazing and in my opinion, it has the best combat system ever made.

Both games offer a variety of enemies and bosses but Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin offers more bosses which are far more interesting and challenging.

At the end of the day Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin offers more content, a better combat experience, more challenge, and it also has PvP and co-op modes.


The visuals of Mortal Shell are a lot better which is natural since it came out 5 years after Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin. The thing is that the game doesn’t have amazing scenery to fully utilize the improved visuals that a 2020 game has. Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin on the other hand has interesting scenery but due to the time of its release doesn’t have amazing graphics to capitalize on the locations the game has.

On the customization department Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin has amazing armors that you can wear, but it doesn’t have a transmogrification system and for those of you that don’t know what this is, it basically means that you are able to change the appearance of all your equipment and keep the stats.

So in the end, if you want graphics go with Mortal Shell, if you want customization go with Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First, when it comes to story Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin has a better story but generally I wouldn’t recommend picking either game for the story.

Gameplay-wise, Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin wins because of the dual-wielding system and because it has more bosses that are more challenging and interesting to fight against than Mortal Shell’s bosses. Also, the game has co-op and PvP.

Lastly Mortal Shell has better graphics but Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin has better locations and more customization.

Whichever game you pick I recommend waiting for sale.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. What game do you think is better and why? Write down your opinion in the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin vs Nioh – The Definitive Comparison

Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin vs Nioh - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin and Nioh. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


When it comes to the story I believe Dark Souls 2 wins by a very small margin. In general, I don’t really like story-driven plots in games but I can’t deny that Dark Souls 2 has an interesting story. Even though I prefer character-driven plots in games, Nioh doesn’t have a story that is memorable.

Nioh’s story has some interesting parts when certain characters appear but beyond that, it’s very mediocre and forgettable. In the end, neither game’s story left me satisfied but I believe you will enjoy more the Storyline of Dark Souls 2.


Both games have great gameplay but for different reasons. I believe the best thing in Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin is the dual-wielding system that it has and it the best combat system the Dark Souls franchise had in my opinion. Unfortunately, they changed it in Dark Souls 3, and I never understood why they did that. I hope that in future FromSoftware games we will see it again.

Nioh on the other hand has the stance system, where you can change combat stances while you are fighting enemies and each stance has its own moveset and skill tree. I had a lot of fun with this system and I can’t wait to play Nioh 2 when it comes to PC or when I get a console.

Of course, there are other systems both games have that are interesting but I discuss those in the separate reviews I made for those games. I don’t want to bombard you with information. The purpose of these comparison articles is to give you a summary of the important systems and features each game that I compare has and to help you make a decision on what to pick.

As for the enemies that you will face, both games have a variety of mobs that you will find in the areas that you will pass through and you will not feel like you are fighting the same enemies over and over. Also, both games have a variety of bosses but Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin has more bosses for you to fight.

Finally, it is important to know how challenging both games are. I believe both games are equally challenging and I can’t really say that one is more challenging than the other.


The visuals of Nioh are superior to those of Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin. This is natural since Nioh was released two years after Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin and in general Dark Souls games were never really known for having amazing graphics.

That said, I don’t think the difference in graphics is big enough for someone to add this as a pro when deciding which of these two games to pick. Of course, if you can’t decide based on the other things I said and you need to nitpick to make a choice then you have to consider them.

On the customization department, Nioh wins again since it has an equipment transmogrification system, meaning that you are able to change the appearance of any armor or weapon you have to the appearance of another weapon or armor you have gotten in the game and keep the item’s stats.

In Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin there are some amazing looking armor sets with good stats so not having a transmogrification system isn’t as big of a problem as in other souls games but it is a very important feature for me and I think every RPG must have it since it makes the experience of playing the game much more enjoyable.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First, when it comes to story Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin wins but generally I wouldn’t recommend including the story aspect in your decision making process on which game to pick since I don’t believe either of those games is worth getting for the story.

As for the gameplay, both have their strength and weaknesses but personally, I believe the combat has more depth in Nioh because of the combat stances(you can unlock skills for each stance too) and the variety they give to the combat.

One thing is for sure, whichever game you pick I believe you won’t regret it.

Finally, Nioh has better graphics and more customization options than Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin.

Whatever you decide I recommend waiting for sale.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. What game do you think is better and why? Write down your opinion in the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Review

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Red Dead Redemption 2. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Review


Red Dead Redemption 2 has one of the best and most impactful stories I have seen in video games. It’s also one of the longest stories I have seen since there is a lot of content in the game. I won’t spoil anything about the story here but trust me when I say you are going to love the story of this game.

Many people didn’t like that you play as Arthur while in the original you played as John Marston, but I can promise you that if you are one of those people you will change your mind about Arthur by the end of the story.

There isn’t really any negative thing to say about the story, the voice actors did an amazing job, the directing of the scenes was excellent and there were a lot of symbolisms. One thing is for certain, this game’s story will be remembered as one of the best stories in the history of video games.


Red Dead Redemption 2 doesn’t have a lot of complexity to its gameplay mechanics. I think the combat in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be summarized with the following words: draw a weapon, use Dead Eye to slow down time, kill enemies, and repeat this process till everyone dies.

You can say that there is a variety of weapons you can use but the principle remains the same. Besides the combat, the game has a few other interesting things for you to do. You can hunt(I never did it except for main story missions), you can play poker, and in general, you can do different challenges around the world. Personally, I never bothered with those things since I didn’t find them interesting enough. I only did main missions and most of the secondary missions. When I finished the story of the game I had completed around 81% of the game.

Maybe you find the other activities in the game besides main and secondary missions interesting enough to spend time doing them, but personally, I don’t find them interesting enough.

Another game system that you might find interesting is the way the game handles your character’s physical condition. There are three cores. Health Core, Stamina Core, and Dead Eye. As you do different activities in the game these cores will upgrade and you will get more health, stamina, and dead eye. To refill those cores you either have to eat something, drink something, or sleep. This system gives more realism to the game but sometimes it can get tiring.

As for the enemies that you will face, there isn’t any variety besides the clothes and weapons they use. The game in general isn’t challenging at all and I consider this the biggest problem of Red Dead Redemption 2. I want games to be challenging and force me to think of a strategy to move forward.

I think the game desperately needs a NG+ mode with harder difficulty. The game has a lot of content though. It will take weeks for you to finish all the story missions.

There is also an online mode that you create your own character and you can fight with other players but it isn’t anything special. I think the online mode was a missed opportunity to make something great.


The visuals of the game are outstanding. This game looks great and has amazing scenery. The character models look very realistic and give a cinematic experience to the game. There really isn’t anything bad to say about the visuals in Red Dead Redemption 2.

I believe you will thoroughly enjoy the game if you like games with amazing graphics.

Also, the game has amazing customization. There are a lot of clothes and accessories that you can buy for your character and I believe they did an amazing job in the customization department. You can also change the hairstyle and your beard. The game offers a lot of options in that too. Your hair and beard grow as time passes so you have to visit the barber very often.

Final Thoughts

I believe this game is worth getting. It has an amazing story, beautiful graphics, and interesting gameplay(though it’s not challenging) with a lot of content for you to enjoy.

I don’t think the online mode is worth it if you want to just buy the game for that and I also don’t recommend the game if you only want to play challenging games.

The price of the game is fair if you consider how many hours of content you get but I would still recommend for you to wait for a sale because there really isn’t any replayability to the game and even though it takes weeks to finish, once you finish it you won’t have anything to do that’s interesting enough to continue playing the game(at least in my opinion). Of course, there is a chance that you will find the online mode interesting enough to continue playing the game for a lot of hours after you finish the campaign. In that case, you can forget everything I said about the price and just buy it whenever you want.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 10

Gameplay: 9

Visuals: 10

General Rating: 10

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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Dark Souls Remastered vs Mortal Shell – The Definitive Comparison

Dark Souls Remastered vs Mortal Shell - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls Remastered and Mortal Shell. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


When it comes to the story, the clear winner is Dark Souls Remastered since it made me care more about what was going on than Mortal Shell. Mortal Shell’s story felt like it was made just to give the players an explanation of why they are fighting.

Dark Soul’s story even though it isn’t character-driven(I personally prefer character-driven stories), is interesting and you feel that they have put much thought into it. A problem for some may be that to understand the story you have to actively try to understand the story through reading item descriptions, talking to NPCs, and looking at the areas you visit carefully for clues as to what is going on.

Dark Souls games always had that kind of storytelling and some people might prefer a more straightforward storytelling approach.


When it comes to the combat system both games have some similarities, since Mortal Shell’s gameplay takes inspiration from the Dark Souls games.

Mortal Shell’s combat is more polished though since it has a lot of quality of life improvements over the original Dark Souls game mechanics. For example Dark Souls Remastered still has that 4 direction roll which is annoying and it doesn’t really add to the difficulty.

The original Dark Souls is a good game but it has a lot of things that you don’t see in modern games because the developers are more experienced in making games and the standards of the players have risen accordingly.

Although the combat in Dark Souls Remastered isn’t as fluid as Mortal Shell’s combat, Dark Souls Remastered still has a lot of things going for it. It has a variety of weapons and classes for the player to choose from, something that Mortal Shell can’t deliver to that extent cause it only has four classes available and five weapons.

As for the variety of enemies, Dark Souls has more variety in enemies and especially bosses. Fighting bosses in Dark Souls is way more entertaining than fighting bosses in Mortal Shell.

Finally, Dark Souls Remastered offers more replayability (because it has more classes, weapons, and builds you can try), has a lot more content, is more challenging, and also has coop and PVP modes.


The visuals of Mortal Shell are far superior to the visuals of Dark Souls Remastered. This isn’t a surprise since mortal Shell released in 2020 while Dark Souls Remastered released in 2018 and since it was a remastered version there wasn’t a big difference in the visuals from the original game which was released in 2011.

Although Mortal Shell has better graphics, Dark Souls Remastered has more interesting locations and scenery, this isn’t something that can help you ignore the graphics but I believe it’s something worth mentioning.

As for the customization, Dark Souls Remastered wins since it has a character creation system and you can also change the armor you wear. In Mortal Shell, you can only change shells which are basically different characters so I don’t think you can consider it customization but even if you do consider it, Dark Souls Remastered still wins.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First if you want a good story then I recommend Dark Souls Remastered.

As for the gameplay, Mortal Shell has more fluid combat but Dark Souls Remastered has more interesting bosses, more builds, classes, and weapons to choose from, it is more challenging, has more replayability, and also has coop and PVP.

When it comes to visuals Mortal Shell wins since it’s a recent game, but Dark Souls Remastered has more customization and more interesting scenery.

Whichever game you choose I recommend you wait for sale.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. What game do you think is better and why? Write down your opinion in the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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Hitman 2 PC Review

Hitman 2 PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Hitman 2. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Hitman 2 PC Review


The story of Hitman 2 continuous where the story of the first game left off.

Hitman 2’s story is interesting though I wouldn’t say that it is something that will leave you on the edge of your seats waiting for what’s coming next.

It’s a good story that adds to the gameplay but nothing more than that.


The gameplay of Hitman 2 is very good and the reason that it’s very good is that its prequels gameplay was good. Hitman and Hitman 2 have 0 difference when it comes to gameplay. Hitman 2 is Hitman with just new missions added.

I don’t know if that’s a bad thing or not, I will leave it for you to decide. Personally, I didn’t have a problem with that. What I did have a problem with however was its pricing, but I will talk more about that in the Final Thoughts section.

If you have already played the first Hitman then you know what to expect from the gameplay of the second game. Now for those that haven’t played the first Hitman, the gameplay is as follows. Before you start a mission there is a planning phase where you choose the weapons, tools, and suit you are going to wear, you also choose the difficulty.

After the mission starts your objectives to complete it are shown on the upper left corner of the screen. There are multiple ways to complete the missions. The game is designed in that way to give it a lot of replayability since you can play the same mission in a completely different way the second time around or third or fourth etc.

Personally, I played all the missions one time on the master difficulty(hardest possible difficulty). I didn’t feel the need to play them multiple times. Don’t get me wrong, the game is good, it’s just that I rarely do multiple playthroughs on games and this game didn’t hook me enough to want to do multiple playthroughs.

As for the enemies, since I played the game on the hardest difficulty, they had the most awareness but I can’t say completing the mission was something very difficult(on the master difficulty you only have one save available in each mission). I think Hitman wants you to set your own difficulty, for example, if you get noticed you can choose to load the mission from the last save, but completing the missions by any means necessary and without any personal restraints isn’t difficult even on master difficulty.

It takes around 10 hours to complete all missions on average. As I said the game wants you to play the missions multiple times in different ways, so you can say that its content is dependent on you and whether playing the same missions in different ways is something you want to do.


The visuals of Hitman 2 are the same as the visuals of the first game. I said it in the gameplay section but I will say it again. Hitman 2 is the same game as Hitman with just new missions added. Don’t get this game expecting something different from what you have already seen.

Of course, there are new locations that you will visit when you play the new missions and as always they are very well designed but the graphics haven’t changed.

As for the customization, there are a variety of suits available for each mission so I’d say the customization is decent.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First, the story is good but nothing mindblowing.

The gameplay is the same as in the first Hitman game. If you don’t limit yourself in the ways you consider as valid in completing the missions then the game isn’t that challenging even on master difficulty.

The visuals are the same as in the first Hitman game.

I recommend waiting for a sale to buy this game because it isn’t worth the full price at all. If you notice the review scores I have given Hitman 2 are the same as the review scores of the first Hitman because they are basically the same game with different missions.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8

Gameplay: 8

Visuals: 9

General Rating: 8

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Review

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Review

When talking about card games, Yu-Gi-Oh is among the legends of the genre. In fact, sales-wise, it’s probably number 1.

Originally started in the early 2000s, Konami decided about a decade and a half later that they would create a valid online game where you can play, albeit with some differences. And so, Duel Links was created. But is Duel Links as good as the physical game? Is it worth it? Let’s find out in this review.

As per usual, this review will have a Storyline, Gameplay, Visuals, and finally, a Final Thoughts section. Without further ado:


There is a whole movie that predates the game and I recommend watching it if you are a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh and haven’t. It’s called Dark Side of Dimensions.

Anyway, Seto Kaiba, the world’s leading genius in all things gaming, has created a virtual world called Duel Links, where duelists from various timelines can go and compete. Naturally, this attracts various legendary duelists from all the shows.

Duel Links is separated in different worlds depending on the era, so duelists from the original Duel Monsters era won’t ever meet up with any from other eras. Each world has its own little story going on.


Let’s start with the basics. Even if you are a long-time fan and player of the physical card game, it may take you a while to get used to the limitations of the game.

And by limitations I mean the zones. While every Yu-Gi-Oh player and their mother know that Yu-Gi-Oh has 5 monster zones and 5 Spell/Trap card zones (plus Field Spells, Extra Deck, Graveyard and Deck slots), Duel Links has 3 instead.

The difference might not seem so big, but it kinda is. Especially if you think that an equip or continuous Spell, or any continuous Trap Card stay there until removed. If you’re not careful, you’re gonna run out of space!

There is also the limitation of cards. What I mean is, that a deck is half the size of the normal game (20-30 cards). The extra deck is less than half, with just 6 cards.

The banlist is also different in format.

In the physical game, there are Banned cards which are not allowed to be used in any official match, Limited cards, with every copy allowed once, and Semi-Limited, with every copy allowed up to twice.

In Duel Links, there still are Banned cards. But instead of Limited and Semi-Limited there are the “Limited 1” cards, “Limited 2” and “Limited 3” cards. that means that you can have only 1 card from the entire “Limited 1” list, not 1 of each card you choose. Similarly, you can have any 2 or 3 cards from the “Limited 2” or “Limited 3” lists respectively.

Other than that the rules are exactly the same as the physical game .

I’d explain them to players who don’t know about Yu-Gi-Oh, but I think playing the (free) tutorial does much better than reading about it.

Now there is also a brand new addition. The legendary Duelists I mentioned are not all show. They each have their own abilities (some of them unique) that are geared toward building specific decks. This means that instead of just refining your deck, you also have to find the best ability to use alongside.

To get skills and unlock new characters you just have to play the game and do various missions against the AI.

A main concern you might have is that like Yu-Gi-Oh, there is a certain amount of money you will need to spend, and it might not matter due to powercreep.

Fortunately, it seems Konami has this covered. The limited zones, and the banlist format certainly keep things fairly balanced, with nothing too oppressive existing, at least no more than a period between banlist changes.

The game also has many events, with at least 1 running at all times. They can give you new cards, rewards like Gold, Gems and most importantly, new characters.

If you miss a new character though it can be problematic, as the event will cycle back many months after.

In terms of P2P or P2W, while it does make your life easier to spend money (it’s a card game after all), you don’t have to. Just know that as a F2P player, you’re gonna spend some time collecting key cards and leveling up key characters. But once you’ve created a good initial collection, you’ll be ready to go to the competitive side and play against other players. It IS a collecting card game after all…

[adinserter block=”1″]


The visuals are actually pretty nice, great enough to keep you entertained, but not too heavy. Each character’s Signature Monster(s) will have its unique animation.

SFX wise, every character has his own plethora of lines for practically every move they make, as well as some taunts, and some exclusive lines to each character. It really adds to the flavor of the game. You can have their voices be Japananese or English, and that doesn’t affect text language.

You can also get various playmats and card sleeves, and surprisingly, you can get them for free for the most part.

Final Thoughts

The game is quite good. As a matter of fact, I’m gonna stick my neck out and say that it can be much more enjoyable than the physical game.

I mean let’s face it, the physical game requires a continuous investment due to powercreep and sometimes the banlist hammer.

This game is much more balanced as you can see from its many top decks, and new releases don’t automatically shaft older cards 9/10 times.

Plus, you can play from the comfort of your own home with people from all over the world.

And the added bonus of being able to play with characters that you like.

To be honest with you, it seems to me that Duel Links is Konami’s attempt to rebalance the game from the ground up.

That said, the game is not without its negatives.

For example, it can be quite punishing to take a break and not play, as you may miss many important events and by extension characters that could define the next meta-game.

Of course, the F2P progression can be slow at times, and most importantly tedious.

In fact, most of the game gets tedious if you’re not building decks or playing against players.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 7.0

Gameplay: 8.5

Visuals: 8.0

General Rating: 8.5

That’s it for my review. Do you like Duel Links. And the million dollar question; do you think that Duel Links is more balanced/fun and overall better than the physical game? Leave a comment below.

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The image(s) I used are from the following site(s):

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Demon’s Souls Review

Demon's Souls Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Demon’s Souls (2009). As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Demon's Souls Review


The story of Demon Souls is very interesting and it’s one of the best stories in souls games. Demon’s Soul has the storytelling approach that souls games are known for, meaning that you have to read item descriptions talk to all the NPCs and watch the environment carefully to understand what is going on.

Personally, I wasn’t invested in the story cause I didn’t find anything that would make me care about what is going on. I prefer character-driven games more than story-driven games, that’s one of the main reasons that Sekiro is my favorite FromSoftware game.


Demon’s Souls gameplay is what you would expect from a soulslike game. There are many classes for the player to choose from and a variety of weapons, armors, and abilities.

The combat is interesting though the AI of the enemies is dated which is logical if you think that the game was released more than 10 years ago.

The thing that sets apart this game from the other soulslike games is that there are no bonfires(checkpoints) in each area except the one you see when you first access a new area. This means that when you die you have to walk through the entire area from the beginning.

This makes the game a little daunting at first, especially if you played Dark Souls games previously since you aren’t used to this type of game design. Of course, there are shortcuts that you can unlock to traverse through the area faster, and also in contrast to other soulslike games, you have unlimited healing.

This needs some further explanation. What I mean when I say unlimited healing is that the grass(healing item’s name) that you use to heal, you can buy it from merchants and find some in the areas that you will visit. There is no limit to how much grass you can buy, but the downside is that you have to buy it if you want to be able to heal(there are other ways to heal like spells but this is the main healing item).

There is also a variety of enemies and bosses, and as I mentioned before the AI is dated but the bosses are all unique and interesting to fight against even if they aren’t as challenging as I would want them to be.

Finally, the game has a lot of replayability because there are a lot of classes to choose from and, enough co content to keep you occupied for many hours.


The visuals of Demon’s Souls are very dated as you would expect from a game that was released more than 10 years ago. Although the visuals look dated, I believe they are decent enough to not hinder the gameplay experience. When the remake gets released in November 2020, all these visual issues will be solved, but to be able to enjoy that game, you will need to buy a PS5.

As for the customization, there isn’t much besides changing your armor and weapons which all the other souls games have. The reason I don’t consider this true customization is because the stats change depending on the armor you wear. There isn’t any equipment transmogrification system, meaning that you aren’t able to change the appearance of any armor or weapon you have to the appearance of another weapon or armor you have gotten in the game and keep the item’s stats.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First, when it comes to the story, Demon’s Souls has a good story but personally, I prefer character-driven games. If you prefer story-driven games then I would surely recommend this game for the story.

Second, the game offers a lot of variety when it comes to weapons, armors, enemies, and bosses. The only bad thing is that the AI is dated and because of that it is easily exploitable.

Finally Demon’s Souls visuals are dated since it came out over 10 years ago and the customization is average.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8.6

Gameplay: 8.8

Visuals: 7.3

General Rating: 8.2

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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Jedi Fallen Order vs Mortal Shell – The Definitive Comparison

Jedi Fallen Order vs Mortal Shell - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Jedi Fallen Order vs Mortal Shell. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


When it comes to the story, Jedi Fallen Order wins easily. As I have said in previous articles Mortal Shell’s story is uninteresting and forgettable. Mortal Shell has no interesting characters and gives the player no reason to care about what is going on in that world.

Jedi Fallen Order on the other hand has a lot of interesting characters that have interesting personalities and it also has an amazing story that will leave you wanting more when you finish the game.

If you care about the story then Jedi Fallen Order is the best choice.


There are a lot of differences in the gameplay of these two games. Jedi Fallen Order has a combat system that is similar to Sekiro’s meaning that it wants you to parry and keep attacking. Mortal Shell’s combat system focuses on the game’s hardening mechanic.

As for the weapons that you have available, in Mortal Shell there are 5 weapon types available while Jedi Fallen Order has only two kinds of weapons available, the lightsaber and the dual-blade lightsaber.

I can’t really say which is better in that regard because it comes down to people’s preferences. Some players want to have a lot of weapons available while others don’t mind playing with the same weapon for the entire game.

Both games also have a variety of enemies for you to fight against but I can’t really say that they have bosses that you will find memorable after you finish the game. I have said it before in previous articles but Mortal Shell’s bosses aren’t that interesting and the game doesn’t have enough bosses, to begin with. Jedi Fallen Order has done a somewhat better job when it comes to bosses but still, the boss fights didn’t feel as interesting as the boss fights in FromSoftware games.

When it comes to how challenging these two games are, Jedi Fallen Order is more challenging. The reason Mortal Shell is not as challenging in my opinion is that the hardening system is too overpowered once you get used to it and it isn’t that hard to take advantage of that system to not take any damage. Another important factor to consider is replayability. I don’t think either game is worth playing a second time, of course, that is a personal opinion but that’s how I felt.

Lastly if you want the game with the most content then Jedi Fallen Order wins there too.


Visually Jedi Fallen Order looks stunning, Mortal Shell looks good too, but Jedi Fallen Order has some beautiful locations that you visit throughout the game and they look amazing. Mortal Shell doesn’t have a lot of variety in the locations that you play and they aren’t something special to look at.

As for the customization, I recommend Jedi Fallen Order because it has some customization options like changing lightsaber colors, changing spaceship colors, changing clothing colors, and much more. Mortal Shell has no customization to offer besides changing shells (and shells are basically different characters with different stats so you can’t call it customization).

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First, when it comes to the story, Jedi Fallen Order is far superior and the story is a lot more interesting and entertaining. Mortal Shell’s story is forgettable and it’s just there to give an explanation of why you are fighting.

When it comes to the gameplay, Jedi Fallen Order is more challenging and has more content, but Mortal Shell has more weapons for the player to choose from.

Finally, the visuals of Jedi Fallen Order are better but not by a lot, it’s just that it also has amazing scenery while Mortal Shell has little diversity in that regard. When it comes to customization Jedi Fallen Order wins again.

Whichever game you choose I recommend waiting for sale.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Code Vein vs Mortal Shell – The Definitive Comparison

Code Vein vs Mortal Shell - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Code Vein vs Mortal Shell. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


When it comes to the story, it’s a clear win for Code Vein. Code Vein’s story is interesting, it has characters with personality and it makes you care about the world of the game and what is going on.

Mortal Shell’s story on the other hand makes you feel like it’s there just to give the player a basic idea about why they are fighting and what this fight is about. I barely understood what the story was about mainly because the game gave me no reason to care for the characters and the world, and the word characters is an overstatement cause there are barely any characters for you to speak and they feel bland.


Code Vein adds its own elements to the Dark Souls formula and has an interesting RPG system. Mortal Shell also introduces a new element to the already successful formula which is the hardening system.

I have talked many times in previous articles about the negatives that this system has, one of them being that it makes the game too easy once the player learns how to use this mechanic.

If you compare the two games’ RPG systems, I believe Code Vein wins cause it gives the player more options and the system has more depth than Mortal Shells’ system.

Also, Code Vein offers a lot more weapons for the player to choose from, while Mortal Shell offers only five weapons. There is a saying, quality over quantity but after playing both games I don’t think the difference in quality is enough to justify their decision to have five weapons available.

As for the enemies, the variety in enemies is more or less the same, but when it comes to bosses Code Vein has more and they are more interesting and entertaining to fight against.

Finally, Code Vein has more replayability since there are a lot more builds the players can try thanks to the variety of classes, abilities, and weapons the game has. As a bonus Code Vein has co-op available and there are many people that want to enjoy these kinds of games with their friends.

Code Vein is also more challenging since as I said the hardening system makes Mortal Shell easy.


The visuals of both games are around the same level though they have chosen different art styles. Mortal Shell developers have gone with realistic-looking models while Code Vein’s developers have gone with anime like models.

There is no good or bad option here, it all comes down to personal preference. As for the scenery, I believe Code Vein has more location variety than Mortal Shell.

Even though the graphics are at the same level, the same can’t be said about the customization. Code Vein has one of the best character creation systems I have seen and allows a lot of customization. In Mortal Shell you can only change shells and shells are basically characters with different stats and abilities so you can’t call that customization.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First, when it comes to the story, Code Vein wins since it has a great story with interesting characters and plot. Mortal Shell’s story is forgettable and nothing special.

Gameplay-wise, Code Vein has an edge since it has more replayability, more bosses, more weapons, a co-op system, and lastly it is more challenging.

As for the visuals, I can’t compare them since the developers have chosen different styles but I can say that Code Vein has a lot more customization, since it has one of the best character creation systems I have seen.

Whichever game you choose I recommend you wait for a sale since I don’t believe they are worth the full price.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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The Surge 2 vs Mortal Shell – The Definitive Comparison

The Surge 2 vs Mortal Shell - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about The Surge 2 vs Mortal Shell. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


Both Surge 2 and Mortal Shell have mediocre and pretty forgettable stories. Surge 2 has a little better story but not enough to matter in your decision of which game to pick.

In Mortal Shell I barely understood what was going on, mostly because the game didn’t make me care enough about the world.

In Surge 2 the story is explained to you through audio logs and very few cutscenes. I am not a fan of that kind of storytelling.

All in all both games have very disappointing stories.


Surge 2 and Mortal Shell each offer something new to the soulslike genre. Surge 2 offers a unique combat system where you target limbs depending on what armor piece you want to get from your opponent and Mortal Shell has the hardening skill and the players use that skill correctly they can negate all damage from the enemies.

I believe when it comes to combat Surge 2 wins by a small margin because the system while it is easy to learn, the game is still challenging after you learn it. Mortal Shell’s system on the other hand makes the game easy once you master it since it negates all damage from the enemy.

As for the weapons, Surge 2 offers more weapons for the player to choose from than Mortal Shell and that might be important for a lot of players that want more weapon choices.

Both games have a lot of variety when it comes to normal enemies that you will find in different areas but Surge 2 has more bosses and they are more challenging than Mortal Shell’s bosses.

Finally, Surge 2 offers more replayability in my opinion because there are many different builds you can try in this game, while in Mortal Shell there are fewer choices.

Though, personally, I didn’t try a second playthrough in either of those two games cause I didn’t find them interesting enough to invest more time in them.


The visuals of both games are around the same level, so this like the story isn’t something that you should consider when you decide which game to get.

The scenery in both games is also nothing special and that’s maybe because of the story of the game’s and what they had to work with.

Customization wise, there isn’t much difference here either. In Mortal Shell you just switch shells which are basically characters with different abilities and stats so you can’t call that customization.

Surge 2 has a very limited character creation system that is only there to help you make a basic character and inside the game, you can change outfits but the options are very limited and don’t really matter.

So in this category both games tie too.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First, the stories of both games are pretty mediocre and are very forgettable in my opinion. Surge 2 has a somewhat better story but it’s not enough to matter in your decision.

As for the gameplay, Surge 2 is more challenging, has more weapon choices, and better bosses, and though it has more replayability than Mortal Shell, for me it wasn’t good enough to make me want to do a second playthrough.

Finally, both games’ graphics are on the same level, and the customization is around the same level so I don’t think you should consider it.

Whichever game you choose I recommend waiting for sale.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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