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Demon’s Souls Review

Demon's Souls Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Demon’s Souls (2009). As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Demon's Souls Review


The story of Demon Souls is very interesting and it’s one of the best stories in souls games. Demon’s Soul has the storytelling approach that souls games are known for, meaning that you have to read item descriptions talk to all the NPCs and watch the environment carefully to understand what is going on.

Personally, I wasn’t invested in the story cause I didn’t find anything that would make me care about what is going on. I prefer character-driven games more than story-driven games, that’s one of the main reasons that Sekiro is my favorite FromSoftware game.


Demon’s Souls gameplay is what you would expect from a soulslike game. There are many classes for the player to choose from and a variety of weapons, armors, and abilities.

The combat is interesting though the AI of the enemies is dated which is logical if you think that the game was released more than 10 years ago.

The thing that sets apart this game from the other soulslike games is that there are no bonfires(checkpoints) in each area except the one you see when you first access a new area. This means that when you die you have to walk through the entire area from the beginning.

This makes the game a little daunting at first, especially if you played Dark Souls games previously since you aren’t used to this type of game design. Of course, there are shortcuts that you can unlock to traverse through the area faster, and also in contrast to other soulslike games, you have unlimited healing.

This needs some further explanation. What I mean when I say unlimited healing is that the grass(healing item’s name) that you use to heal, you can buy it from merchants and find some in the areas that you will visit. There is no limit to how much grass you can buy, but the downside is that you have to buy it if you want to be able to heal(there are other ways to heal like spells but this is the main healing item).

There is also a variety of enemies and bosses, and as I mentioned before the AI is dated but the bosses are all unique and interesting to fight against even if they aren’t as challenging as I would want them to be.

Finally, the game has a lot of replayability because there are a lot of classes to choose from and, enough co content to keep you occupied for many hours.


The visuals of Demon’s Souls are very dated as you would expect from a game that was released more than 10 years ago. Although the visuals look dated, I believe they are decent enough to not hinder the gameplay experience. When the remake gets released in November 2020, all these visual issues will be solved, but to be able to enjoy that game, you will need to buy a PS5.

As for the customization, there isn’t much besides changing your armor and weapons which all the other souls games have. The reason I don’t consider this true customization is because the stats change depending on the armor you wear. There isn’t any equipment transmogrification system, meaning that you aren’t able to change the appearance of any armor or weapon you have to the appearance of another weapon or armor you have gotten in the game and keep the item’s stats.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First, when it comes to the story, Demon’s Souls has a good story but personally, I prefer character-driven games. If you prefer story-driven games then I would surely recommend this game for the story.

Second, the game offers a lot of variety when it comes to weapons, armors, enemies, and bosses. The only bad thing is that the AI is dated and because of that it is easily exploitable.

Finally Demon’s Souls visuals are dated since it came out over 10 years ago and the customization is average.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8.6

Gameplay: 8.8

Visuals: 7.3

General Rating: 8.2

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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Jedi Fallen Order vs Mortal Shell – The Definitive Comparison

Jedi Fallen Order vs Mortal Shell - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Jedi Fallen Order vs Mortal Shell. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


When it comes to the story, Jedi Fallen Order wins easily. As I have said in previous articles Mortal Shell’s story is uninteresting and forgettable. Mortal Shell has no interesting characters and gives the player no reason to care about what is going on in that world.

Jedi Fallen Order on the other hand has a lot of interesting characters that have interesting personalities and it also has an amazing story that will leave you wanting more when you finish the game.

If you care about the story then Jedi Fallen Order is the best choice.


There are a lot of differences in the gameplay of these two games. Jedi Fallen Order has a combat system that is similar to Sekiro’s meaning that it wants you to parry and keep attacking. Mortal Shell’s combat system focuses on the game’s hardening mechanic.

As for the weapons that you have available, in Mortal Shell there are 5 weapon types available while Jedi Fallen Order has only two kinds of weapons available, the lightsaber and the dual-blade lightsaber.

I can’t really say which is better in that regard because it comes down to people’s preferences. Some players want to have a lot of weapons available while others don’t mind playing with the same weapon for the entire game.

Both games also have a variety of enemies for you to fight against but I can’t really say that they have bosses that you will find memorable after you finish the game. I have said it before in previous articles but Mortal Shell’s bosses aren’t that interesting and the game doesn’t have enough bosses, to begin with. Jedi Fallen Order has done a somewhat better job when it comes to bosses but still, the boss fights didn’t feel as interesting as the boss fights in FromSoftware games.

When it comes to how challenging these two games are, Jedi Fallen Order is more challenging. The reason Mortal Shell is not as challenging in my opinion is that the hardening system is too overpowered once you get used to it and it isn’t that hard to take advantage of that system to not take any damage. Another important factor to consider is replayability. I don’t think either game is worth playing a second time, of course, that is a personal opinion but that’s how I felt.

Lastly if you want the game with the most content then Jedi Fallen Order wins there too.


Visually Jedi Fallen Order looks stunning, Mortal Shell looks good too, but Jedi Fallen Order has some beautiful locations that you visit throughout the game and they look amazing. Mortal Shell doesn’t have a lot of variety in the locations that you play and they aren’t something special to look at.

As for the customization, I recommend Jedi Fallen Order because it has some customization options like changing lightsaber colors, changing spaceship colors, changing clothing colors, and much more. Mortal Shell has no customization to offer besides changing shells (and shells are basically different characters with different stats so you can’t call it customization).

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First, when it comes to the story, Jedi Fallen Order is far superior and the story is a lot more interesting and entertaining. Mortal Shell’s story is forgettable and it’s just there to give an explanation of why you are fighting.

When it comes to the gameplay, Jedi Fallen Order is more challenging and has more content, but Mortal Shell has more weapons for the player to choose from.

Finally, the visuals of Jedi Fallen Order are better but not by a lot, it’s just that it also has amazing scenery while Mortal Shell has little diversity in that regard. When it comes to customization Jedi Fallen Order wins again.

Whichever game you choose I recommend waiting for sale.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Code Vein vs Mortal Shell – The Definitive Comparison

Code Vein vs Mortal Shell - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Code Vein vs Mortal Shell. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


When it comes to the story, it’s a clear win for Code Vein. Code Vein’s story is interesting, it has characters with personality and it makes you care about the world of the game and what is going on.

Mortal Shell’s story on the other hand makes you feel like it’s there just to give the player a basic idea about why they are fighting and what this fight is about. I barely understood what the story was about mainly because the game gave me no reason to care for the characters and the world, and the word characters is an overstatement cause there are barely any characters for you to speak and they feel bland.


Code Vein adds its own elements to the Dark Souls formula and has an interesting RPG system. Mortal Shell also introduces a new element to the already successful formula which is the hardening system.

I have talked many times in previous articles about the negatives that this system has, one of them being that it makes the game too easy once the player learns how to use this mechanic.

If you compare the two games’ RPG systems, I believe Code Vein wins cause it gives the player more options and the system has more depth than Mortal Shells’ system.

Also, Code Vein offers a lot more weapons for the player to choose from, while Mortal Shell offers only five weapons. There is a saying, quality over quantity but after playing both games I don’t think the difference in quality is enough to justify their decision to have five weapons available.

As for the enemies, the variety in enemies is more or less the same, but when it comes to bosses Code Vein has more and they are more interesting and entertaining to fight against.

Finally, Code Vein has more replayability since there are a lot more builds the players can try thanks to the variety of classes, abilities, and weapons the game has. As a bonus Code Vein has co-op available and there are many people that want to enjoy these kinds of games with their friends.

Code Vein is also more challenging since as I said the hardening system makes Mortal Shell easy.


The visuals of both games are around the same level though they have chosen different art styles. Mortal Shell developers have gone with realistic-looking models while Code Vein’s developers have gone with anime like models.

There is no good or bad option here, it all comes down to personal preference. As for the scenery, I believe Code Vein has more location variety than Mortal Shell.

Even though the graphics are at the same level, the same can’t be said about the customization. Code Vein has one of the best character creation systems I have seen and allows a lot of customization. In Mortal Shell you can only change shells and shells are basically characters with different stats and abilities so you can’t call that customization.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First, when it comes to the story, Code Vein wins since it has a great story with interesting characters and plot. Mortal Shell’s story is forgettable and nothing special.

Gameplay-wise, Code Vein has an edge since it has more replayability, more bosses, more weapons, a co-op system, and lastly it is more challenging.

As for the visuals, I can’t compare them since the developers have chosen different styles but I can say that Code Vein has a lot more customization, since it has one of the best character creation systems I have seen.

Whichever game you choose I recommend you wait for a sale since I don’t believe they are worth the full price.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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The Surge 2 vs Mortal Shell – The Definitive Comparison

The Surge 2 vs Mortal Shell - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about The Surge 2 vs Mortal Shell. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


Both Surge 2 and Mortal Shell have mediocre and pretty forgettable stories. Surge 2 has a little better story but not enough to matter in your decision of which game to pick.

In Mortal Shell I barely understood what was going on, mostly because the game didn’t make me care enough about the world.

In Surge 2 the story is explained to you through audio logs and very few cutscenes. I am not a fan of that kind of storytelling.

All in all both games have very disappointing stories.


Surge 2 and Mortal Shell each offer something new to the soulslike genre. Surge 2 offers a unique combat system where you target limbs depending on what armor piece you want to get from your opponent and Mortal Shell has the hardening skill and the players use that skill correctly they can negate all damage from the enemies.

I believe when it comes to combat Surge 2 wins by a small margin because the system while it is easy to learn, the game is still challenging after you learn it. Mortal Shell’s system on the other hand makes the game easy once you master it since it negates all damage from the enemy.

As for the weapons, Surge 2 offers more weapons for the player to choose from than Mortal Shell and that might be important for a lot of players that want more weapon choices.

Both games have a lot of variety when it comes to normal enemies that you will find in different areas but Surge 2 has more bosses and they are more challenging than Mortal Shell’s bosses.

Finally, Surge 2 offers more replayability in my opinion because there are many different builds you can try in this game, while in Mortal Shell there are fewer choices.

Though, personally, I didn’t try a second playthrough in either of those two games cause I didn’t find them interesting enough to invest more time in them.


The visuals of both games are around the same level, so this like the story isn’t something that you should consider when you decide which game to get.

The scenery in both games is also nothing special and that’s maybe because of the story of the game’s and what they had to work with.

Customization wise, there isn’t much difference here either. In Mortal Shell you just switch shells which are basically characters with different abilities and stats so you can’t call that customization.

Surge 2 has a very limited character creation system that is only there to help you make a basic character and inside the game, you can change outfits but the options are very limited and don’t really matter.

So in this category both games tie too.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First, the stories of both games are pretty mediocre and are very forgettable in my opinion. Surge 2 has a somewhat better story but it’s not enough to matter in your decision.

As for the gameplay, Surge 2 is more challenging, has more weapon choices, and better bosses, and though it has more replayability than Mortal Shell, for me it wasn’t good enough to make me want to do a second playthrough.

Finally, both games’ graphics are on the same level, and the customization is around the same level so I don’t think you should consider it.

Whichever game you choose I recommend waiting for sale.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice vs Mortal Shell – The Definitive Comparison

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice vs Mortal Shell - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and Mortal Shell. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


When it comes to the story, Sekiro wins without question. Sekiro has the best story out of all the other FromSoftware games and the best story out of all soulslike games in general.

Mortal Shell has a forgettable and pretty mediocre story. The game doesn’t have a protagonist for the player to care about and it also doesn’t have any character that you want to root for.

Mortal Shell’s story is there just to give an explanation of why you are fighting.


Sekiro approaches combat differently from Mortal Shell. In Sekiro, in order to be effective, you have to stay on the attack and deflect the enemy’s attacks, while on Mortal Shell you have to use the hardening mechanic in order to negate the enemy’s damage.

Mortal Shell’s mechanic is easy to learn and master while Sekiro’s system is easy to learn but hard to master.

Personally, I love Sekiro’s combat system and I think it’s the best combat system I have seen in a game. Mortal Shell’s combat system while it is something new, it makes the game too easy once you master it.

Mortal Shell’s a few weapons and shells to choose from while in Sekiro you can only use your katana and shinobi tools(which have limited uses). If you are the type of player that wants to try different weapons and doesn’t like playing with the same weapon for the entire game then maybe Mortal Shell is a better choice for you.

When it comes to mobs that you will face while traversing the areas, both games have a lot of variety though Sekiro’s mobs are more challenging due to the combat system that the game has.

In the bosses department, Sekiro wins easily since it has more bosses for you to fight and they are more interesting and challenging than the bosses in Mortal Shell.

As for the replayability, both games don’t have a lot of replayability but I played Sekiro up to NG+12(because I wanted to see the different endings and try to beat the game at the hardest possible difficulty) and I didn’t even attempt a second playthrough of Mortal Shell cause I didn’t really see the point to it.


The visuals of both games are great, I don’t think that one surpasses the other when it comes to graphics but the scenery is another story. Sekiro has amazing scenery with beautiful locations and one boss fight, in particular, is absolutely breathtaking.

As for the customization, neither game has customization at the moment, but Sekiro will get a DLC on October 29th and that DLC will include 3 outfits that you can use to change Sekiro’s appearance.

Final Thoughts

Let me summatize what you should remember from this article.

First, Sekiro has the best story by far and there isn’t even a comparison when it comes to story.

As for the gameplay, Sekiro’s combat system is easy to learn but hard to master while Mortal Shell is easy to learn and to master. Sekiro’s combat is more rewarding and challenging and it has more bosses and content. Mortal Shell has different weapons for you to choose while in Sekiro you can only use the katana.

Sekiro has more interesting bosses and more challenging enemies.

Finally, the graphics in both games are at the same level but Sekiro has better scenery and will have more customization(when the DLC is released).

I recommend waiting for a sale to buy both games but personally, I believe that Sekiro is worth it even without a sale.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Nioh vs Mortal Shell – The Definitive Comparison

Nioh vs Mortal Shell - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Nioh and Mortal Shell. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


The stories of both games aren’t something special and are very mediocre, though if I had to choose I would recommend Nioh for the story since I understood a lot more of what was going on and it had some interesting historical figures appear in the game.

I didn’t get much of what was going on in Mortal Shell mostly because the game didn’t make me care enough. Not having a protagonist with character doesn’t help in making the player care for the story.


The biggest difference between these two games is the way they want you to approach combat. Mortal Shell has the hardening system which helps you negate all enemy damage if you time it right, and Nioh has 3 different stances for each weapon available and those stances have different movesets and skills.

Personally, I think, Nioh’s combat system is a lot more fun to use and more challenging to learn and master. Mortal Shell’s system isn’t that hard to learn and the game becomes too easy once you learn it.

Besides the combat, Nioh has a lot more weapon options for the player and the weapons have their own movesets and skills to unlock for them.

Mortal Shell’s weapons although they feel different from each other, they don’t have the depth in their movesets that Nioh’s weapons have.

Mortal Shell has more variety when it comes to the enemies you will face in the different areas but Nioh has a lot more bosses for you to fight, and personally, I think the bosses are the most important part in soulslike games.

Nioh has a lot more content and is also more challenging(if its something you care about), also it has more replayability since there are many different builds you can try in Nioh, choosing between different weapons and different ninja and onmyo abilities.


Both games have good visuals though Mortal Shell looks better since its a newer game. I would recommend Nioh though since it has more interesting locations and it also has amazing character customization.

Nioh has an equipment transmogrification system, meaning that you are able to change the appearance of any armor or weapon you have to the appearance of another weapon or armor you have gotten in the game and keep the item’s stats.

This system is truly amazing since being able to customize your character to look the way you want improves the gameplay experience a lot, at least for me.

Final Thoughts

As always let me summarize the things that you should keep from this article.

First, when it comes to the story both games are mediocre at best, but in my opinion, Nioh has a somewhat better story.

In the gameplay department, Nioh wins, cause it has more depth in the combat system and in the abilities and skills your character can unlock. In Mortal Shell you barely need to unlock any abilities to beat the game, and as for the items I never really used or needed most of them. You will only need to use 2-3 items tops in Mortal Shell.

Mortal Shell has more variety when it comes to normal enemies, but it has fewer bosses, content, and has little to none replay value.

Lastly, Mortal Shell has better graphics, but they aren’t that much better to actually matter. Nioh has a lot of customization though, and I can honestly say it has the best customization system out of all soulslike games.

Whichever game you choose I recommend waiting for sale since I don’t believe they worth the full price.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. What game do you think is better and why? Write down your opinion in the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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Dark Souls 3 vs Mortal Shell – The Definitive Comparison

Dark Souls 3 vs Mortal Shell - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls 3 vs Mortal Shell. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


I can’t decide which game had the best storyline because neither made me care enough to try to understand what is going on. I don’t recommend picking either game for the story. I am sure there are people that found their stories appealing but for me they were forgettable.

In Dark Souls 3 as you probably know already you have to figure out what is going on by reading item descriptions and exhausting the dialog of NPCs. Mortal Shell has some similarities to Dark Souls 3 in that regard but I believe its easier to figure out what is going on in Mortal Shell, I just didn’t care enough to try.


Mortal Shell has taken a lot of inspiration from Dark Souls games and it has added a few new things like the hardening system. Although the hardening system is a cool idea, it takes from the challenge of the game since once you master it, the game becomes very easy.

Now, don’t get me wrong Dark Souls 3 isn’t especially hard either but it’s a lot harder than Mortal Shell. Also, Dark Souls 3 offers a lot more variety when it comes to the items and weapons and armors you can use.

Mortal Shell is pretty limited in that regard, since it doesn’t have a lot of variety when it comes to weapons, and don’t get me started with that horrendous item system that it has(more on that in my Mortal Shell review).

Dark Souls 3 also has more variety when it comes to enemies and bosses. In general Dark Souls 3 is a bigger game with more depth to it than Mortal Shell, which is understandable since Mortal Shell’s developers don’t have the numbers or the experience that FromSoftware accumulated throughout the years.

So Dark Souls 3 is more challenging, has more content, and also more replayability since there are a lot of different classes to choose from and a lot of different builds to try.

Lastly Dark Souls 3 offers PvP and co-op PvE which add even more replayability to the game.


Mortal Shell is visually superior to Dark Souls 3 which is natural since it came out 4 years after Dark Souls 3. Both games have some interesting locations but I believe Dark Souls 3 has more of those.

As for the customization, Dark Souls 3 wins since it has a character creation system and you can also change the armor you wear. In Mortal Shell, you can only change shells which are basically different characters so I don’t think you can consider it customization but even if you do consider it, Dark Souls 3 still wins.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should keep from this article, if you don’t want to bother reading the detailed comparison.

First, the stories of both games shouldn’t factor in your decision at all in my opinion, since for me they are both uninteresting and ultimately forgettable. Making a story hard to understand and require a lot of effort to get a clue of whats going on, for me it isn’t something that improves the story, it just makes me not care for it.

As for the gameplay, the choice is simple, Dark Souls 3 is just better and a more complete game with more content, more replayability, more enemies and bosses for you to fight, etc.

Dark Souls 3 is superior in every way when it comes to gameplay, that doesn’t mean Mortal Shell is bad but it just isn’t at that level.

Finally, when it comes to visuals, Mortal Shell has better graphics, but Dark Souls 3 has more customization and more interesting scenery.

If you aren’t sure which of these two games to get then I recommend Dark Souls 3, since it’s just better overall. Of course, it would be a good idea to watch some gameplay first because you might see something in Mortal Shell that excites you more. Whichever game you choose, I recommend waiting for sale since I don’t believe they are worth the full price.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. What game do you think is better and why? Write down your opinion in the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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Mortal Shell PC Review

Mortal Shell PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Mortal Shell. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).



The story of Mortal Shell for me isn’t something that will leave you wanting for more. I am not sure why but I didn’t understand what is happening with the story and why these things happen in that world. Maybe the fact that I was streaming the game and I had to pay attention to the chat had something to do with it, but I don’t think that’s the only reason.

You may have a completely different experience from me but since this is my review I have to say what my personal experience was.


Mortal Shell’s combat is very similar to the other soul’s games but it has a new mechanic that we haven’t seen before in any other soul’s games. That is the hardening skill. What that skill does is simple, it negates all the damage you would take from the next attack of your opponent that would land on you.

This ability is very powerful, some could say too powerful because when you master the way it works then the game becomes very easy. This skill needs some nerfing to make the game more challenging.

Now let’s talk about the options this game gives the player. First, you can choose between 5 different types of weapons and 4 different types of shells(they represent the classes in this game).

Personally I only used the hallowed sword for the entire game and from the shells I mainly used Tiel.

I am not the type of gamer that wants to try everything and then make a choice. Most of the time I already know what I want to play with and I will stick with it for the entire game.

One thing I don’t like about this game is the way it handles items. I never understood what most of the items do and never bothered searching for it cause I felt like it wasn’t worth my time and the game was not challenging enough to require using a lot of items. I only used mushrooms to heal and the items that gave Tar(game currency), I didn’t bother with the rest.

I don’t know whose idea it was to have this system when it comes to items but it doesn’t work and it shouldn’t be implemented in future games, at least that’s my opinion.

The game doesn’t offer any armor items or equipable items, you can only upgrade your shell to make it more powerful.

As for the enemies, the game has some variety but not enough to matter. The game also has eight bosses and four of them are optional.

I only found one of the bosses challenging though that might have to do with the order I chose to fight the bosses so I am not sure if it was challenging because I fought it too early.

The game is easier than all the other soulslike games I have played and as for the replayability, you can say it has some since you can try different weapons and shells but I don’t find it enough to worth investing time in more than one playthroughs.


The visuals of Mortal Shell are what you would expect from a 2020 game. It looks good, I don’t have much more to say beyond that.

As for the customization, beyond the changing shells game mechanic, there isn’t any customization as far as I know. Also, you can’t really call that customization since it’s shell has its own stats so you are technically playing another character.

Final Thoughts

Now I will summarize what you should keep from this article. First, the story isn’t anything special and is forgettable(I really have no idea what the game was about, the only thing I remember is that it was about an ascension).

The gameplay is like all the other soulslike games plus a new mechanic called hardening. The game isn’t challenging and doesn’t have many bosses for you to fight, also I don’t think it has much replay value.

The visuals are what you would expect from a 2020 game.

All in all, its a pretty average game and I don’t think it’s worth 30 euros. Maybe 25 euros would be a more fair price.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 7.8

Gameplay: 8.2

Visuals: 9.0

General Rating: 8.3

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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Best Anime to Watch in Fall 2020

Best Anime to Watch in Fall 2020

1. Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III

The third season of the series. I absolutely recommend you guys to watch this anime. Here is the plot:

The story follows the exploits of Bell Cranel, a 14-year-old solo adventurer under the goddess Hestia. As the only member of the Hestia Familia, He works hard to get the attention of all the ladies that have eyes on him. He looks up to Ais Wallenstein, a famous and powerful swordswoman who once saved his life, and with whom he fell in love. He is unaware that several other girls, deities and mortals alike, also develop affections towards him; most notably Hestia herself, as he also gains allies and improves himself with each new challenge he faces.

Synopsis Source:

2. Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Raihousha-hen

This is the second season of one of my favorite anime. 6 years have passed since the first season was released.

The story follows Tatsuya Shiba, a bodyguard to his sister Miyuki Shiba who is also a candidate to succeed the leadership of the Yotsuba clan, one of the Ten Master Clans that govern Japan’s magicians. They enroll into First High School which segregates its students based on their magical abilities. Miyuki is enrolled as a first course student and is viewed as one of the best students, while Tatsuya is in the second course and considered to be magically inept. However, Tatsuya’s technical knowledge, combat abilities, and unique magic techniques cause people to view him as an irregular to the school’s standardized rankings.

Synopsis Source:

3. Jujutsu Kaisen

Yuji Itadori is a genius at track and field. But he has zero interest running around in circles, he’s happy as a clam in the Occult Research Club. Although he’s only in the club for kicks, things get serious when a real spirit shows up at school!

When his grandfather is on his deathbed, Yuji makes a promise to him; that he will do kind deeds so that he dies surrounded by loved ones, unlike his grandfather.

However, Yuji’s life takes a sudden turn as he meets Megumi Fushiguro; a shaman who tries to retrieve a cursed object. When Yuji’s friends open the cursed object that they found, things go south as the cursed spirits that it spawned start roaming in school. As Fushiguro and Yuji are almost defeated by one of the spirits, Yuji then swallows the cursed object and gains its power. As a result, Yuji becomes cursed by the object and gets dragged into Fushiguro’s thrilling world of shamans and cursed spirits.

Synopsis Source:

4. Tonikaku Kawaii

Nasa Yuzaki, a boy with a peculiar name,[b] gets hit by a truck on the day of his high school entrance exams. He encounters and follows a beautiful girl who saves him, confessing his love for her at a bus stop. The girl, Tsukasa Tsukuyomi, agrees to become his girlfriend, but only if they are married first. When Nasa, who had previously decided to not go to high school, reaches his 18th birthday, he is still thinking about the promise he made on that day. Suddenly, Tsukasa shows up at his doorstep with a marriage form, starting their relationship and their marriage. Although Tsukasa’s clingy adopted younger sister refuses to accept the relationship, she brings Nasa to her family.

Synopsis Source:

5. Noblesse

Noblesse is the third webtoon that is adapted into an anime this year. It is a very popular webtoon and the expectations are high, let’s hope it delivers.

Noblesse is about a powerful noble – Cadis Etrama Di Raizel (referred to as Rai) – who has been asleep for 820 years with no knowledge of mankind’s advancement and scientific successes. At the start of the webtoon, Rai wakes up in an abandoned building in South Korea,[2] and starts to get used to the modern world. He goes to a school, where he reunites with his loyal servant Frankenstein. With Frankenstein’s help, Rai enrolls into high school and inadvertently befriends athletic teenager Shinwoo, computer geek Ikhan, and Shinwoo’s crush Yuna, and a few others. Noblesse follows the group’s often dangerous adventures against a secret organization while uncovering Rai’s past.

Synopsis Source:

6. Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen

For centuries, the world had been torn between the Empire, the Mechanical Utopia, and the Nebulis Sovereignty, the Paradise for Witches.

With no end in sight, it seems that the war will continue on for a few more centuries. However, a chance meeting between Iska, the “Successor of Black Steel”, and Aliceliese, the “Ice Calamity Witch”, changes history.

The “Successor of Black Steel” is a peace-loving war nut who only knows how to fight. However, he wishes to end the war with the twin astral swords, white and black, he had inherited from his master.
The “Ice Calamity Witch” wants to destroy the Empire and unite the world under the banner of the Nebulis Sovereignty.

This story is the tale of the collision of ideals between a young man and a young woman as they try to change the world in their own special ways.

Synopsis Source:

7. Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (2020)

The story begins with a young boy named Dai remembering a story told to him by his adoptive grandfather, the monster magician Brass, about the defeat of the Demon King Hadlar by the hands of a hero known as Avan. After the defeat of the Demon King Hadlar, all of the monsters were released from his evil will and peace reigned supreme around the world once again for ten years. Some monsters and demons moved to the island of Dermline to live in peace. Dai, the young protagonist of the series, is the only human living on the island. Having been raised by Brass and with his best friend, the monster Gome, Dai grows up dreaming of becoming a hero.

Synopsis Source:

That’s it for my list. I hope you found some good anime here. Do you think there is an anime that should be on the list? Which is your most anticipated anime for this season?  Write your thoughts on the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin vs Dark Souls Remastered – The Definitive Comparison

Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin vs Dark Souls Remastered

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin and Dark Souls Remastered. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


Both games have solid stories, though I believe I understood a little more of what was going on in Dark Souls Remastered.

This is a completely subjective thing so don’t consider it when you decide which of the 2 games to pick.

The thing about the stories of Dark Souls games is that they aren’t straightforward and you can’t understand many things unless you read every item and talk to every NPC in the game, and you still only understand half of what is going on. Both games have that kind of storytelling.


The gameplay of Dark Souls Remastered is more basic than the gameplay of Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin and it has a lot less variety. This is expected since Dark Souls Remastered is the Remaster version of the first Dark Souls game and they were still in the early stages of developing these kinds of games back then.

One limitation for example that I found annoying while playing Dark Souls Remastered is that you can only roll in 4 different directions and you can’t roll diagonally.

One system that for me makes Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin the best Dark Souls game is the dual-wielding system and the way it’s implemented in that game. It is such an amazing system and I had a blast dual-wielding for almost the entire game.

One mechanic that easily makes Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin the hardest game in the series is that each time you die the maximum HP bar you have available is reduced by a percentage and if you die a lot of times your max HP can drop to 50%(there is a ring that can increase the minimum percentage that your HP can drop to 70%) of the original. The only way to restore the maximum HP to the one that you are supposed to have based on your stats is to consume and item.

This system makes you avoid dying unnecessarily and it can get annoying at times when you die too many times from a boss and you don’t have the consumable needed to restore you max HP.

Both games have a big variety of weapons and items for you to use.

As for the enemies, both games have a lot of variety but Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin has more bosses for you to fight and more content in general.

So to sum up, Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin is more challenging, has more content, and as for the replayability both games are at the same level.


The visuals of Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin are better than the visuals of Dark Souls Remastered but the difference isn’t big enough to matter a lot in your decision.

I think the most important difference when it comes to visuals is the customization that the two games offer. As I said, in a previous comparison, Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin has armor sets that look absolutely amazing and I believe it has the best looking gear in all of Dark Souls games.

For me Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin wins here just for the cool looking armor sets.

Final Thoughts

Finally let me summarize what you should keep from this article.

First when it comes to the stories both games are around the same level.

For the gameplay, I believe Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin is the best option since it has more depth to its combat system and is more challenging with more content.

For the visuals, I believe Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin wins here too since it has better-looking armors and the graphics are better in general compared to Dark Souls Remastered.

Whichever game you choose I recommend waiting for a sale, since I don’t believe games that were released so many years ago are worth paying full price.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. What game do you think is better and why? Write down your opinion in the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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