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Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin vs Dark Souls 3 – The Definitive Comparison

Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin vs Dark Souls 3 - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin and Dark Souls 3. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


You probably have an idea of the kind of storytelling dark souls games have, but I will explain it here again. Dark Souls games want you to discover the story on your own through reading item descriptions and talking to NPCs and even if you do all that you will probably understand 50% of what’s going on, the other 50% is theory crafting.

Both Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin and Dark Souls 3 follow this kind of storytelling, though I have to say I prefer the story of Dark Souls 2 a little more. That’s just personal opinion though, and I can’t recommend one game over the other based on the story.


Even though both games are from the same franchise and Dark Souls 3 is the sequel to Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin, I believe as far as combat goes, Dark Souls 2 has a better combat system than Dark Souls 3 and more specifically the system that Dark Souls 2 has that is far better than Dark Souls 3 is the dual-wielding.

The dual-wielding system is truly amazing in Dark Souls 2. It very intuitive and the fact that you can use different kinds of weapons and the only limit is that they have to have the same types of attacks is truly amazing.

The power-stance is also very well implemented. It’s too bad that they decided to scrap this system in Dark Souls 3.

Besides this system, the games play the same when it comes to combat, but this system is by no means something minor, it is a very important system that can severely impact your experience if you want to dual-wield weapons.

As for the weapons, both games have a huge variety of weapons you can use and this extends to armors and other equipment also. One additional thing that I feel the need to address is the death punishment system that Dark Souls 2 has.

You see Dark Souls 2 has a unique mechanic that doesn’t exist in any other Dark Souls games. Each time you die the maximum HP bar you have available is reduced by a percentage and if you die a lot of times your max HP can drop to 50%(there is a ring that can increase the minimum percentage that your HP can drop to 70%) of the original. The only way to restore the maximum HP to the one that you are supposed to have based on your stats is to consume an item.

This system gives more difficulty to the game since those consumables that you can use to restore your max HP aren’t so easy to get that you can just use them whenever you feel like it. You have to somewhat adjust your playstyle so that you don’t die so often and use those consumables only when it’s necessary for your progression.

Both games have a lot of variety when it comes to mobs and bosses, though Dark Souls 2 has more bosses for you to fight.

Lastly, if you want the more challenging game then Dark Souls 2 is more challenging because of the HP system I mentioned above. Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin also has more content and it will take longer to complete. As for the replayability, both games are at the same level.


Since Dark Souls 3 came out later it has better visuals overall but the difference isn’t big and it’s not worth considering when you are deciding which of these two games to pick.

Dark Souls 2 has somewhat better scenery than Dark Souls 3, but that’s because of the story.

When it comes to customization, neither game has an equipment transmogrification system and for those of you that don’t know what this is, it basically means that you are able to change the appearance of all your equipment and keep the stats.

Even though neither game has this system, I believe Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin has better customization because the armors that are available in this game look a lot better than the armors available in Dark Souls 3.

Visually I believe Dark Soul 2: Scholar of the First Sin is the better choice, even though Dark Souls 3 has better graphics.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should keep from this article.

First, both games have stories that are around the same level of quality and you can’t really say that one game’s story is better than the others.

Second, when it comes to gameplay I believe the combat system of Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin is superior compared to the combat of Dark Souls 3 and that is because of the dual-wielding system Dark Souls 2 has.

Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin also has more content and is more challenging than Dark Souls 3.

Finally when it comes to visuals Dark Souls 3 has better graphics, but Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin has better-looking armors.

Whichever game you choose I recommend waiting for sale because they are pretty old.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. What game do you think is better and why? Write down your opinion in the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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Jedi Fallen Order vs The Surge 2 – The Definitive Comparison

Jedi Fallen Order vs The Surge 2

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and The Surge 2. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


When it comes to story Jedi Fallen Order wins, and it’s a clear win. The story of Jedi Fallen Order is more interesting and impactful. The Surge 2 tells its story through audio logs mostly and it didn’t make me care one bit about what was going on.

Jedi Fallen Order makes you care about the story and its characters. The characters in Surge 2 feel bland and uninteresting.

If you want a game that will make you care about the story then Jedi Fallen Order is the best choice.


Jedi Fallen Order and Surge 2 differ in the way they approach combat.

In Jedi Fallen Order you can use your force powers to end fights quickly and you can also use parry similar to Sekiro. In Surge 2 on the other hand you have to decide which of the body parts you are going to focus your attacks on.

Jedi Fallen Order has only two kinds of weapons available, the lightsaber and the dual-blade lightsaber. Surge 2 offers a variety of weapons with different abilities and movesets.

Now that doesn’t necessarily mean that Surge 2 is better just because it has more weapons to choose. It all comes down to personal preferences.

Besides the variety of weapons, Surge 2 has a variety of armors for you to equip. Jedi Fallen doesn’t offer armor sets for you to use.

As for the enemies, both games have a variety of enemies though Surge 2 has a little more variety when it comes to enemies.

When it comes to bosses I still prefer Surge 2, because most bosses in Jedi Last Order felt uninteresting to me.

Both games have around the same difficulty which for me isn’t something special. They weren’t that challenging most of the time.

Lastly, Surge 2 has way more replayability since it has a variety of weapons and builds that you can try.


Visually Jedi Fallen Order is absolutely stunning. Surge 2 doesn’t even come close to how good Jedi Fallen Order looks. The scenery and locations look amazing and make the experience even more immersive.

Surge 2 has good graphics but they can’t stand against Jedi Fallen Order’s graphics.

As for the customization, Surge 2 offers a character creation system but it’s very limited and doesn’t give you a lot of options. Jedi Fallen Order doesn’t have a character creation system, but you can unlock different outfit colors in the game by finding them in boxes in the game, and you can also customize every part of your lightsaber.

With this I can say they are pretty much equal in customization.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize what you should remember from this article.

First, when it comes to the story then the best choice is Jedi Fallen Order by far. Second, if you prefer playing with a lightsaber and forces powers for the entire game than having a variety of weapons and armors then Jedi Fallen Order is the game for you.

If you want interesting bosses and more variety in enemies, and a lot of replayability then Surge 2 is the best choice.

Lastly, if you want amazing visuals then you should pick Jedi Fallen Order and the customization is around the same level in both games.

I don’t recommend getting either game in full price, so you should wait for sale in my opinion.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice vs The Surge 2 – The Definitive Comparison

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice vs The Surge 2

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and The Surge 2. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


I believe when it comes to story Sekiro is the clear winner. The story of Sekiro is deeper and a lot more impactful. The Surge 2 tells its story through audio logs mostly and it didn’t make me care one bit about what was going on.

Sekiro makes you care about the story and it even has multiple endings(one of them is the true ending).

If you want a game that will make you care about the story then Sekiro is the best choice.


Sekiro and The Surge 2 have a lot of differences when it comes to the way the game wants you to approach combat.

In Sekiro you are forced to stay on the attack since when you stop attacking the enemy recovers his posture and you have to start all over again. I believe this mechanic makes the fights more interesting since you can’t cheese your way through bosses.

The combat in Surge 2 is quite different. In Surge 2 you have to choose which part of the enemy’s body you want to focus your attacks, since they may have an armor part that you want, and the only way to get it is to do enough damage to that part of the body and then cut it out. Of course, you can choose to attack another part of the body that hasn’t armor equipped and that will make the faster a lot easier, but you won’t get any benefit from it besides beating the enemy faster.

Both combat systems have their own benefits and it comes down to what you think is best since no one can say that one system is objectively better than the other.

As for the equipment you have available, in Surge 2 there are a lot of different weapons and armor you can choose and they have different benefits. In Sekiro, you can only use the katana as the main weapon, but you also have some shinobi tools that you can use(they have ammo so you can’t use them infinitely).

Both enemies have a variety of enemies, so you won’t be facing the same enemies over and over again, but when it comes to bosses Sekiro is the clear winner since the boss fights are a lot more fun and entertaining in Sekiro, and the bosses are more unique.

Finally, Sekiro is a lot harder than Surge 2, especially if you activate the Demon Bell which makes the game even harder. Sekiro also has more bosses for you to fight. Surge 2 wins though when it comes to replayability since there are a lot of different builds that you can try. Sekiro has 4 endings so there is that for replayability but besides this and the option to not take Kuro’s charm in ng+(which will make the game even harder), there isn’t anything else changing in the other playthroughs.


The visuals of both games are great but I have to say that I prefer Sekiro since it has some absolutely stunning locations. Surge 2 is limited by the story of the game, so it can’t show locations as beautiful as in Sekiro.

As for the customization, I would have said The Surge 2 has a lot more customization than Sekiro but soon(with the update of Sekiro in October) this is about to change since Sekiro will have other outfits available.

So at the end of the day the customization of both games is around the same level.

Final Thoughts

The things I want you to keep from this article are the following.

First, if you want a deep story that will make you care for what is going on then Sekiro is the best choice in my opinion.

As for the gameplay, Sekiro has only one weapon available(a katana) while on Surge 2 you can pick different weapons.

The variety in enemies is more or less the same in both games, but Sekiro has more interesting bosses.

Sekiro is also more challenging and has more bosses for you to fight, but it has less replayability since there aren’t many different builds that you can try like in Surge 2.

Lastly Sekiro has better visuals, but and the customization is more or less the same in both games.

Whichever game you choose, I recommend waiting for a sale, but personally I believe Sekiro is worth getting even without sale(though that is a personal opinion and it may be biased).

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Code Vein vs Jedi Fallen Order – The Definitive Comparison

Code Vein vs Jedi Fallen Order - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Code Vein and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


Both games have a pretty straightforward storytelling approach. The voice actors on both games did a great job and they make you care about what is going on in the story.

It’s hard to say which game has the better story. I equally enjoyed both games’ stories though if I absolutely had to choose one it would be Code Vein’s story cause of the true ending of the story. I think it is the thing that makes the story of Code Vein a little better than Jedi Fallen Order’s story.

I have to say though that this is purely subjective and in my opinion, both stories are at the same level.


The difference between those games is in the way they approach combat.

In Code Vein, you have the classic Dark Souls combat which includes a lot of rolling, while in Jedi Fallen Order you have combat closer to Sekiro which includes a lot of parrying.

I have to say though that the parrying system of Jedi Fallen Order didn’t feel as good as Sekiro. It felt a little off, and that was enough to completely mess the timings. I don’t know if they fixed it with future patches, since I played the game when it was released, but the game version I played had a problem with the parry, and since I didn’t feel like getting used to this problematic parry system I rarely used parry.

I have beat Sekiro with the hardest possible difficulty settings(NG+7, demon bell activated and without Kuro’s charm) and in these settings when you don’t perfect parry you get chip damage so trust me when I say that the parry of Jedi Fallen Order(at least in the original version) had problems.

Another difference is that Jedi Fallen Order has only two weapons types available to you. The dual-blade lightsaber and the normal lightsaber. Code Vein has a lot of different types of weapons available, so you have to choose what you prefer.

Jedi Fallen Order has skills trees that allow you to unlock different force abilities, increase the power of those abilities, and increase your damage and a few other things similar to what I mentioned.

Code Vein on the other hand has different class types that you can play as depending on the Blood Code you chose. You can for example play as a caster doing damage with spells from afar or as a melee fighter doing damage up close, there are many other choices that I won’t mention here because it will literally take pages of text to describe all that you can do in this game.

As for the enemies that you will face both games have variety but I think Code Vein has a little more variety.

When it comes to boss fights, I believe the best choice is Code Vein. It has more interesting bosses than Jedi Fallen Order.

Lastly when it comes to replayability Code Vein is the better choice because of the variety of weapons and classes that it offers. Also, Code Vein has a lot more content. The difficulty of both games is at a similar level so I can’t say that one is harder than the other.


The visuals of both games are great but they really can’t be compared cause they have different styles. Code Vein goes for anime like visuals while Jedi Fallen Order goes for realistic visuals.

In the end it comes down to what kind of style suits you.

As for the customization, I believe Code Vein wins this since it has the best character creation system I have seen in a game, and it gives you a lot of options. Jedi Fallen Order doesn’t have character creation, but the game allows you to change the color of your equipment and ship, but I would like more color options than those available. Also, you have to unlock the colors in Jedi Fallen Order so you don’t have all the options from the beginning of the game.

Final Thoughts

What I want you to keep from this article are the following.

Both games have great stories, that you will enjoy in my opinion. As for the combat, in Jedi Fallen Order you have only 2 weapons available and force abilities, while in Code Vein you have a variety of weapons available and different classes to choose.

The difficulty of both games is around the same level, Code Vein has more content, more variety in enemies, and more interesting bosses.

Lastly, you can’t really compare the visuals, since Code Vein has anime-like graphics, while Jedi Fallen Order has realistic graphics, and both look good in their own way. Also, Code Vein has more customization options thanks to its amazing character creation system.

Whichever game you choose, I recommend waiting for a sale.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. What game do you think is better and why? Write down your opinion in the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin PC Review

Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin


The storyline is the typical Dark Souls storyline, meaning that you have to figure out what is going on through reading item descriptions, exhausting the NPCs dialogue, and looking at the environment.

As I have said in previous articles this is neither good nor bad, it comes down to personal preference, so if you are the type of person that likes this type of storytelling then this is a game for you.


Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin has the best combat system out of all the Dark Souls games in my opinion. The highlight of the combat system is how it handles dual wielding.

Instead of giving you weapons who are meant for dual wielding as a set as Dark Souls 3 does, it allows you to combine whatever weapons you want. Of course, there are some rules you need to follow, but I can say that there are a lot more options and variety to this than Dark Souls 3.

There is also a certain stance for dual-wielding called Power Stance that you can activate if you have the necessary stat points depending on the weapons you have chosen (I won’t go further into this since you can find more information about this easily through a simple google search and also this isn’t the purpose of this article).

This game has a mechanic that no other Dark Souls game has. When you die you lose a portion of your available HP and that stacks up to 50% so you die many times you will end up playing with 50% of your original HP as your max HP.

There is a ring that can limit the HP loss from this mechanic to 70% of your max HP and there is also a consumable that you can use to regain your original HP limit but this mechanic, in general, can make the game a lot more challenging compared to the other Dark Souls games and it sure gets frustrating sometimes because you know if you had a little more HP and this mechanic didn’t exist you could have beat a lot of the bosses sooner.

The game offers a lot of variety when it comes to weapons armor and equipable items in general. There are a lot of different types of enemies for you to face. You won’t ever feel like you are fighting the same enemies over and over again.

This game also has the most bosses compared to the other Dark Sous games. The bosses feel unique and interesting and you will certainly have fun fighting them.

One thing that I find frustrating about this game is the bonfire placement. In the old From Software games, there is this false logic that putting a bonfire a mile away from the boss area somehow makes the game harder, but in reality, it just makes it frustrating and there is no reason to it. They figured it out in their recent games but this game isn’t one of those.

In a DLC area, in particular, there is a bonfire that is placed so far from the boss area that you have to walk for 3 minutes to reach the boss (bosses in this case since there are 2 bosses that you have to fight together), also there is fog in the area so you barely see anything and there are a lot of enemies that you can’t outrun on the way to the bosses. I thank God I managed to beat the bosses in the second try because I would probably go insane from the frustration.

To conclude, this section, Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin is a little harder than the other Dark Souls games but that is only due to that mechanic I mentioned where you lose some of your max HP every time you die. The game takes around 50 hours if you want to beat all the bosses available(including the optional). It also has a lot of replayability since there are a lot of classes and builds you can try.


The visuals of Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin aren’t very impressive, and that is understandable since the game was released back in 2015. They aren’t horrible, but they aren’t eye-pleasing either.

If you won’t amazing visuals that help you immerse in the game, you won’t find them here.

One thing that the game has going for it though is the amazing armor sets that you can wear. Out of all the Dark Souls games, this game has the best looking armors to wear. This is a significant thing since looking cool makes the game a lot more enjoyable (at least for me).

Final Thoughts

The things I want you to remember from this article are the following.

First, the story is good if you are into this type of storytelling, second this game has the best combat system out of all the Dark Souls games, it’s also harder than the other Dark Souls games due to the HP mechanic I mentioned. It also has a lot of replayability and content.

Lastly, the graphics are average, but it has good customization since this game has the best looking armors out of all the other Dark Souls games.

I recommend getting it on sale since it isn’t worth full price in my opinion.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8

Gameplay: 9

Visuals: 8

General Rating: 8

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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Nioh vs Jedi Fallen Order – The Definitive Comparison

Nioh vs Jedi Fallen Order

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Nioh and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


There isn’t really any competition when it comes to which game has the best story. Jedi Fallen Order has a solid story that makes you care for the characters in it and I believe many people want a sequel to this game just to find out what happens next.

Personally I am interested to know what happens next and that’s one of the main reasons I want a sequel.

Nioh on the other hand has a very mediocre story and it doesn’t make you care enough for what is going on. It has some interesting moments because of the historical figures that appear but beyond that it’s forgettable.

I believe they didn’t care much either since the sequel to Nioh has a new protagonist so there is no continuity.

In my opinion if you want a good story I recommend Jedi Fallen Order between these two games.


Nioh and Jedi Fallen Order have a lot of differences when it comes to the combat system.

Jedi Fallen Order has a combat system where you can use 2 weapons, a lightsaber and a dual blade lightsaber and you can also use force powers. It also has skill trees and as you level up you can unlock different force abilities or combat abilities.

In Nioh you can use different kinds of weapons, ninja, and onmyo skills. Nioh also has different attributes that you can put points on to make your character stronger. Another thing that makes Nioh’s combat interesting is the different combat stances you can use.

Each stance has a different moveset and having combat stances adds another layer to the game.

I have said it many times in previous articles but I will say it again. Having fewer weapons to use doesn’t necessarily make the game worse. It can actually improve the experience since the developers can optimize the enemies to fight against your specific weapon and make combat more interesting.

This can’t be done when there is a lot of variety in weapons. Of course, having a lot of variety in weapons has its benefits too since it can give more replayability to the game.

So in the end it all comes down to what you prefer.

As for the enemies, Nioh wins here since it has a lot more variety in enemies. In Jedi Fallen Order there is less variety in enemies but fights are a little more entertaining.

When it comes to bosses Nioh wins too since it has more and they are more fun to fight against.

Lastly let’s talk about replayability, difficulty, and content. Nioh has a lot more replayability since it has more weapons to choose from and you can also make a lot of builds choosing different skill combinations.

As for the difficulty, Nioh is a lot more challenging. Finally, it has a lot more content so you get more for what you are paying.


Visuals are another area that Jedi Fallen Order is superior, and there isn’t even a debate on that. On some games, the 2-year difference in the release isn’t that obvious when it comes to their graphics but between these two games, there is a big difference.

It’s not only that the graphics of Jedi Fallen Order are superior, but it also has better scenery with areas that look absolutely amazing.

There is one thing though that Nioh wins over Jedi Fallen Order and that is customization. Nioh has an equipment transmogrification system and for those of you that don’t know what this is, it basically means that you are able to change the appearance of all your equipment and keep the stats.

Nioh has a lot of amazing outfits for you to wear and this system allows you to look the way you want without having to sacrifice stats.

Final Thoughts

I will summarize what you should remember from this comparison.

First, when it comes to story Jedi Fallen Order wins easy. Second, Nioh wins when it comes to gameplay since it has more replayability, more challenging, and interesting bosses, and a lot more content.

Lastly when it comes to visuals. Jedi Fallen Order has a lot better graphics but it doesn’t have as good customization system as Nioh since Nioh has a transmogrification system.

Finally, whatever you choose I believe you will have a good experience, the thing I should mention though is that I recommend you wait for a sale since I don’t believe either game is worth the full price.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Dark Souls 3 vs Jedi Fallen Order – The Definitive Comparison

Dark Souls 3 vs Jedi Fallen Order - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls 3 and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


Both games have interesting storylines though they have different approaches when it comes to telling them.

Jedi Fallen Order has a more direct approach with a lot of cutscenes, while in Dark Souls 3 you have to discover what is going on through reading item descriptions or talking with NPCs multiple times and watching the environment.

It all comes down to what you prefer, saying one is better than the other is subjective. All I can tell you is that both are good in their own way.


The main difference is that Jedi Fallen Order focuses on the action combat while Dark Souls 3 has a clear focus on the RPG elements.

In Jedi Fallen Order you can only use two weapons for the duration of the game, a lightsaber, and a dual-blade lightsaber. That isn’t a bad thing but there are people who prefer to have more variety when it comes to the weapons they can use in a game.

Dark Souls 3 has that variety since there are a lot of different kinds of weapons and each of them feels unique and different from the rest.

The benefit of having fewer weapons available is that the developers can balance the game better and can make the combat more focused on the kinds of weapons that you are using.

As for the RPG elements, in Dark Souls 3 we have the traditional RPG with different attributes, and you put points on them, while in Jedi Fallen Order we have skills trees that allow you to unlock different force abilities, increase the power of those abilities and increase your damage and a few other things similar to what I mentioned.

I don’t believe you can objectively say one is better than the other so I will leave it for you to decide.

Now both games have variety when it comes to enemies and bosses too, but I have to say I prefer Dark Souls 3 bosses.

Dark Souls 3 has more unique bosses and they are more interesting to fight. If you want to fight unique and interesting bosses then Dark Souls 3 is the best choice.

Jedi Fallen Order wins when it comes to the normal enemies you will meet when you traverse the areas. They are more challenging and more interesting to fight against.

Lastly, let’s talk about the difficulty and replayability. For me, both games are around the same level when it comes to difficulty. I didn’t feel that one was particularly harder than the other.

When it comes to replayability through Dark Souls 3 wins by far since it has a lot of different classes weapons and builds that you can try.

One thing that Dark Souls 3 has that Jedi Fallen Order doesn’t have is the multiplayer mode. Though I have to say that I didn’t particularly like it since the connection is peer to peer and there is a lot of lag.

Maybe if you are lucky and you are close with the person that you are fighting it will be fun but for me it was frustrating. I gave up on it because playing with lag is not fun for me.


When it comes to visual there isn’t any competition. There is a big difference in the visuals of both games. Jedi Fallen Order looks a lot better and it is a lot more realistic.

As for the customization options, Jedi Fallen Order wins here too. In Jedi Fallen Order you can unlock different outfit colors by finding them in boxes in the game, and you can also customize every part of your lightsaber.

The customization in this game is very good but to be honest none of the outfit colors was good enough for me so I had to download a mod that looked exactly how I wanted to look like before I had even seen the color options, one of the perks of playing on PC.

In Dark Souls 3 you can change your armor to look different but there is no item transmogrification system(meaning that you aren’t able to change the appearance of any armor or weapon you have to the appearance of another weapon or armor you have gotten in the game and keep the item’s stats) which is something that I always want in an RPG.

Final Thoughts

I will now summarize what you should keep from this article.

Both games have great stories though they have a different way of telling those stories. Jedi Fallen Order has a traditional approach with a lot of cinematics while in Dark Souls 3 you have to discover what is going on through exploring the world, reading item descriptions, and talking to NPCs.

In the gameplay department, you should pick Dark Souls 3 if you want more RPG elements, replayability, and more interesting bosses, and you should pick Jedi Fallen Order if you want more optimized combat since the combat is optimized for your weapon and more interesting fights with normal enemies in the different areas.

Lastly Jedi Fallen order offers better visuals and more customization.

Whatever game you choose to buy, I recommend waiting for sale since I don’t believe they are worth the full price.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. What game do you think is better and why? Write down your opinion in the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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Best Anime to Watch in Summer 2020

Best Anime to Watch in Summer 2020

1. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Kan

Because of the corona virus this anime got delayed and it went from Spring 2020 to Summer 2020.

It’s the third season of the popular anime. For those of you that haven’t heard of this anime before, the story follows Hachiman Hikigaya an apathetic high school student with narcissistic and semi-nihilistic tendencies. Hachiman believes that joyful youth is nothing but a farce, and everyone who says otherwise is just lying to themselves. 

As a punishment for an essay that he wrote in class, mocking modern social relationships Hachiman’s teacher forces him to join the Volunteer Service Club. The club aims to extend a helping hand to any student who seeks their support in achieving their goals.

Hachiman is one of the most well-written anime characters I have seen and I wholeheartedly recommend you give this anime a chance.

2. Sword Art Online: Alicization – War of Underworld 2nd Season

Another delayed anime from the Spring Season.

I don’t believe that there is a single anime fan that has never heard of Sword Art Online before.

War of Underworld 2nd Season concludes the Alicization storyline and so far I believe the Alicization storyline is the best storyline of Sword Art Online since the original first season of the anime.

Sword Art Online is an anime that brings controversy since anime fans will either love it or hate it. I personally like this anime and I would recommend it to anyone that likes anime.

3. The God of High School

There is a new trend nowadays to make Webtoons into anime and I support it all the way.

Tower of God was one of my favorite anime last season and I am looking forward to watching this one too.

God of High School is a very popular Webtoon that has been going for many years.

The story is about a fighting tournament, and the purpose of that tournament is to find the strongest fighter among all the high school students in Korea. The protagonist is Mori Jin who has knowledge of Taekwondo that learns that there is a bigger purpose for this tournament.

4. Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou

The second season of Fire Force (the English name). I watched the first season and I have to say that it is an anime that is worth watching.

It has the typical shonen feel, but it’s still good enough to keep people that have watched a lot of similar anime interested.

5. Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season

The second season of Re: Zero. I watched the first season a few months ago. It is a very good anime, even though you can get frustrated with the protagonist at times.

The power of the protagonist is very interesting and it’s something you don’t see often in anime.

The anime has high ratings from reviewers and it is surely something that won’t disappoint.

6. Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e

It’s the only anime in this list that is new and not a continuation. By coincidence, I stumbled upon the manga of this anime a few months ago and it picked my interest.

I watched the first episode yesterday and I have to say that some things from the manga that I thought were important were skipped. I don’t know if they will be added in the future, but I think that it wasn’t a good decision to skip them.

Those things that were skipped help the viewer that hasn’t read the manga to get a better understanding of what’s going on.

Beyond this, I believe that it was a good first episode and I look forward to watching the next episodes. I hope they don’t skip important staff again.

That’s it for my list. I hope you found some good anime here. Do you think there is an anime that should be on the list? Which is your most anticipated anime for this season?  Write your thoughts on the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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Dark Souls Remastered PC Review

Dark Souls Remastered PC Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls Remastered. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Dark Souls Remastered PC Review


Dark Souls Remastered has an interesting storyline and you understand more of what’s going on compared to Dark Souls 3.

You won’t understand everything since they purposely made some things a little ambiguous.

I am not sure whether I should recommend this game to people that want a good storyline in their games. I will just say this if you like to discover the story on your own through reading item descriptions, talking to NPCs, and watching the environment then this game is for you.

If you want a more straightforward story with a lot of cutscenes and dialogue then you might not enjoy the story of this game so much.


The gameplay of Dark Souls Remastered feels more restricted than other Dark Souls games. For example, you can only roll in four directions, you can’t roll diagonally. This makes the game a little harder, but it’s more annoying than hard in my opinion.

Also, there isn’t any skill point reset method so you have to have clear goals in mind before you start putting points in skills cause you might waste a lot of them if you make a wrong decision. That happened to me since I played Dark Souls 3 before Dark Souls Remastered and I expected for Dark Souls Remastered to have a skill reset method like Dark Souls 3 so I wasn’t very careful about distributing my skill points at first.

If you don’t have any previous experience from any Dark Souls games, I have to warn you, this game doesn’t hold hands. You have to figure out where you have to go and what you have to do through dialogue with the NPCs.

There is no map for you to see and you just have to explore the areas to figure out the way to the bosses.

As for the items and equipment you can use, there is a lot of variety and you will surely find a weapon and armor that you will like.

The enemies have a lot of variety too since each area has unique enemies for you to fight. The bosses are interesting and you have to figure out their attack patterns in order to win.

Now let’s talk about replayability and difficulty. The game has a lot of replayability since it has a lot of classes for you to choose and since there are a lot of weapons and armor there are a lot of different builds you can try.

The difficulty of the game for me isn’t very high. It is a little more difficult than any other game is on nightmare mode.

For me, this game is more frustrating than difficult and the thing that is frustrating is the bonfire(checkpoint) placement. Sometimes you have to walk for 1-2 minutes just to get back to the boss. This for me makes no sense. It doesn’t add more difficulty to the game, it just makes it frustrating. I think FromSoftware understood that this makes no sense and in their latest games the bonfire placement is right next to the boss area.


The visuals of Dark Souls Remastered aren’t something special. They are improved over the original games’ visuals but not enough. I used Reshade to change some of the visuals to make the game more appealing and I have to say just changing a few things with Reshade makes the game actually look like a remaster.

Although I can do something like this, I don’t believe everyone that gets the game wants to download a program like this and spend time fine-tuning the visuals. I have to review the game based on what they offer, not on what I or someone else can do to improve upon the visuals.

The customization that this game offers for me ends on the character creation. Even though you can change the clothes you wear, if you care about the armor stats you have to get used to the appearance of the armor that comes with those stats.

There is no item transmogrification system, meaning that you are not able to change the appearance of any armor or weapon you have to the appearance of another weapon or armor you have gotten in the game and keep the item’s stats.

Final Thoughts

Dark Souls Remastered is a good game but it’s not for everyone. If you want a straightforward storytelling then this might not be a game for you. Also the controls feel a little clunky and you can tell it’s an old game not just from the looks but from the game mechanics and way your character and the enemies move.

You will get frustrated playing this game(just the bonfire placement can make you throw the controller if you don’t have a lot of mental endurance). As I said this game isn’t frustrating because it’s difficult, it’s frustrating because of design choices like bonfire placements.

The visuals aren’t helping either. The game look very dated and for many players that want to immerse in the game, this might be a deal breaker.

If you are going to get this game then I recommend that you wait for a sale since for me it isn’t worth the full price on steam, if you compare it to games that released in recent years.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8.8

Gameplay: 8.5

Visuals: 7.5

General Rating: 8.3

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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Detroit: Become Human PC Review

Detroit: Become Human

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Detroit: Become Human. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Detroit: Become Human


The storyline of Detroit: Become Human is the reason you get the game since its an adventure game. Your choices and actions impact the story in a significant way.

Each and every thing you do in the game counts. Even things you might consider not important can severely impact the future of many characters.

There are many different ending to the game depending on your choices and actions. It’s interesting to see how things would play out if you made different choices.

It will take multiple playthroughs in order to view all the possible outcomes.

I have to say this game has one of the best stories I have ever experienced in games. If you want a story-driven game where your actions matter then this is a must-have.


There aren’t many things to say about the gameplay. This is an adventure game so most of the gameplay is quick-time events and interacting with objects and people in the world that all those interactions are part of the story and impact the future of your characters.

The quick-time events are entertaining and fun when they happen. Most of the time they happen during combat scenes and if you play at the advanced difficulty level then you will probably miss some of the buttons that the game wants you to press.

So beyond the things I mentioned above there isn’t any other gameplay that I can talk about.


The visuals of this game are astonishing. This game has top tier graphics and this helps to make the story even more immersive.

There isn’t any customization in this game except a few minor things that the game wants you to decide about. For me, that doesn’t matter at all and it doesn’t take away from the masterpiece that this game is.

I really have nothing more to say about the graphics beyond what I said. One thing to consider though is that to be able to fully enjoy the graphics you must have a strong GPU since this game requires a lot of power to run.

Final Thoughts

Here are the things I want you to keep from this article.

First, this game has an amazing story and it’s one of the best stories you will see in games. Your decision impact the story significantly and even the smallest things matter.

Second, this is a story-driven adventure game so there is no gameplay besides quick time events and interacting with some people and items (all interactions are part of the story so you can’t interact with everything).

Third, the visuals are amazing and they are of the highest quality as of the making of this article.

If you are into adventure games and want to enjoy an amazing story with top-notch graphics then this a game you should definitely check out.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 10.0

Gameplay: 8.7

Visuals: 9.8

General Rating: 9.5

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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