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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice vs Code Vein – The Definitive Comparison

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice vs Code Vein

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and Code Vein. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


The stories in both games are very good. I enjoyed both stories but personally I believe Sekiro had a better story. I believe this comes down to personay l preference so you might enjoy Code Vein’s story more.

Objectivly both stories are well written so whatever game you choose, I believe you won’t be dissapointed by the story.


The main difference between Sekiro and Code Vein is the way they approach combat. In Sekiro in order to beat an enemy, you have to stay close to him and keep parrying his attacks in order to beat him. In Code Vein, you can parry too but it’s not essential to beat an enemy.

I personally never used parry in Code Vein and I had no problem in beating enemies or bosses. In Sekiro, I believe it’s very hard or close to impossible to beat the game without ever using parry.

I prefer the way Sekiro approaches combat, forcing you to parry enemies to beat them. Now as I said Code Vein has parry too but it’s similar to Dark Souls parry system meaning it doesn’t work the same as Sekiro or even close to it. I don’t like this kind of parry system and that’s why I never use parry in any Dark Souls type games.

As for the weapons you can use, in Sekiro you can only use your katana and some ninja tools(the number of times you can use them in combat is limited). Code Vein, on the other hand, lets you pick the weapon you prefer.

Again I prefer Sekiro here too and I will give you the reason for it. I may be overpraising Sekiro because it’s my favorite single-player game, but there is one more reason that I like Sekiro’s combat more.

Because the developers decided that the players would only be able to use a single weapon they had more time to focus on optimizing the combat experience against enemies and bosses with that weapon, making the fights more entertaining and balanced.

When a game gives you the option to choose different types of weapons the developers have to balance each weapon so no matter the weapon you are using you will have around the same difficulty beating the game.

That takes a lot of time and doesn’t allow time to optimize combat against enemies with every single weapon available. Also, I always use swords/katanas in these types of games so I would still use a katana even if I had more options. You can say that this game was made for people like me.

If you don’t really like playing with the same weapon for the whole duration of the game then I would recommend picking Code Vein.

The last things that I will talk about in this section are the difficulty of each game and the bosses. I don’t believe there is a comparison here. Sekiro is a lot more difficult than Code Vein. Also, the difficulty of Code Vein depends on the build you are using so some people might find it easier than others but I don’t believe that any build can make Code Vein more difficult than Sekiro.

Furthermore, the bosses in Sekiro are more exciting or you could say more frustrating to fight against than Code Vein because of the reason that I mentioned above(meaning that the enemies in Sekiro are optimized for fights against a single weapon).


The visuals are very good in both games. Although the games have different visual styles, Code Vein is more anime like while Sekiro chooses a more realistic approach, both games look great in their own way.

As for customization, Sekiro has zero customization options to change the appearance of the character while Code Vein has more options since you can create your own character and add different accessories to him/her.

In the visual section, I believe its a tie when it comes to the graphics and when it comes to character customization Code Vein wins.

Final Thoughts

I believe you have figured out by now that I like Sekiro more than Code Vein and I think I explained the reasons clearly. That doesn’t mean that I don’t like Code Vein too. I like both games, I just prefer Sekiro.

The reasons that I think Sekiro is a better choice are subjective for the most part since some people might not like to parry all the time and might prefer to dodge. Also, some people might not like playing with the same weapon all the time.

If you like parrying instead of dodging, you don’t mind playing with the same weapon all the time(with the bonus that enemies and bosses are better optimized against that weapon and fights are more exciting) and you want a more difficult game then pick Sekiro, else pick Code Vein.

The storylines are around the same level so I won’t bother putting them into consideration.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Dark Souls 3 vs Code Vein – The Definitive Comparison

Dark Souls 3 vs Code Vein

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls 3 and Code Vein. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


First let’s talk about the storytelling of Dark Souls 3.

Dark Souls 3 storytelling is very confusing, to say the least. I swear before I watched a video on YouTube explaining the story of Dark Souls 3, I had no idea what the story was about or why I did the things I did in the game.

Now to be fair I haven’t played the other Dark Souls games, I have only played Dark Souls 3 but I can’t really use this as an excuse for Dark Souls 3 since I have played other sequels of games that I hadn’t played the original but I still understood what was going on and why.

From what I read in Dark Souls 3 you are supposed to learn the story through reading item descriptions and dialogue from NPCs and you still only learned half, the other half is guessing and theorizing.

I can respect their decision to write a game’s story that way but I can’t say that I am a fan of it.

I prefer to play a game like watching a movie with dialogue and cinematics, the game can still have other story things hinted through item descriptions, but I want to understand the story through watching cinematics and through dialogues.

I prefer the “show don’t tell” approach and Dark Souls 3 prefers the “tell don’t show” approach.

As for Code Vein. He has the typical storytelling approach. It tells the story through dialogues and cinematics and you don’t have any difficulty understanding what’s going on and why.

Both stories are good in their own way and I believe this comes down to personal preference. If you want to discover the story by finding items and reading their descriptions and talking to NPCs then Dark Souls 3 is the game for you.

If you want to enjoy the story through cinematics and voiced dialogue then go with Code Vein.


In Dark Souls 3 you have access to a variety of weapons but because of that, the enemies couldn’t be optimized for fights against a specific weapon so they have a more neutral approach.

Code Vein has a lot of similarities with Dark Souls 3 in this aspect as it was inspired by it. I have to say both games feel the same when it comes to melee combat. Code Vein has less variety when it comes to weapons. The weapons that are available to you in Code Vein aren’t as unique as the weapons in Dark Souls 3.

Furthermore, Code Vein takes some steps in the right direction taking the Dark Souls formula a step further. The thing that I am talking about is the minimap.

Now before you say this is a thing for casuals and all that bs, listen to me.

I have finished Sekiro 13 times and 4 of those I beat it in the hardest possible settings meaning ng+7 with demon bell active and without Kuro’s charm so I believe I can consider myself a hardcore player.

The reason that I believe that adding a minimap to Dark Souls formula is a step in the right direction that I don’t like exploring areas to find all the items that I might need in the future. I find it boring and a waste of time.

Some areas in Dark Souls games also feel like mazes and it takes a lot of time to make sure you found every item. Having a minimap that shows with marking the areas that you visited saves a whole lot of time.

Some of you might not have jobs or other things to do but for people that don’t have a lot of hours in a day to play games, it helps them save time from finding items or exploring the area in general because some areas make it very difficult to even find out where you should go.

As for the bosses that you will face in those 2 games I have to say that both games have interesting bosses that you will enjoy fighting. Sometimes maybe you will hate the experience of fighting them because of how many times they killed you.

I don’t believe both games did a good job in the bosses department and neither one surpasses the other when it comes to bosses.

Lastly, let’s talk about difficulty. In both games, your build and class plays an important role in how difficult you will find the enemies but in general, I believe both games offer the same challenge.

I know many people might disagree with me but that’s my honest opinion.

Both games give you the optinion to play Co-Op too so you can enjoy playing with friends if you want to.

One thing that Dark Souls 3 has and Code Vein hasn’t is PvP, but since it’s peer-to-peer the connection depends on the distance between you and the person you face and some times you will have a lot of lag.

I personally hated the PvP cause of the lag. I gave up on it after 20 games or so.


When it comes to visuals the best choice is Code Vein. I know that it came 3 years after Dark Souls 3 but it’s just how it is.

Dark Souls 3 looks good too but Code Vein just looks better.

An important part of the visuals is the customizations a game offers when it comes to character appearance. In that aspect Code Vein wins easily. It has the best character creation system I have ever seen in a game.

The only negative thing is that Code Vein didn’t improve upon the Dark Souls formula in this aspect too, meaning that there isn’t any clothes transmogrification system. This system would make the game even better for me since you might like the stats of some blood veil(armor’s name in Code Vein), but if you don’t like the appearance, without transmogrification, you are stuck with that appearance.

Final Thoughts

Code Vein and Dark Souls 3 have a lot of similarities and it might be hard to decide which of these 2 games to choose. I don’t think that you should decide based on gameplay because there is little difference in that.

The decision for me comes down to what storytelling you prefer. I personally loved the story of Code Vein and if I had to choose one of the 2 games right now I would choose Code Vein just for the story.

As I said don’t expect much difference when It comes to gameplay. Sure the classes work a little different in each game but when it comes down to fighting enemies both games feel the same.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which is the best game for you.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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League of Legends vs Dota 2 – The Definitive Comparison

League of Legends vs Dota 2

Hi guys! Today I will talk about League of Legends and Dota 2. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


First I will talk about the storyline or we could call it lore of League of Legends. Riot has invested a lot of time and effort in the lore of League of Legends. Each character has its own backstory that makes him unique and the world of League of Legends has each own lore.

I think this is something that LoL has an advantage over Dota 2 since the lore of Dota 2 isn’t something that will catch your eye. Most of the lore is open-ended for the reader to decide what is really true. There is some backstory behind each of the heroes Dota 2 but the heroes don’t feel as unique and interesting as the champions of League of Legends.

Of course, the importance of the backstory of the game is different for each person. Some people are extremely interested in the backstory and the world of the game that they are playing and others don’t really care much.

If you really care about backstory then League of Legends is the game for you.


The main difference is that Dota 2 is more complex than League of Legends and it is much harder to get the hang of it. I will explain why that is the case in this section as I will compare both games in many different aspects.

I won’t go into a lot of details about the gameplay. We have detailed reviews about both games on our website so you can read them if you want more details about the gameplay.

Both games are MOBAs and they have a lot of similarities in their gameplay. The objectives of both games are more or less the same but they have some differences.

One of the differences is the size of their map. Dota 2 has a larger map than League of Legends. That translates to a longer average duration of games compared to League of Legends.

That isn’t necessarily good or bad. Just like the lore, this also depends on the preferences of each person that plays the game.

Another difference is the balancing of the champions/heroes in both games. League of Legends is more restrictive when it comes to balancing. That means that champions have more clearer limits in what they can do compared to Dota 2.

Again this isn’t necessarily good or bad, but I personally prefer the way Dota 2 handles its heroes. I believe that a strict balancing system takes away from the fun of the game. Having heroes with abilities that can give them the power to 1vs5 the enemy team is extremely fun and puts an interesting new element in how you strategize to win the game.

In Dota 2 I remember winning a game 2vs5 with literally 3 people on my team going AFK and we still won thanks to the op abilities of the hero that my teammate had. This can’t happen in League of Legends except if you intentionally put 5 Bronze players with 2 Challenger players as opponents.

The way that Dota 2 handles its heroes extends to the items that you are able to purchase in the game. The items have some amazing and unique actives that can change the flow of the game.

League of Legends also has items with actives but there are nowhere near as impactful in the flow of the game as the items in Dota 2 and when an item reaches becomes so impactful, they immediately nerf it.

I guess you can say the developers of both games have different philosophies on how their game should be.

One more difference is that in Dota 2 you can’t teleport back to base to restore hp and mana unless you buy a scroll(which has a cooldown) and you have to use a courier most of the time to transport the items you need to get from the base.

In League of Legends, you can just press a button and teleport to base after a few seconds.

My personal opinion is that League of Legends is made for more casual players than Dota 2 since its easier to get into for a new player.

The last difference that I will mention is the business model of both games when it comes to champion/hero availability.

In Dota 2 all the heroes are unlocked from the moment you start the game but in League of Legends, you have to purchase each champion(with in-game currency that you get by playing the game) to be able to play them. There are free champions that you can play each week but you can’t play them in Ranked unless you purchase them


Both games have similar quality when it comes to visuals. It’s hard to say which game has the better graphics. So I will leave it for you to decide.

When I talk about visuals I think I should mention skins. Both games have skins for the champions/heroes though League of Legends skins are of higher quality cause they are made from the developers of the game while the skins in Dota 2 are made from the community. Because of that, the prices of League of Legends skins are higher than Dota 2 skins.

Final Thoughts

Both games are good in their own way. As I said the philosophies of the developers when it comes to what is good and what is bad, differ so you have to decide what you prefer and what is more enjoyable for you.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Best Anime to Watch in Spring 2020

Best Anime to Watch in Spring 2020

Hi guys! Today I will recommend to you, anime that are coming out in the Spring Season of 2020 that I think you should check out. This list will contain 7 anime with no particular order. Now let’s begin:

1. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Kan

It’s the third season of the popular anime. For those of you that haven’t heard of this anime before, the story follows Hachiman Hikigaya an apathetic high school student with narcissistic and semi-nihilistic tendencies. Hachiman believes that joyful youth is nothing but a farce, and everyone who says otherwise is just lying to themselves. 

As a punishment for an essay that he wrote in class, mocking modern social relationships Hachiman’s teacher forces him to join the Volunteer Service Club. The club aims to extend a helping hand to any student who seeks their support in achieving their goals.

Hachiman is one of the most well-written anime characters I have seen and I wholeheartedly recommend you give this anime a chance.

2. Sword Art Online: Alicization – War of Underworld 2nd Season

I don’t believe that there is a single anime fan that has never heard of Sword Art Online before.

War of Underworld 2nd Season concludes the Alicization storyline and so far I believe the Alicization storyline is the best storyline of Sword Art Online since the original first season of the anime.

Sword Art Online is an anime that brings controversy since anime fans will either love it or hate it. I personally like this anime and I would recommend it to anyone that likes anime.

3. Shokugeki no Souma: Gou no Sara

You may know it as Food Wars! One thing is for certain Shokugeki no Souma is one of the most popular anime series right now and this spring its fifth season will be released.

For those of you that don’t know the plot, here is a short summary.

Souma Yukihira ever since he was a child he helped his father in his restaurant cooking amazing dishes. He dreams that one day he will own his family’s restaurant as its head chef.

Things don’t go as planned since his father decides to close the family restaurant in order to test his cooking abilities in restaurants around the world and he decides to send Souma to Tootsuki Culinary Academy, an elite cooking school where only 10 percent of the students graduate.

In this Academy, his cooking abilities will be tested since the Academy is famous for its “Shokugeki”, where students face each other in intense cooking fights.

4. Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle

This is the first anime in this list that isn’t a new season of an already known anime.

Here is a Synopsis:

A long time ago, there is an ancient legend revolving around two figures, the White Maiden of the Sky; represented by the White Cat, and the Black Prince of Darkness; represented by the Black Cat. At the same time, a war between the demons and the guardians of light took place, with the demons led by the Black King of Darkness attacking the lands in the sky. The Black Prince however, despite the wishes of the Black King, defied his orders and falls in love with the White Maiden, in hopes that their union would end the war. Both were not meant to meet and love each other as the war ravaged the world around the land and the skies.

Several millennia after the war, in a world consisting of numerous isles, a young hero from the Astora Isle encounters the adventurer Kyle and follows him on an expedition on the isle. They meet a mysterious girl named Iris and a talking white cat named Catra, and together they make their way to the isle’s ruins, where they find a flying island. Kyle becomes consumed by darkness there, and the party resolves to travel to the ends of the world on the flying island in order to find the seven “Great Runes”, following Kyle’s words before he disappeared.

Upon their adventures towards finding the Runes, both the hero and Iris start to fill the pieces, meeting friends and enemies and discovering their true identities.

Synopsis Source:

That’s it for my list. I hope you found some good anime here. Do you think there is an anime that should be on the list? Which is your most anticipated anime for this season?  Write your thoughts on the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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Sekiro Shadows die Twice vs Dark Souls 3 – The Definitive Comparison

Sekiro Shadows die Twice vs Dark Souls 3 - The Definitive Comparison

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and Dark Souls 3. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


I know that a lot will say that my opinion is subjective, but no one can truly be objective about what is good storytelling in a game since different people like different things.

Dark Souls 3 storytelling is very confusing, to say the least. I swear before I watched a video on YouTube explaining the story of Dark Souls 3 I had no idea what the story was about or why I did the things I did in the game.

Now to be fair I haven’t played the other Dark Souls games, I have only played Dark Souls 3 but I can’t really use this as an excuse for Dark Souls 3 since I also played Witcher 3 and I hadn’t played any of the other Witcher games but I still understood what the story of Witcher 3 was about.

From what I read in Dark Souls 3 you are supposed to learn the story through reading item descriptions and dialogue from NPCs and you still only learned half, the other half is guessing and theorizing.

I can respect their decision to write a game’s story that way but I can’t say that I am a fan of it.

I prefer to play a game like watching a movie with dialogue and cinematics, the game can still have other story things hinted through item descriptions like Sekiro does, but I want to understand the story through watching cinematics and through dialogues.

I prefer the “show don’t tell” approach and Dark Souls 3 prefers the “tell don’t show” approach.

Sekiro has a more standard storytelling approach and you can understand most of the story through dialogue and cinematics.

There are also things hinted in item descriptions but you still can understand the majority of the story through dialogues and cinematics. So in the story department, I have to go with Sekiro, but I still have to say that my opinion is subjective, I analyzed the differences so you can decide what you prefer.


The main difference is that Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice focuses more on the action combat while Dark Souls 3 has a clear focus on the RPG elements. I will explain the differences in more detail in this section, I just wanted to mention the major difference before I begin.

So let’s begin.

In Sekiro your weapon throughout the whole game is a katana and the enemies have been optimized for the best possible fights using that weapon, making for more unique combat experience.

In Dark Souls 3 you have access to a variety of weapons but because of that, the enemies couldn’t be optimized for fights against a specific weapon so they have a more neutral approach.

Now there are goods and bads in both situations.

Firstly, in Sekiro, the good thing as I said is that you have a more unique combat experience since the enemies have been optimized for fights with your specific weapon, and that makes the fights more interesting.

The negative is that many people will find boring playing with the same weapon the whole game, and since there aren’t many different builds you can play in Sekiro using different weapons it doesn’t have as good replayability as Dark Souls 3.

As for Dark Souls 3, having different weapons and builds sure improves the replayability of the game but the weapons you choose heavily affect your experience of the game since the enemies couldn’t be optimized for a specific weapon.

What I mean is that depending on the weapon you use, you will find the game either more difficult or less difficult because some weapons are easier to use than others and some weapons make the fights so easy that you barely need to put effort to beat some bosses.

You need to decide what’s better for you, to have more replayability or more unique fights with enemies that are optimized to fight you with the weapon you use.

I choose the second.

One more thing that I have to say that is important for those that like multiplayer is that Dark Souls 3 has co-op mode and PvP (through PvP uses P2P connection and that means that your connection speed and how far you are from the other player heavily affects the gameplay and can make the fights extremely laggy).

Sekiro doesn’t have multiplayer at all, so no co-op, nor PvP.


Here there isn’t much to say. Sekiro has better graphics which isn’t something unexpected since the game came out 3 years after Dark Souls 3.

Of course, Dark Souls 3 has more outfits for you to choose from, but since you can’t transmute them their stats, most times you will be forced to wear things you don’t like just because they have good stats.

Final Thoughts

Both games are amazing and they have strong and weak points. I would recommend playing them both but if you have to choose one then my personal recommendation is Sekiro.

Sekiro takes Dark Souls’ combat a step further and makes it something unique. I haven’t seen anything close to Sekiro’s combat system except Fallen Order’s combat system, which has taken a lot of inspiration from Sekiro. Sekiro has hands down the best and most fluid combat I have ever seen in a game and it truly deserved the Game of the Year award.

This is it, guys. I hope you found the article informative and that I helped you decide which of the 2 games to buy.

Write in the comments below if you agree or disagree with what I said and if you think I forgot something. See ya in the next article.

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Dark Souls 3 vs Witcher 3 – The Definitive Comparison

Dark Souls 3 vs Witcher 3

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Dark Souls 3 and Witcher 3. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


Both games have interesting stories but they tell these stories in a different way. Witcher 3 has a more straightforward approach to storytelling meaning that everything that you need to know to understand what’s going on is explained to you through dialog.

Dark Souls 3 tells the story of the game in a less straightforward way. You have to read item descriptions watch some things in the environment and talk to different NPCs to understand half of what’s going on the other half is just guessing.

So this comes down to preference and what way of storytelling you like. I prefer the Witcher 3 storytelling because I don’t find it fun to read item descriptions to understand a portion of what’s going on and possibly search for things on the internet to understand the rest. I want the game to tell you the story through dialog and cinematics and Dark Souls 3 has very little of that.


The main difference is that Witcher 3 is an open-world game while Dark Souls 3 offers a more linear experience meaning one area leads to another. Which one is better is up to you to decide since it comes down to personal preference.

Dark Souls 3 and Witcher 3 have different mechanics when it comes to gameplay. Dark Souls combat feels more laconic giving you fewer options than Witcher 3 combat.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t say that Dark Souls 3 doesn’t offer you a lot of freedom on what builds you use and what abilities you use. I am saying that once you decide a build and abilities, your options in combat with that build are very limited. Witcher 3 offers more variety in combat in my opinion.

Now that is not necessarily a bad thing because having fewer options means that you have to find a way to utilize what you have available in the best way possible and it also makes combat harder and more hardcore.

This also comes down to preference since different people prefer different things and some may want a more hardcore combat style and some may want a combat style that offers more variety.

As for the weapons you have available, the clear winner here is Dark Souls 3 since it has an abundance of weapons for you to choose while in Witcher 3 you only use swords and periodically a crossbow.

When it comes to the enemies you will face I believe it’s a draw. Dark Souls 3 offers better bosses with very unique combat styles while Witcher 3 offers better enemies that you will find out in the world as you roam and take missions from people.

The good thing about Witcher 3 that I haven’t seen in any other game is that you have to prepare different options depending on what monster you hunt.

Both games have challenging and interesting enemies for you to fight. I believe Dark Souls 3 is a little more challenging than Witcher 3.

Let’s talk about content now. Witcher 3 wins this easily. Witcher 3 feels endless. I remember I saw a video last year about a dialogue that happened when you did a specific thing in the game and that was discovered 4 years after the game was released.

Finally, I have to mention replayability since it’s very important in these types of games. I believe Dark Souls 3 has a lot more replayability since it not only gets harder in each NG+ cycle till NG+7, but it also has a ton of different builds for you to try since it allows you to distribute your stat points however you want and also reset your stats. So, for example, you can change from a mage to a swordsman in the same game cycle.


Witcher 3 is the clear winner when it comes to visuals the game looks gorgeous even with today’s standards. Dark Souls 3 offers some beautiful locations but it’s nowhere close to Witcher 3.

Witcher 3 being an open-world game has a clear advantage when it comes to visuals and it uses that advantage to the fullest.

As for the customization I have to say that I am disappointed with both games. Even though both games offer different armor styles you can’t really use them all because most of them won’t work well with your build or aren’t good enough. So even if you find a cool looking armor, chances it won’t work well with your build.

I really hoped that these games would offer an equipment transmogrification system, meaning that you would be able to make armor sets or weapons look like other armor sets and weapons but keep the stats as they are.

Final Thoughts

Dark Souls 3 and Witcher 3 are some of the best single-player games ever made and no matter which of them you choose, you will get a great game. I mentioned that both games have great stories even though they choose to tell their stories in q different way.

They both have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to gameplay and finally in the visuals department Witcher 3 wins.

Personally, it’s hard to decide which game is the best. It truly depends on what you are looking for. If you look for a more hardcore experience then Dark Souls 3 is the game for you, even though Witcher 3 in it’s hardest difficult is very challenging too.

If you want more casual storytelling and not to be forced to read every item description to understand half of what it’s going on, then you have to choose Witcher 3.

For more interesting bosses then you have to choose Dark Souls 3, and for more interesting enemies in the world of the game, you have to choose Witcher 3.

I hope I helped you choose what’s the best game for you.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. What game do you think is better and why? Write down your opinion in the comments below. See ya in the next article.

You can support us and get notified when we post a new article by following us on Twitter, liking our Facebook Page and sharing our articles.

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Destiny 2 vs Division 2 – The Definitive Comparison

Destiny 2 vs Division 2

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Destiny 2 and Tom Clancy’s: The Division 2. I will do a comparison between them and I will let you be the judge of which game is better. First I will talk about the storyline of those 2 games, then I will talk about the difference or similarities in their gameplay, and lastly, I will compare the visuals and tell you my final thoughts. Now let’s begin.


Both games have solid and interesting stories. Division 2 has a more realistic story since it’s based on reality and Destiny 2 has a more sci-fi story with aliens and futuristic space battles. For me, it comes down to personal taste here since both stories are good and which is better solely depends on what you prefer a more realistic story or a sci-fi story.

So the storyline comparison is a draw.


Destiny 2 is an FPS game while Division 2 is a Third-Person Shooter. Both games require you to play tactical and cooperate with your team to win.

Destiny 2 has a lot more weapons for you to choose from which gives more variety to the gameplay. Personally, with Division 2 I didn’t find a lot of variety in the weapons department. Many weapons felt similar.

Now I guess the reason for this may be that Destiny 2 since it’s a sci-fi game it has more freedom to make a lot of different kinds of weapons and they don’t need to be realistic while The Division 2 has to make weapons that are close to reality.

I don’t know if that’s the reason that Destiny 2 has more variety but this is my best guess.

Another thing that Destiny 2 offers more than Division 2 is the sheer amount of content. Destiny 2 offers the first 2 years of content completely for free while you have to pay to get The Division 2 and it has less content than Destiny 2 New Light which again it’s completely free.

Some will say that Destiny 2 was released 2 years earlier than Division 2 and that is the reason why it has more content than the Division 2. It is true but this is a comparison between 2 games as they are right now and Destiny 2 offers more content and that’s undeniable.

Next, let’s compare the difficulty of both games. I believe both games have around the same level of difficulty and offer a great challenge to the players.

As for the enemies, Destiny 2 offers again more variety. It has more types of enemies and that happens because it is around for more time and it has already many expansions.

Lastly, let’s talk about PvP. I believe that here the winner is Destiny 2. Don’t get me wrong Destiny 2 PvP is far from perfect but it’s more balanced than Division 2 PvP. It also has more PvP modes than Division 2.

Personally I wouldn’t recommend getting any of these games for the PvP because they will never be truly balanced in that department since they are both RPG. If you want any of these games then do that for the PvE.

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Both games have amazing graphics. Division 2 has somewhat better graphics since it was released 2 years after Destiny 2 but Destiny offers more beautiful and unique locations for you to visit. In Division 2 you are trapped in a city so you will mainly see city buildings and that’s as far as it goes.

So even if Division 2 has a little better graphics it can’t take advantage of that due to the premise of the game.

Moreover, Destiny 2 offers a lot more customization options than Division 2. Destiny 2 has more color options for your gear and you can access them more easily than in Division 2.

Having more options to change your appearance is a crucial part in RPG cause the reason you play them is to make your own character and everyone wants to look cool so more options mean more chances for you to find something you like.

Final Thoughts

I think I pointed out the differences between both games and the positives and negatives that both games have. You may believe that I try to make Destiny 2 look better but what I say is my honest opinion. I started from Division 1 then went to Division 2 and lastly, I played Destiny 2.

If you read my review of those games you will see that I don’t play favorites. Personally I rarely play FPS games cause I don’t like the first-person point of view. That’s why it took me a lot of time to try Destiny 2 and I didn’t believe that I will like it so much.

I didn’t play as much Division 2 as Destiny 2. Mainly because I felt what I saw at Division 2 I had seen before and it didn’t have something to pick my interest.

I started playing Destiny 2 last week and in a week I had played more than 60 hours. It was so intriguing and the best thing about it is that all of it was free. I haven’t gotten the expansion yet.

I paid 35 euro to get Division 2 and it truly wasn’t worth it for me. I thought I would love it since I loved the previous game which I played for over 110 hours but it wasn’t the case.

Destiny 2 just offers more for far less. One more thing to consider is the player base since you need people to play in games like these and you also need a clan. Division 2 is a game that is dying while Destiny 2 has one of the biggest player bases on Steam. It’s in the top 10. It also costs 0 dollars to play the New Light version of the game which offers the first 2 years of content for free.

That’s it for my article guys. I hope you liked it. What game do you think is better and why? Write down your opinion in the comments below. See ya in the next article.

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Destiny 2 New Light Review

Destiny 2 New Light Review

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Destiny 2 New Light. As always, the review will have four parts, firstly I will talk about the storyline, then about the gameplay, afterward, I will talk about the visuals and finally, I will tell you my personal thoughts and give you a rating for the game from 0-10 (10 being the best).

Destiny 2 New Light Review


Destiny 2 New Light’s story includes the campaign from the base game plus the campaign from the game’s first and second expansions.

The story took me 8 hours to finish, though I have to say I rushed it meaning I fought enemies only when it was required to progress and I also was overleved because to do the story you have to meet a specific NPC to get the three campaign quests and since I was so overwhelmed with the number of things you can do in the game it took me a few days to meet that NPC.

The story of Destiny 2 New Light which as I said includes the campaign from the base game plus the campaign from the first two expansions, is solid. It isn’t something that is amazing and it will leave you speechless nor is it something bad.

It’s good for what it is with a few funny interactions. For me, the story is good because it helps set up the things that happen in the game and the world of Destiny but it’s not something I am deeply invested in.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t play the first game so if you played the first game maybe you will have a different experience from me.


This is where Destiny 2 truly shines. Before I go into further detail I have to say I am not the type of person that loves FPS games. I rarely play fps games as you can see from my reviews. I generally prefer third-person games and if the game is a shooter then I prefer it to be third person.

I thought of trying Destiny 2 New Light because it was free and it had positive comments from gamers so I thought about giving it a try.

I really didn’t expect the game to be this fun. There are three classes in this game which are the Titan(the tanky class), the Hunter(the assassin class) and the Warlock(the mage class that can provide support).

Each of those classes have three subclasses and each of those subclasses has three subclasses (2 of them are available in New Light since the third subclass is available only in the Shadowkeep expansion).

The classes in the game feel different and unique in their playstyle and this is also the case for the guns. The game has a huge variety of guns for you to use and all of them feel different and you won’t feel like you use the same gun all the time even if it’s the same gun type.

Destiny 2 is an FPS RPG which means that you have to play the same kind of quests, again and again, to get better loot. I have played 57 hours till the moment I write this review and I have to say I don’t feel bored at all from the game. The game has so many things for you to do that you will never feel like you have nothing to do.

There are a ton of Quests, Adventures, Raids, Strikes and even if you finish all that you can also play some of them in more difficult modes that are really challenging and different kinds of enemies spawn on the higher difficulty modes.

I have played 57 hours and I still haven’t done a single Raid, but I still never felt like I had nothing to do. The main reason being that you have to find 5 more people to do a Raid and there is no matchmaking so I recommend entering an active clan.

The things that are most challenging in this game are the Raids and the Nightfall Strikes(Nightfall Strikes are the more challenging version of normal Strikes). Both of these require you to adapt your gear and have good cooperation with your team to succeed. This is where the game truly shines.

Besides the PvE content which will take hours upon hours to finish there is also the PvP content which in the game can be found in the Crucible. PvP also has competitive modes with rankings.

If you want a mix of both you can play in Gambit matches which have a mix of PvP and PvE.

The content on Destiny 2 New Light is truly huge and it will take at least 100 hours to begin to feel that you have done everything to a point where you don’t feel like doing them again and this is for those that can’t play the same game for a long period of months because for those people that like to experiment with builds the game is endless.

Destiny 2 requires a lot of grinding to reach the highest Power Level(it’s basically how strong your gear is) possible.

Finally, I will talk about the enemies that you will face in PvE. There are a lot of different types of enemies in the game and all of them have different patterns and attacks and appearance. You won’t feel like you face the same enemies over and over again.


The visuals of this game are top-notch for today’s standards. You won’t feel disappointed. Some of the locations that you will visit in the game will truly amaze you by how beautiful they are. There are a lot of different types of locations and environments that you will visit in the game and they all feel unique.

As for customization, there is a lot of it. There are different shaders that you can unlock as you play the game that will give different colors to your gear and vehicles. There a huge variety of colors so you definitely will find something you like.

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Final Thoughts

Destiny 2 New Light is a great game. The gameplay is solid and fun, the visuals are some of the best you will find today in games, and there is a ton of content that is offered for free. If you like shooter games then I definitely recommend you give this game a chance.

My only problem with this game is that it doesn’t help you understand what you are supposed to do. It took me days to stumble upon the main campaign of the game. When I started it, it felt like I was bombarded with quests and very little explanation of what I had to do.

You will definitely have to research some things on the internet to understand how to do some quests/missions and how to build your character and generally learn what’s what.

Final Verdict

Storyline: 8.5

Gameplay: 9.5

Visuals: 9.4

General Rating: 9.1

That’s it for my review guys, I hope you liked it. If you liked the game leave a comment down below and tell me what you liked the most about this game. See ya in the next article.

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3 League of Legends Problems

3 League of Legends Problems

Before I begin this article, I would like to say that everything here is my personal opinion and I believe every single word I say. I will not sugarcoat anything. If someone feels that this offends him then I can’t do anything about that.

The Players

League of Legends has one of the worst communities in gaming and there is a good reason for it. The game makes people toxic with how it is structured. It forces players in a team with 4 strangers, some of them being trolls and you are stuck with them for at least 15 minutes.

If someone goes afk then too bad for you. You will lose not only 15 minutes of your time or 20 since 4 people agreeing to surrender is rare so early even with afk on the team but you will also lose LP and your MMR will drop.

Now don’t get me wrong. I am ok with losing to a better team and I won’t consider this a waste of time since you can learn something from that kind of loss, but losing a 4vs5 game with afk or losing a game with someone on your team trolling serves no purpose and gives no value to you.

You just get stomped and there is nothing you can do about it. Riot doesn’t care about this and has done nothing to solve this problem. On the contrary, it punishes people with bans when they talk bad to people that want to waste their time and the trolls get 0 punishment except if they do this every single game.

As long as Riot doesn’t do something to fix this the players will keep being toxic.

Champion Updates

This is another problem for me. Champion Updates are bad most of the time and some times they are so bad that Riot reverts them all together. Visual Updates are good and should happen, but Gameplay Updates are a real problem.

Gameplay Updates change a champion so much sometimes that it plays nothing like before. Some of my favorite champions got Gameplay Updates and I rarely play them now because they don’t feel or play the same.

For me, Gameplay Updates should have a minimal impact on how the champion plays, because if you change the thing that people picked the champion for then it’s not the same champion anymore, and the only thing that remains the same is the name.

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The Punishment System

The League of Legends Punishment System sucks. First of all, it’s automated meaning that if you just get many reports you will get punished automatically even if you didn’t say something bad enough to deserve punishment.

Second, when you try to make a ticket to explain the situation Riot, you feel like they don’t care at all about what happened they will just say it’s your fault and behave better next time. I actually have a story about this.

In my first Ranked game this season I had a Nunu in my team that went jungle and had no smite when the game started. At this point, I should mention that when someone goes jungle the game automatically switches one summoner spell to smite so for someone that went jungle to not have Smite they have to manually change Smite to another spell.

I played Kassadin in the midlane at that game. When the game started Nunu decided to come to my lane to farm without asking me. I told him many times to leave my lane since Nunu is literally the only champion in the game that can farm in jungle without any problem even with no Smite since he has an ability that works even better than Smite and can help him survive in jungle with no problem.

Nunu didn’t care about what I had to say and continue to steal my farm in the lane for the duration of the laning phase. I had Kassadin, a champion that needs to farm and needs to level as fast as possible to be useful in a game and having someone stalling that process is devastating.

At some point, I got so frustrated about this that I said some minor insults to him. Here is my chat:

StunyG: no duo
StunyG: I am late game
StunyG: we lost
StunyG: I cant scale
StunyG: scale
StunyG: scale
StunyG: you are nunu
StunyG: go jungle
StunyG: doesn’t matter
StunyG: we lose 2 lanes now
StunyG: go afk
StunyG: you destroy my lane
StunyG: can’t play like this
StunyG: I am tilted
StunyG: with that nunu
StunyG: leave
StunyG: now
StunyG: reported
StunyG: pls report nunu
StunyG: I won’t help you
StunyG: typical first ranked troll in my team fuc**** my lane
StunyG: do jungle
StunyG: jungle
StunyG: you are NUNU
StunyG: OMG
StunyG: you have an ability that is basically smite
StunyG: go farm
StunyG: jungle
StunyG: let me scale
StunyG: yeah have someone distracting you in lane
StunyG: and play good
StunyG: then
StunyG: is this bronze
StunyG: I play a super late game champ
StunyG: and I cant farm
StunyG: go JUNGLE
StunyG: OMG
StunyG: GO
StunyG: you are level 7 for gods sake
StunyG: go jungle
StunyG: and farm
StunyG: doest matter
StunyG: you still get exp
StunyG: and gold
StunyG: yes fuc* my lane
StunyG: and then talk
StunyG: are you really so stupid that you don’t get that I need to farm
StunyG: to be useful
StunyG: draven focuses support
StunyG: you are reported
StunyG: troll
StunyG: you fuc*** my lane to oblivion
StunyG: both reported
StunyG: toxic
StunyG: you don’t have smite
StunyG: smart guys
StunyG: hahaah top carried him
StunyG: and he talks
StunyG: 3/5/8
StunyG: lol
StunyG: thank draven and top nunu
StunyG: you cant back door them
StunyG: wait 5vs5

For this I got 20 games chat restriction. I barely said any words that can be considered verbal abuse to Nunu which he completely deserved and still got chat restriction. This was the final nail in the coffin for me. A few weeks after that I gave up on League of Legends because I had enough of this.

I have to say I actually feel better now that I finally left this frustrating situation where you are powerless when someone decides to ruin your day.

For me, there shouldn’t be a punishment for verbal abuse since you can hear worse things in the street than in the game. I completely agree to punishment for racial insults but to get a ban for saying the F word is a joke. If someone doesn’t like the way you talk to them they can always mute you.

That’s it for my article guys, I hope you liked it. I said things that I thought about for a long time now and finally got around writing an article about them. This was my opinion and you can agree or disagree with what I wrote above.

I will never compromise my writing ethic to be more loved by the audience. I will always write the truth and my 100% honest opinion for the things I write about. See ya in the next article.

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5 World of Warcraft Problems

5 World of Warcraft Problems

Before I begin this article, I would like to say that everything here is my personal opinion and I believe every single word I say. I will not sugarcoat anything. If someone feels that this offends him then I can’t do anything about that.

I can feel the rage from the WoW fans even before I begin writing this.

The Players

The player base of WoW today is around 5 million. This means that 5 million people pay 15 dollars per month to play WoW.

The thing I don’t like about this is that the players feel like this is a fair price for what they get and this for me isn’t true at all.

They get a game that looks like it came out in 2010 and even though they pay 15 dollars a month they still have to pay every 2 years for the new expansion. The latest expansion called Battle for Azeroth costs 50 dollars which for me is laughable when they already have a monthly subscription of 15 dollars and 5 million, players paying. The expansions shouldn’t cost more than 35 dollars like Final Fantasy XIV does which has the same subscription system.

I really can’t understand how a logical person finds this fair.


They showed that they had no interest in what their fans wanted. I mean who could forget what happened with the announcement of Diablo Immortals.

“Don’t you guys have phones?!” This quote will never be forgotten by the gaming world.

They have so much revenue from their games and yet they don’t want to spend even a fraction of that for the games they make to make them good.

Take Warcraft 3 Refunded Reforged for example. They did the bare minimum to improve the graphics. It looks like a 2008 game and it is full of problems. Most people even accuse Blizzard of false advertisement.

I would expect that from a company that doesn’t have a lot of money and tries to get people to play the game but Blizzard has a net worth of billions of dollars and still, they can’t make a half-decent game because they aren’t willing to spend some of those precious dollars for their games.

The Graphics

A game that is considered to be the best MMORPG right now has no excuse having this kind of graphics. It’s 2020 and the game looks like it was made in 2010.

Blizzard makes around 75 million dollars every month only from monthly subscriptions and every 2 years they get even more money from the new expansions. They could easily afford to update the graphics but they won’t even bother. Why would they bother anyway? Their audience won’t mind since they are brainwashed at this point. They say things like “I love these graphics” and “I don’t want better graphics”.

Either they are blinded by nostalgia or they are so addicted to the game that it doesn’t matter to them anymore. Those of you that want to say graphics don’t matter, I will answer to you that is bs and graphics matter as much as the gameplay.

I wouldn’t compromise, a game should have good graphics and good gameplay. It’s not 2000 anymore. I would expect the best graphics possible if I was paying 15 dollars every month plus buying the expansions every 2 years.

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The Payment System

I am not against the monthly subscription payment system when I feel that the game and the studio that made the game deserve this. World of Warcraft is a game that should not have a monthly subscription.

15 dollars a month plus buying new expansions isn’t worth it for this game. Gamers should punish the developers with actions when the developers are greedy as hell.

Unfortunately, the players of WoW don’t do this and as a result, we get games like Warcraft 3 Refunded.

That It Is Still Considered The Best MMORPG

If you search for the top 5 or top 10 MMORPG in most lists you will see World of Warcraft at the top. That for me is totally unfair, because there are games like Guild Wars 2 and Final Fantasy XIV that truly deserve this title.

I tried to start WoW 2 years ago and as soon as I made the character and started the game I was speechless with what I saw. I couldn’t believe that a game that looks so bad has 5 million people paying for it 15 dollars every month. It was unfathomable for me.

I will say it again. I never compromise in gaming. I want games to have both good graphics and good gameplay especially if I have to pay 15 dollars every month to play.

That’s it for my article guys, I hope you liked it. I said things that I thought about for a long time, but I never thought of making an article about them. I am the kind of person that gives credit when it’s due if you have read my past articles you will know this, and WoW doesn’t deserve credit.

I will never compromise my writing ethic to be more loved by the audience. I will always write the truth and my 100% honest opinion for the things I write about. See ya in the next article.

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